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Online Griefers and Trolls - you have NOTHING on LSPD...

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I play this game alot, I wont lie.

I pretty much play free roam solid and, yes I do what everyone else does; I kill and grief, cause havoc and troll - dont flame me for it, everyone does it.

(Unfortunately im STILL looking for a decent crew - to do missions with).


But, of all the players ive fought, killed and been killed by, none of them can match the games biggest online griefers... the LSPD, the Police Department.


These f*ckers are unrelenting killing machines.

I mean, I can barely fire a suppressed pistol on top of a mountain without, 5 seconds later getting 3 squad cars come blazing up the road, sirens and all.


Its mental, lol.


Rockstar need to tone these lot down a wee bit, dont you think?

And they defo need to get rid of auto-aim locking onto police and even pedestrians, over other players... lost count how many times in a fight ive been killed due to locking onto police 100ft away, instad of the player im battling 20ft in front of me.


Defo need to sort that out Rockstar.

Sucks donkey balls, big time.

lost count how many times in a fight ive been killed due to locking onto police 100ft away, instad of the player im battling 20ft in front of me.



Play in free aim lobbies: problem solved?

Edited by Zeta87

And give myself a huge handicap against other players not using free-aim??

Why exactly would I do that?


So im guessing that you think that aiming at a policeman no way near where im looking, whilst in combat with another player - certain death, is ok then?

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Maya Echo Visari

And give myself a huge handicap against other players not using free-aim??

Why exactly would I do that?


So im guessing that you think that aiming at a policeman no way near where im looking, whilst in combat with another player - certain death, is ok then?


What? No silly, everyone uses freeaim in freeaim lobbies lol, you're put into specific servers where everyone is using freeaim.


When you're playing in a freeaim lobby, nobody can use autoaim. It just wouldn't be fair considering how strong the autoaim function in this game is. It would essentially be equivalent to an aimbot hack.


And I don't share the trouble you have with the police.

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The crazy cops in gta 5 is an old topic with complaints emerging within hours of release. Overall the npc's and cops scripted behavior in gta 5 is disappointing and not really very interesting.


It will be interesting to see if the ps4/xbone versions will address some of the dislikes in the ps3/xbox 360 version. Having police behavior in steps like previous gta games would be a start. The pedestrians with more variety of behavior/personalities is also needed.

Edited by jazzbone

the police in this game would be considered to be fairly realistic though wouldnt you think. i doubt you could wander around in real life firing weapons without arousing police suspicion. the only thing i think should be changed, is the auto kill police.. like san andreas and vice city, the police should try to arrest you first. unless of course you fire at them or kill one.


i think the prison in this game is pointless...


it is a totally underutilized feature.


if you were to be arrested, lets say, you would be incarcerated in the prison for a set period depending on the amount of stars you had at the time of arrest. lets say 20 minutes per star. thats actual play time,

BUT... your friends and crew members can aid in your escape. fly you out of there in a chopper for instance. but you should be locked in a cell inside the building. making any attempt at rescuing you more difficult. they could make it a trophy. you could still change lobbies, so you could find one containing friends that can help you. but you would continue to spawn in the prison until your time was up. also, missions should be disabled for your incarceration period.


your friends would have to not only fight off the police and prison guards, they would have to protect someone while they were picking the lock on your cell. then you fight your way out to your waiting chopper...but dont forget to find the ammo locker where they locked up all your incarcerated friends guns.


they could even make it possible for you to pick your own cell and fight your way out yourself... but youd have to steal a weapon from a dead guard. until you collected your own weapons. and actually have help to get over the fence. you could possibly use a merryweather chopper pickup.


now THAT, sounds like a good use of the prison and arrest option.

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As your a free roam griefer,the cops are keeping you in check.But I've heard what you said from a friend who is level 900 and has a KD ratio of 10,so you are correct,however I don't agree with high levels griefing low levels....

Edited by bronzeboyxx

No one "free roams" in free aim lobbies, so it'd be just you running around.

Not True, the Free Aim Amish love to drive by pedestrians thinking how fun it is they can't be shot.....


Put a sticky in the street and stand on the corner, one will be along soon enough!


I don't have a problem with the cops whatsoever. They're not even that hard to escape.


-Go under a highway

-Go inside the underground subway construction site (easiest way)

-Go into the normal subway tunnnels

-Go inside your apartment and wait it out

-Hide in backyards (Vinewood Hills is ideal)

-Climb ladders to the top of buildings and hide (if there are no helicopters)

-Drive really fast on the highway

-Go into LSC

-Hide in the backroom of a store

Edited by BuffyDerVampirKiller
  • Like 1
Maya Echo Visari

The cops are so easy in this game, I honestly wish that they'd bring back that giant ass 'search' circle from GTA IV. Where the only way to evade a wanted level was to branch out of that circle. And if a cop finds you, you have to cover more distance to escape. If your wanted level would get high enough, the police would lock the entire city, or borough, (wherever the hell you are) down, and you'd have to make the best of the situation you're given. Every bridge would be blocked, trains wouldn't stop, and they would force you to use your brain to manuever out of the pickle. In GTA V you can just sit in an alleyway and kiss your 5-star goodbye, (not really, but you get the point). It's boring.


If we could get back those features from IV, and combine that with how aggressive the police are in this game, - Woooweee.


I mean, I can hit an armored truck without using a mask, and I get a three star, and all I would need to do to make an easy getaway is to put on a pair of sunglasses and the helicopters disappear, (that's if by chance I'm quick enough on the inventory that I don't give the police enough time to dispatch an air unit, but it still keeps them from spawning any more). Any crime you commit can easily be taken advantage of by utilizing your accessories.


The accessories trick applies to everything too OP, (except SP, I think, oddly), so that means contact missions, robbing trucks, stores, simeon cars, indiscriminate killing, you name it. You 'accidentally' ran a cop over? Put on/take off your mask/sunglasses and your three-star becomes a two-star, so no helicopters. Combine that with Lester's 'request car' ability, or hijack an NPC's vehicle and kiss your cop troubles goodbye. Just don't take to the offense unless absolutely necessary, otherwise you'll make your situation more difficult.


The cops don't need to be toned down. They just need to stop spawning helicopters on top of us every 20 seconds.

Edited by SevDoggX

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