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First person or third person?

First person or third person?  

150 members have voted

  1. 1. Driving?

    • First person!
    • Third person!
  2. 2. On foot?

    • First person!
    • Third person!
  3. 3. Combat?

    • First person!
    • Third person!

Recommended Posts

Hey all,


What mode are you planning to play with once you are able to play the game, first person or third person? Just want to judge the scale of people that are actually wanting to play first person.


EDIT: Split the polls into 3 sections, sorry for the loss of votes :p

Edited by Rockwheels
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FIrst person for roaming and driving and 3rd person for combat since I'll have more field of view especially when in cover so...




Edited by GTA-Freak-Vi
  • Like 2

First person. I didn't play many deathmatches in gtao because they felt akward to me. I've been playing FPS games since the original Doom and Wolfenstein 3D so first person is a welcome addition. I also always race using the in car view so I'm glad we finally get a dashboard.

Obviously everyone with this version will try out 1st person, me included.


But half of what GTA has become was about customizing your character. I like making Trevor where a funny t shirt with a Mexican wrestler mask, and making Michael look like Michael Madsen. I like to feel as if i'm watching them in a movie sometimes.


So if I can't see my character whats the point of all this 1st person stuff.

Edited by sweetbrother

voted all third, ill try fp in single player a few times, but I likes my third person


first person in car...


whats the point customiszing your vehicle?

  • Like 1

When I think first person, I think of Call of Duty, so I'll be trying to use the CoD controls. CD


I do think that I'll use both though, just whatever I'm in the mood for.

When I think first person, I think of Call of Duty, so I'll be trying to use the CoD controls. CD


I do think that I'll use both though, just whatever I'm in the mood for.

When I think first person, I think of Call of Duty, so I'll be trying to use the CoD controls. CD


I do think that I'll use both though, just whatever I'm in the mood for.

When I think first person, I think of Call of Duty, so I'll be trying to use the CoD controls. XD


I do think that I'll use both though, just whatever I'm in the mood for.

When I think first person, I think of Call of Duty, so I'll be trying to use the CoD controls. XD


I do think that I'll use both though, just whatever I'm in the mood for.

Ill be playing in first person for a while to see what its like. I do see myself switching back to third person for online however. Im thinking the limited peripheral vision will be a hinderance in online.

Edited by Headdogg81
Jerking For Soup

I would drive in 3rd person and when I pull over my car I would use 1st person to appreciate the work R* have done with the interior, roam around in first person and shoot in first person.


I play a lot of 1st person games, mainly Counter-strike. I Did play COD up until BO1 but now it just an overrated piece of Sh*t and BF3, Farcry and Fallout.

For the story I am going with full First person this time. When I played the old gen version, I played on Assisted Aim, then after completing and getting the medals went free aim. On Online went Free Aim instantly until it got too hard to find lobbies to play in - I now play on Assisted Aim again but I just don't squeeze the lock on trigger too hard, so basically it's still free aim lol. I think it's more fun that way.


So when I pick up the game first thing I do is start up the Single Player on First Person with Free aim. If GTA Online has FPV only lobbies, I will turn it on there as well and just switch around depending on what I prefer after the campaign.

My PS3 died a few days ago, but I don't care because now that the 1st person mode is confirmed, my needs are simple: I need a PS4 and I shall sell my granny to buy one... or at least I would if she was still alive.


As for how I will play, this is also a simple one: First-person constant, all HUD turned off.


It's what I've always dreamed of and I can't believe I don't have a console to play it on.

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