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[REL] GTA III Debug Menu + Car Spawner for PC

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Grand Theft Auto: III
Debug Menu and Car Spawner




Freeroam only | Debug only

PS: These SCM files are in the Mobile release, i just edited it so it would work on pc


Debug scm:

Force Weather

Cheat mode

Slow Motion (only in Cheat Mode)

Mission Loader

Mission Teleporter

Kill Player

Freeroam scm:

2 Cheetahs at sart

Car Spawner

Car Color Changer

Respawn in nearest Place

Open all doors (eg. Joes Garage)


Just replace one of these scm files with the "main.scm" in the data folder and start a new game


Here are the Controlls, they should work with pc keys but i recommend to use a controller for that (I use a X360 Controller)




CROSS + SQUARE – Kill Player

LEFTSHOULDER1 – Weather Change

LEFTSHOULDER2 – Slow Motion ON/OFF(Screenshot Mode?)


LEFTSHOULDER1 – (“CHEAT MODE”) Write coordinates to file

DPADUP – Teleport To Mission Location

DPADDOWN – Teleport To Previous Mission Location

DPADRIGHT – Load Mission
LEFTSHOULDER1 - Change Car Color



Edited by R4GN0R0K
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these smell like mobile remnants

  • Like 3
  • 10 months later...

May not be the right place to post this but today I modified Silent's GInput for III to enable the second pad. This means I got access to the debug mode in the game, it works like this: R3 cycles through weathers, R1 fast forwards the time, circle toggles the debug camera. In the debug camera mode you look around with the left stick, go forward with square, go backward with x, and teleport the player to the camera with R2. Pretty cool stuff :)

EDIT: forgot start toggles HUD. I wanted to try to make a video of this but it's unnecessarily tedious...


Edited by The Hero

I enabled it on PS2 now as well with this code:



.set noreorderGetPad__4CPadFi = 0x281540Update__4CPadFs = 0x281870; at 0x282C58 in memory; at 0x182CD8 in SLES_503.30    jal   GetPad__4CPadFi    li    $4,1    move  $4,$2    jal   Update__4CPadFs    li    $5,1    lq    $31,0($29)    jr    $31    addiu $29,$29,16
http://aap.papnet.eu/gta/SLES_503.30_dbg (don't click directly! Right click -> save as)


You can make a new iso with this (you have to figure that out yourself) or just use pcsx2. Have the gta3 iso selected in pcsx2 but boot my modified file as elf.

Edited by The Hero
  • Like 3

Triplepost, wooo. I made a pnach patch for these things now: http://aap.papnet.eu/gta/581954FC.pnach. If you make a GTA3 iso (make sure to have SYSTEM.CNF and SLES_503.30 at the right LBA!) and put in main_d.scm and main_freeroam.scm from mobile into the data dir, you can use this patch to load these instead of main.scm instead.

Edited by The Hero
  • 9 months later...

But it doesn't work with keyboard either. And I didn't release the modified Ginput either :p Maybe the patch could be integrated into an official GInput release...I think I've talked to Silent about this some time ago.

Rachel Amber

i have question about it in the debug scm when you teleport from 1 town to another town like from stauton island to portland there is a some text and missing did this text is in mobile version files in text file? tell me if yes tell me what is there so i add this to my game ;)

Edited by NOskillx
  • 11 months later...

May not be the right place to post this but today I modified Silent's GInput for III to enable the second pad. This means I got access to the debug mode in the game, it works like this: R3 cycles through weathers, R1 fast forwards the time, circle toggles the debug camera. In the debug camera mode you look around with the left stick, go forward with square, go backward with x, and teleport the player to the camera with R2. Pretty cool stuff :)

EDIT: forgot start toggles HUD. I wanted to try to make a video of this but it's unnecessarily tedious...



Interesting fella, anyway I need to access debug camera.


question is I have the "debug menu" in the menu but it dosen't work when I bind with PC buttons as I don't have a controller for now. To clarify things, I guess it's only accessible via controller and GInput combined, is that correct?


Secondly, can you control the speed of the debug camera movement with the left stick or is it at fixed speed only? Can't really tell in the video.


and finally is this worth doing this for over the current cleo camhack for III? (I can get claude to move on the cleo camhack by glitch)


- Cheers

Edited by Will Lorenzo Cooper

My changed to ginput have not been integrated into the official version so there's not much you can do atm. With the patch i posted above you can try it out in the PS2 game though, most easily done in pcsx2.

My changed to ginput have not been integrated into the official version so there's not much you can do atm. With the patch i posted above you can try it out in the PS2 game though, most easily done in pcsx2.

Ok thanks, I'll just stick to the cleo camhack.

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Just realized my original question was stupid.

Let me correct it, as the mobile version still has those scripts, is there a way to port the pc debug menu to the mobile version of the game?

Or I  shalluse other kind of hardware.

Maybe an hdmi adapter and a pc with a controll adapter?


Edited by Memeator
  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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