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g fwho is looking forward to making videos?

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I've wanted to make gtao videos but didn't feel like shelling out $ for a capture card. Now with xb1 and ps4 you can capture game footage right to your console and then upload it to a server so you can get it on your pc and edit it. I can't wait to recreate a few classic movie and tv scenes

I also plan on doing a Dukes montage with this rebel radio song.

Can a mod fix the title? i was posting this on my phone and i don't know how the g and f got in there. Edited by blk95ta
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On PS4 you have to send your videos to facebook or youtube, wait about an hour depending on the length, then you can download them from youtube in a shotty compressed 720p 30 fps quality. NEXT GEN



its convenient though..

On PS4 you have to send your videos to facebook or youtube, wait about an hour depending on the length, then you can download them from youtube in a shotty compressed 720p 30 fps quality. NEXT GEN



its convenient though..

Xbox one you can upload them to a cloud server and wait 2-3 mins and download them directly to your pc. You can only record 5 mins at a time but for the kinds of videos i want to do, 5 mins is plenty since i will have to do different parts anyway.

I'm excited to see what people are going to make, seeing how much stuff people could do with IV. However, I think the full potential will come out when the PC version comes out..

Also, I really don't look forward to all those Youtube f*ckers to upload even more bullsh*t haha

On PS4 you have to send your videos to facebook or youtube, wait about an hour depending on the length, then you can download them from youtube in a shotty compressed 720p 30 fps quality. NEXT GEN



its convenient though..

Or you can transfer directly to usb...



On PS4 you have to send your videos to facebook or youtube, wait about an hour depending on the length, then you can download them from youtube in a shotty compressed 720p 30 fps quality. NEXT GEN



its convenient though..

Or you can transfer directly to usb...


I tried that before, it uploads to youtube faster....

Twitch & Youtuibe is gonna crash on 11/18 with all the kiddies streaming every little thing they do in GTA...



On PS4 you have to send your videos to facebook or youtube, wait about an hour depending on the length, then you can download them from youtube in a shotty compressed 720p 30 fps quality. NEXT GEN

its convenient though..

Or you can transfer directly to usb...


I tried that before, it uploads to youtube faster....


Or you can use the ShareFactoy and edit your video and upload it directly to youtube from there.



On PS4 you have to send your videos to facebook or youtube, wait about an hour depending on the length, then you can download them from youtube in a shotty compressed 720p 30 fps quality. NEXT GEN



its convenient though..

Xbox one you can upload them to a cloud server and wait 2-3 mins and download them directly to your pc. You can only record 5 mins at a time but for the kinds of videos i want to do, 5 mins is plenty since i will have to do different parts anyway.you can twitch stream and upload streams to youtube but xbone twitch quality is sh*t and it gets worse transferring to youtube

I'm already making my cod videos. Just editing out all my deaths and score screens :p

Why not go all the way and 3D animate your gameplays so you kick everyones ass?

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I'm excited, but I wish we got an in game editor like PC GTA IV had.

We will be getting that...




Grand Theft Auto V for PC will also feature a video editor designed for advanced movie-making.

I just thought of another movie and or TV show i want to recreate.


The end scene for Dirty Mary Crazy Larry




or the intro for the Fall Guy which includes part of the above clip.



A light greenish yellow dukes with a sticky bomb hidden inside should work quite nicely to depict the famous crash. I would probably get someone to help me film the chopper scene from the movie and then just cut the scene and put itin the fall guy intro.

I'm excited, but I wish we got an in game editor like PC GTA IV had.


not having the in game editor doesn't bother me that much since i plan on ripping audio from DVD's and dubbing it over the video to recreate the movie scenes.


its realy the one thing....recorders are expensive on their own....the efectiveness of reporting players that deserve to be in the bs lobby woud be awsome :)

I can't stand watching videos of other people playing video games. I keep wanting to grab the damn controller out of their hands.

I can't stand watching me play video games tbh. 90% of the time I'm yelling "how the f*ck did I miss that"

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