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Cara Delevingne announces radio update's for GTAV are coming this

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There are a few pictures of her at R* HQ as well as the main one i have linked with Lazlow and the caption that reads. "Back with @rockstargames to update my GTAV radio station Non Stop Pop FM for new versions coming this Fall!


Looks like it's happening then!


UPDATE - This is now confirmed by Rockstar! - http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/52308/grand-theft-auto-v-release-dates-and-exclusive-content

Edited by Luk38644

really hoping they update more than the pop station

Even though rockstar can be incompetent at times. I really don't they would update only one radio station.


C'mon man use some common sense

hopefully some of the new music makes it into the last gen versions as well through an update.


also, sort of unrelated, but i love listening to cara on the pop station sometimes. she's just so cheery, it kinda lightens the mood.

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I hope they can put this one on LSRR



Hell, this would make me get even more jets out of the military base.

Edited by zSaintX

I would love Katy, Hilary, Miley, britney, Lindsay, Amy and Lady GaGa : )

And Ariana Grande, you forgot about Ariana Grande.


Isn't Cara together with that hot F n' F Rodriguez chick?

Yep. Hottest couple ever
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