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Marty McFly

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Why is it not compatible with newest CLEO? Why do you use other CLEO.asi file?


Nevertheless I want to say that mod is your the best. Starting from structure of files to whole effect. Day is so good and nice, but night... Night is just stunning. I don't have words to write how much night impress me :). One of the best thing is that mod perfectly hides imperfection of old car models and small resolution textures. This game only needs shadows for all objects, maybe in future.


And thanks for changing ENB font (when game starts). That green one was awful. Such small things show how careful you are.

Edited by damiann69
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Why is it not compatible with newest CLEO? Why do you use other CLEO.asi file?


Nevertheless I want to say that mod is your the best. Starting from structure of files to whole effect. Day is so good and nice, but night... Night is just stunning. I don't have words to write how much night impress me :). One of the best thing is that mod perfectly hides imperfection of old car models and small resolution textures. This game only needs shadows for all objects, maybe in future.


And thanks for changing ENB font (when game starts). That green one was awful. Such small things show how careful you are.

Try to change the script format from .cs to .cs4/.cs3 it should work

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Why is it not compatible with newest CLEO? Why do you use other CLEO.asi file?


Nevertheless I want to say that mod is your the best. Starting from structure of files to whole effect. Day is so good and nice, but night... Night is just stunning. I don't have words to write how much night impress me :). One of the best thing is that mod perfectly hides imperfection of old car models and small resolution textures. This game only needs shadows for all objects, maybe in future.


And thanks for changing ENB font (when game starts). That green one was awful. Such small things show how careful you are.

Try to change the script format from .cs to .cs4/.cs3 it should work


It helped.


BTW How to increase range (radius) of DOF?

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Wat. I'm using all the files, and getting black screen. I tried to remove the files one-by-one and black screen only present if I have enbeffect.fx file there.



btw I think the new enb itself isn't compatible with my vgacard because with just the plain enb without any plugins makes many glitches, basically nothing is good, every effect is bugged somehow.

Edited by nyolc8
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Impossible to say what's wrong. Did you try to install ENB 0.248 on a clean installation? Just put the CD in your computer and install it again. I always keep an untouched SA folder somewhere, this saved my life many times.



OH wait a second. I had this when I reinstalled my Windows. The black screen is still there when ENB is toggled with Shift+F12?

Edited by Marty McFly
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I removed the effect.txt.ini file (it recreated it with just a technique=0 line) and now I got it working but obviously (because many settings gone) I think it's not perfect:



I also removed the effect.txt.ini file, but I still got black screen :cry:

But the game runs fine without ENB enabled (Shift+F12)

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Now I put back the file and it still works... lol? Now I have no idea why it works xd

But it's waaay too dark for me.


edit: I realised I didn't changed the timecyc, and now it's better with it, but still way too vivid and dark.


Also a problem: the headlight texture isn't lights up for some reason.


edit2: the light problem related to the reflection, because if I disable that, lights working fine. Also I think reflection isn't even working for me.

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I just tried a stock 0.248 enb and headlight texture isn't working (and car reflection works only partly) with that too. So I think your mod is really nice especially at night time, I love those bokehs!


I'm really sad for that headlight bug in the enb itself, it makes me use my old 0.75 enb graphics config :( But if this headlight bug gets fixed in enb, I'll sure use your enb config/plugins :)

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Yes, don't alt-tab. Seriously, I have no idea why many of you have those weird problems, I play with ENB for 5 years now and never had the slightest problems. I must be doing something wrong.

Edited by Marty McFly
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Screenshot #1 and #2: Project Oblivion 2010 HQ. Not the 1.1 one, it contains bugs and is just a mix of original mod and some new textures. Screenshot #3: dunno, I see no trees. Screenshot #4: BSOR American Dream.

Edited by Marty McFly
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