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Content Creator Wishlist


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Go here for the (next-gen) up-to-date list!


This list is mainly for old-gen and I won't be updating it as I am no longer on old-gen. In the future I will add the next-gen wishlist here too and hide the (updated?) old-gen wishlist under a spoiler. Any help is welcome!


- Only post additions to the list, try not to repeat what's already there.
- Post 'realistic' wishes and suggestions!
- Post suggestions and wishes that are related to the Content Creator!

In the last updates R* neglected the Content Creator, and failed to communicate towards the creator community. The flaws keep building up. This is a summary of all content creator bugs, suggestions and wishes.

The topic, once started by DrAtomic has been outdated and it's about time that someone summarizes all the good ideas out there. I truly hope everyone of you sends this list to R* so we might get something done. Everyone using the creator can profit from this. Submit a ticket/request here, or send it through mail:[email protected] or [email protected].

Please, upvote this support ticket!

Remember, this list is a summary of suggestions and wishes from the previous topic and the result of experiences from very active and weathered content creators. If you think you should be credited for a specific suggestion, PM me.



  • Dynamics are still bugged as once you pick one up it changes to a normal prop category!
  • A small area in Fort Zancudo is still restricted.
  • (Capture Creator) Pressing circle when editing an actor (which should reset the actor to the last position he was in) resets the whole capture back to the last saved version. The first time this happened all the capture settings were reset back to the defaults, the title of the capture deleted and a copy of the capture was created. Every subsequent time the capture reset, but settings remained unchanged.
  • (Capture Creator) Actors don't display on the map, or the wrong actor count is displayed along the bottom when placing actors. Actors change from the actor blip to the "enemy" blip - this seems to be the cause of the issue.
  • (Capture Creator) When editing an actor with a bag placed on him, the bag no longer moves away from the actor - instead deleting itself. Also, during testing the bag still remains visible but un-captureable.
  • (Capture Creator) The red dome for actors changes size but the number in the menu doesn't move from 5.0m so it's unsure if stationary / wander actually work anymore.

These bugs have been fixed on new-gen but are still on all old-gen platforms!!!

/Please report when these were fixed as I'm on PS4 only.

  • Stacking props is only works if you spam X
  • The prop switch glitch has been made near impossible (props go invisible when hovering over other props)
  • You can't edit a placed checkpoint into a new direction, you must delete it and place a new checkpoint in the direction you want. Editing old races is now impossible as you have to delete the whole race do edit a checkpoint.
  • Ability to place weapons/vehicles onto props has been disabled
  • Waves have been removed from the ocean, now all jobs that use them are destroyed. Please give us a weather option so we can turn waves on/off.
  • Job invites of custom jobs have the wrong description in the phone invite!!
  • When set to Forced+Pickups it gives you your custom weapon (with silencer, color etc.)
  • When picking up a dynamic prop and switching to the barriers category (and back?) it glitches out and gives you the abiltiy to place 120 dynamic props, of which 100 act as normal props. In other words, picking up dynamic props makes the creator glitch out. It also works the way around, where you can place normal props, functioning as dynamic props.
  • Move/slide glitch works only if you spam X
  • The Double Float prop sinks when you stand on it in-game.


  • All 23DLC weapons are missing! To place and lock! (Antique Cavalry Dagger, Broken Bottle, Hammer, Hatchet, Stun Gun, Pistol .50, Heavy Pistol, SNS Pistol, Vintage Pistol, Assault SMG, Gusenberg Sweeper, Bullpup Shotgun, Musket, Heavy Shotgun, Special Carbine, Bullpup Rifle, Marksman Rifle, Firework Launcher, Rail Gun, Homing Launcher, Proximity Mines, Snowballs, Flare Gun). At least give us a reason why they are not in the creator? What is the use of DLC if it can't be forced,...
  • Possibility to jump/climb in character view has been removed from the DM, Capture and LTS creator
  • Unarmed, Parachute and Armor have been removed from the locked weapon option
  • Spawn points/team start points can not be placed on props anymore.
  • The model memory glitches out as soon as your variety of props/actors/weapons/vehicles is too high. Especially in the capture creator actors & weapons make it glitch out. At least let us place us all of the given props/vehicles/actors/weapons,... (f.e. the difference between what a valkyrie takes for memory compared to a buzzard is enormous,...)
  • Placed parachutes do not work in GTA Races anymore.
  • The weapon placement limit has been randomly reduced from 50 to 40, causing a lot of deathmatches to have to be remade. Please higher it up again. Maybe even to 60? Especially since the 30 player limit.
  • (DM Creator) When forced to Smoke Grenade it forces Sticky Bomb and when forced to Sticky Bomb it forces Smoke Grenade!!? (PS4)
  • A lot of new props are not snapped to the ground! (floating): Barriers: Single Sand Block, Triple Sand Block, Sand Block Edge, Sand Block Corner, Sand Block Stack, Sand Block Fort. Wreckage: Red Car Wreck. Rocks and Trees: Plant Group, Large Bush, Cactus, Large Rock, Medium Rock, Old Fallen Tree, Fallen Tree.
  • Props randomly disappear/go invisible, some are still there if you pick them up. Might be area-affected.
  • The hitbox area is too big for the two trees and the old fallen tree! Please make it smaller so it is more easily placeable.
  • The sensitivity of the team start points has been increased ridiculously, all tiles that aren't even make them unplaceable. And once you find a spot where it fits you have to slide it to the wanted un-placeable area, which is ridiculous.
  • When you change vehicle class after a race 'test' into whatever other class, the race has now to be retested. Please change it back, as it is now impossible to make parkour races!
  • In aerial view the camera gets stuck looking straight down and you have to move left/right to unlock it. (this also happens in various game menus)
  • Pile of Boxes prop is now twice in the Crates and Boxes category. (left AND right of the Float Pile)
  • Vehicles fall through the 'Floating Platform' prop.
  • Dynamic props fall through normal props when the team start points are not close too them. The same for some vehicles.
  • The aerial and character view should both be non-contact 'objects'? There is also no option to look straight down.
  • (Capture Creator) Vehicle/actor respawns go to nearest street/pathway rather than original location....Behave like freemode player respawns?
  • (Capture Creator) Can't set invincibility on/off
  • (Capture Creator) Capture objects and vehicles often stop respawning.
  • (Deathmatch Creator) The Karin Futo is under the Sedans class instead of under the sports class.
  • (Capture Creator: Hold) Actors Freeze:
  • (Capture Creator) Capture objects fall through ramps!!
  • (Race Creator) Missing vehicles: Sedan: Stratum, Intruder, Ingot, Stretch, Regina, Romero Hearse, Emperor. SUV: Rocoto, Fathom FQ 2, Habanero. Coupes: Zion, Prairie. Muscle: Rat-Loader, Voodoo. Sports Classic: Peyote, Manana. Sports: Sentinel, Oracle, Penumbra, Futo, Buffalo, Surano, Schwartzer, Elegy RH8. Motorcycles: Hexer. Other: Blazer Lifeguard. More?
  • (Deathmatch, Capture & LTS Creator) Missing vehicles: Compacts: Blista. Coupes: Prairie, Exemplar, Ocelot F620, Enus Cognoscenti Cabrio. Sedan: Stratum, Ingot, Stanier, Tailgater, Intruder, Asterope, Stretch, Premier, Asea, Surge, Romero Hearse, Washington, Primo. Muscle: Ruiner, Hotknife, Voodoo, Vigero, Sabre Turbo, Picador, Buccaneer. Sports: Sentinel, Oracle, Fusilade, Comet, Penumbra, Sultan, Carbonizzaire, Rapid GT, Surano, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Elegy RH8, Khamelion. Sports Classics: Peyote, Z-Type, Monroe, JB700. Super: Bullet, Adder, Vacca, Infernus. SUV: Radius, Rocoto, Fathom FQ 2, Landstalker, Seminole, Gresley, Serrano, Dubsta. Off-Road: Sandking SWB, Blazer Lifeguard, Rancher XL, Mesa (Merryweather), Duneloader. Motorcycles: Bagger, PCJ 600, Ruffian, Carbon RS, Double-T, Akuma. Cycles: Tri-Cycles Race Bike, Endurex Race Bike, Scorcher. More?
  • Description bugs: The forbidden words are random. Words like 'night', 'sniper', 'Cluckin' and 'faggio' are forbidden, but you allow 'butt', 'anal' and 'ass',...? At least allow all the brands and words you have put into this game yourself.
  • (Race Creator) When switching from aerial view to character view the view is always in first person and in the sideway direction of which the aerial view was in?
  • Upon switching between camera modes the view will also change. Have it memorize the last view it was in.
  • (Capture Creator) Actors are glitching out the Model Memory, causing it to rise by 50%.
  • When loading a previously saved Deathmatch. Picking up a Large Corrugated Cabin causes it to disappear permanently. You can't grab or move already placed white cabins. Later after testing they come back as Blue Construction Fences.
  • When holding an already placed Non-Dynamic Prop and switching the category to Dynamic, it causes a random Non-Dynamic Prop on the map to disappear (or invisible, but still there) and later after testing re-appear as a Blue Construction Fence.
  • The test mode map is different than the in-game map. (f.e. some fences are open in test mode but closed online, some signs are invisible in test mode but appear online)
  • Plane respawns are different in test mode and in-game. In test mode they use one of the three alternate spawn locations, while in-game you will spawn in the center of the checkpoint unless multiple people are respawning. In test you spawn at idle, while in-game you spawn at top speed.
  • Making sure the whole description isn't deleted the moment you exceed 500 letters, or when you use a word that is not allowed. (mark the word with ***?)
  • When in test mode, sometimes a black screen appears and you have to restart the game losing all unsaved progress.
  • At some point dynamic props glitch the game (might involve the Merryweather Crate. f.e. show -2/20 dynamic props)
  • (Capture Creator) When a boat is the team vehicule, the respawn area is false and the player respawns in a random location.
  • Tanker Group prop got deleted from the Machinery tab.
  • When a PS3 custom Capture job is played on PS4, the respawn vehicles are smoking, and explode with one crash.
  • If a LTS is included in a playlist you don't have the option to vote!! Only when launched seperately you can like/no vote/dislike.
  • ...


  • More ramp options (f.e. wider ramps, concave and convex ramps, half pipes, quarter pipes, earth berms, pyrotechnic ramps, etc.)
  • Props in air races (f.e. air gates, this was promised?)
  • Different color options for props (f.e. the blue van wreckage can be found in red in LS)
  • More light source props (f.e. street light, strobe lights, sexy lanterns, campfires, beach fires, etc.)
  • Message boards (with about 5 letters: slow, fast, speed, jump, brake, curve, sharp, turn,... etc.)
  • A more diverse set of barriers, such as curved barriers
  • Ability to lock suitable barriers onto eachother.
  • Glass & bulletproof glass
  • Dynamic curbing
  • Grand Prix style rumble strips
  • Sponsored props (LS customs, Clucking Bell, Merrywheater Security,... etc.)
  • (Deathmatch & Capture Creator) Vehicle wishlist: Go-kart! Sloop, dakar?, HVY Cutter, Airport Bus, Tourbus, HVY Forklift, Docktug, Ripley, Classic Towtruck, Tractor, Skylift, Atomic Blimp, Space Docker,... More?
  • More props for house building. Doors, windows, roofs, chimneys, brick walls, more wooden walls, etc.
  • Very low props to help jump over small barriers.
  • Paint to write on concrete roads or walls. To paint words, lines and arrows (can be templates/stickers too)
  • Ladders. To stick to other props or walls.
  • An open container on both sides so we can make tunnels.
  • The big floating platform, but without the barriers stuck on it!
  • Small bridges
  • Dynamic crates/containers that can be picked up by the Dock Handler or Cargobob
  • Anything currently in the map that moves when you hit it with a car should be placeable.
  • Burning wreckage
  • Paintball-like cover props
  • Big mirrors (Enter the Dragon!)
  • Spike strips (the line that pops tires)

  • Toilet, vault, snowman, big red air cones,...
  • ...


  • Allow stacking. Make it an option? Give us the ability to place props on any prop!
  • Ability to place props/capture objects/vehicles underwater (not only non-sea areas)
  • Better categorization. Some of the dynamic props are in other categories? The barrier category is too full! Spread it over multiple categories?
  • Ability to rotate props in any direction!
  • XYZ & degree coordinates
  • Magnetic prop option to allign props.
  • Vertical 'stretch' option for ramps (instead of small, medium, large)
  • Possibility to delete existing props (f.e. all in-game street lanterns, dynamic props, fences, trees, barriers, wooden telegraph pole, etc.)
  • Ability to select a group of props!
  • Have props clip through other props like the 'single rusty fence' prop (it is like a ghost through vast objects)
  • Vertical movement: No direct way to keep a certain height level
  • Vertical movement: Change from R3 & L3 to R2 & L2 (When selected, camera angle distance from prop locks) for more precise placement. Any other keys would work better than R3 & L3,...
  • Ability to set damage level of vehicles (burnt out, smoking, etc.)
  • Dynamic barrel line and the electric sign only point in one direction. Ability to make them point in the other direction?
  • The use of the Merryweather Ammunition crate is a mystery and it seems to cause all kinds of glitching.
  • Ability to take cover behind the back and side of a ramp!
  • Buoys can not be glitched on land anymore.
  • You can not shoot through the holes in the dynamic pipe stack.
  • The single and double metal fence gate feel like they are out of place. Maybe it is because the placement 'cursor' is not in the center of the prop? (same with the wooden bench)
  • ...


  • Removing the (BETA) text from the Creator was a bad idea
  • Ability to use a creation as a template for a different creator type (f.e. copy a deathmatch and make it into a LTS or Capture!). When pressing triangle (to copy) have it ask for what creator you want to copy it so it copies all props!
  • Please unlock all newly restricted areas!!! There are places that are not truly 'interior' that are now restricted (car parks, garages, sewers, subways, highway tunnels, train tunnels, etc.). Why would you restrict all this? Imagine the creativity? At least give us a reason!
  • A time and weather dial. Time dial in hours and weather dial divided into lightning, thunder, rain, sunshine, clouds, mist, sandstorms, snow, heavy rain, wind speed, etc. Especially good to make air or water races more interesting? Also, when set to night, it's not the darkest GTA can get,...
  • Higher prop limit
  • Higher weapon limit
  • Next to the forced weapon have a possibility to set the respawn weapon (Zorvaine)
  • Advanced Weapon Settings: (applicable for the forced weapon, the respawn weapon and the pick-up weapons!) Class: Assault Rifles, Weapon: Carbine Rifle, Ammo: 0/9999, Scope: On/Off, Grip: On/Off, Supressor: On/Off, Show on Map: On/Off . Also gives us the option to give teams custom weapon sets. Example: Team 1 Forced Weapons are Pistols, Shotguns & Grenades. All of which would have specific options mentioned above. (Zorvaine)
  • Additional Settings when placing a Vehicle & Respawn Vehicles: Class: Sports, Vehicle: Buffalo, Color: , Livery: , Health: 0%/100% , Bulletproof Tires On/Off, Turbo On/Off, Access: Team 1/2/3/4, Show on Map: On/Off (Zorvaine)
  • Trigger to turn off randomly spawning parked vehicles and pedestrians.
  • Ability to completely hide the map (even hide the big map when pressing start) + HUD (especially handy & scary for LTS)
  • Please make ALL indoor areas accessible (Open the door to the Garment Factory, Torture Chamber, Police Stations, FIB Building, etc.)
  • Player Blip Options: settting which team can view who and how/when they can see them on the map
  • Team specific weapons! (pick-ups & forced)
  • Ability to lock down presets (i.e. force the map to be played at night time).
  • Ability to force suits on teams (this is definately possible now as it is now an option for heists and adversary modes)
  • Ability to spawn trains. Set spawn points + timers for trains (multiple!) (apart from the traffic on/off)
  • Ability to preset the team names (for example team 1 name = Robbers, team 2 name = Merryweather security)
  • Add the Aircraft Carrier (from the Humane Labs Raid) & the Cruise Ship (from Series-A Funding) to the creator (to be placed once)
  • Trigger to hide/show weapons (once close, it appears on the map)
  • Vehicle liveries!! (closed-open, etc.)
  • Ability to force being drunk/stoned!
  • Ability to preset a GPS route
  • Rewards for creators! Medals, tattoo's or other special mods when a certain 'like' level or amount of races/deathmatches has been made+played?
  • Ability to turn off homing options for weapons/vehicles (eg. turn off homing missiles for Hydra, Lazer, Buzzard, Savage)

  • Ability to set a specific wanted level (team specific for DM's and Captures)
  • Multiple creators. The ability to work on a creation with multiple players (at the same time?)? (though this is now 'possible' with share play, it would still be a great addition to have it in-game)
  • Reduce distance between opposing team start points to 2m?
  • Ease up on the flat surface restriction. It's almost impossible to place a race starting grid/trigger anywhere that isn't a road.
  • Effect activation triggers (when hitting it activating fire, fireworks, explosions, rain, etc.)
  • Ability to search by name for jobs on Social Club
  • Increase the description cap
  • Ability to host your own creation as a spectator
  • More 'music' options apart from "Action" or "Chase"
  • Ability to aim with a gun to place props/weapons.
  • New vehicle categories: 'Tuner' for those vehicles in between coupe and sports (Buffalo, Futo, Sultan,..?) and 'Racecars' for the vastly superior race versions of the Massacro and Jester
  • ...


  • Higher prop limit & more checkpoints!
  • Ability to force weapons in GTA mode! (like the forced/owned/pickups weapon option in the deathmatch creator!) GTA Races are now ruined by sticky bombs & proximity mines.
  • Ability to set the checkpoint arrow to custom direction, and have an option between 1, 2 or 3 chevrons!!
  • Ability to convert a checkpoint into the starting grid! (and make it automatically renumber the rest of the CP's)
  • Shorter lap option: If your race is under 'x' amount of miles the race has to have at least 'y' amount of laps (locked minimum).
  • Ability to place checkpoints on top of each other! Meaning the spacing between checkpoints should also be reduced. Specific checkpoints that are not following up to eachother. (f.e. checkpoint 5 is allowed to be in the same location as checkpoint 3 or 7, but not 4 or 6)
  • Ability to preset catchup, slipstream and custom cars
  • Ability to place vehicles in races! Maybe a toggle to lock (close) them?
  • There should be other options for grid ordering, (f.e. fastest lap time in previous races on that track, average finish etc.)
  • Resizing of checkpoints / checkpoint structure variety (f.e. in air races, all different trick checkpoints form the SA Flight School (f.e. knife flight checkpoint, or parachute bail checkpoint))
  • Ability to make the small CP (when placed under objects/roofs) into a large CP
  • Aerial checkpoints in land races = vertical placement for checkpoints
  • Ability to have bigger team GTA races (instead of max 2 people per team)
  • Make the vehicles in the starting grid non-contact (in the content creator)! When testing the track (as character view, not in test mode) you bump straight into them! This seems to be bugged, as sometimes the vehicles are contact objects, sometimes they are non-contact???
  • Multi-Class racing: (f.e. motorcycles + offroad). This also allows for multiple winners. There can be an overall winner (winner of the fastest class in the race) and winners for the other classes.
  • Support for 2 tier “multi-class” racing within 1 race. Either 2 different classes (e.g. sports and supers) or split the existing classes into tier 1 and tier 2 (e.g. Buffalo and Massacro) (Credit Broughy1322)
  • Possibilty to see the effective areas of checkpoints maybe in a light yellow? (as now the 'hit' area goes beyond the blue border)
  • Dual/multi-path checkpoints to create multi route races
  • Ability to change the vehicle respawn positions (the three vehicles in different positions: Like it is now in a triangle, all next to eah other and all behind each other)
  • Ability to lock down race modes (i.e. take out any combination of Normal, GTA, GTA Team or Rally).
  • Ability to lock custom cars (f.e. only stock and custom Entity FX)
  • Ability to use custom vehicles in test mode
  • Fastest lap support for created content i.e. leaderboards for created content
  • Ability to create marathons or mutliple vehicle races (start on foot, take a bycicle, swim, motorcycle, parachute.) Or foot races only. For now this is only possible when set tot GTA race (where weapons can not be disallowed).
  • New grid organizing system: equal ordening as the finishing order of the previous race, reverse it so the winner starts at the back, or set it to random to really mix it up (credit Broughy1322)
  • Allow trucks in races. And trailers to them. Respawn when the trailer is lost? We would be able to create our own Hasta La Vista races if there would be multi-class races and trucks available,...
  • Allow busses and all other missing vehicles!
  • Non-Contact (Temporary) option to allow races to start from non-contact and revert to contact after 30? seconds (and requiring no cars be touching when the switch happens). This will make the horrible first turn crash a thing of the past (Credit Broughy1322)
  • Separate stunt races from “proper” races. Any race with a (stacked?) ramp should be forced into a “stunt race” category.
  • Ability to place turbo boosts on land in sea races
  • Ability to make marked points (GPS)
  • Ability to mark police roadblock locations or even gang-related roadblocks.
  • Small boat starting grids for jetski races.
  • Stacked starting grid for non-contact races
  • Interval starting grid (every player launches after f.e. 10 seconds, winner gets decided by the race time.)
  • Allow starting grid to be modified!
  • Team specific CP's for team GTA race.
  • Safety Rating (SR)! Credit to iRacing. Safety rating will be placed alongside the players' rank. Similar to mental state, your safety rating will go up as you make contact with other cars.
  • Air races with a similar checkpoint system as in the parachute races (point system and if you miss a checkpoint, points are lost and you don't have to return to the checkpoint)
  • Add option to show estimated payout totals based on distance and max players.
  • Ability to make races underwater
  • Ghost vehicles (a vehicle racing your previous lap/race).
  • More distance to place the yellow marker on the stunt jump camera.
  • ...


  • Team specific spawn points!!!
  • Higher weapon placement limit! (especially since the 30 players)
  • Ammo lock on pick-ups + forced weapons!! (f.e the bazooka with only one rocket)
  • Ability to place spawn points closer. And the radius of the spawn points should be blocked by walls or objects.
  • Ability to place only the required amount of team start points! If it's a deathmatch up to 8 players, it should be so that you only have to place 4 start points for each team!! Especially since the 30 players cap.
  • A trigger to turn bulletproof helmets (BPH) on/off!
  • More disabling options: HUD disabled, phones disabled (including 'reveal players' option, kill yourself option, etc.), no bull shark testosterone, no kill/death streak screen, etc.
  • Ability to restrict the deathmatch similar to the LTS creator. And have the ability to create Irregular shapes for restricting areas (not just circle)! (=out of bounds barrier)
  • Ability to place more than 5 different vehicle types
  • Ability to set the time between 5 and 10 minutes like in capture creator (=more time options)
  • Ability to higher the target score to up 100 or more kills (it's only 40 atm)!! Especially usefull with the 30 player cap.
  • Ability to aim when in character view!
  • A team spawn area like in the capture creator!
  • When Owned+pickups is selected, a category disabling trigger
  • Ability to lock to Team Deathmatch. As f.e. “straight line” maps do not work as Free For All.
  • Add vehicle spawns
  • Ammo drop triggers
  • Choose custom measures of success e.g. point per car destroyed.
  • Actors in deathmatches.
  • Trigger to lock (close) vehicles
  • Trigger to turn on/off "pistol whipping" (especially handy for free aim lobbys)
  • Ability to set vehicle type (f.e. set to full or empty bed when placing Rubble (Industrial Category))
  • ...


  • Higher amount of placeable actors!! 50?
  • Make Actors operable and compatible to properly pilot vehicles.
  • Ability to place actors in specific seats in vehicles (like only at the gun of the Valkyrie or only in the back seat of a cop car)
  • More options for capture objects; Actors, weapons (with the boxes from gang attacks), codes from hacking machines (like in the missions with a 'hack game', the bag from the heists, Box (maybe even make you carry it, which makes you unable to carry a weapon?), Flag (countries like parachute bags?), envelope, bodybag (which has to be carried by two persons, and ability to place it in the back of a pickup), containers (pick-up for cargobob/dock handler), soccer ball, garbage bag, trolley,...
  • Ability to delete only one actor from a vehicle (also to make you place actors in specific locations)
  • Deathmatch style spawn points
  • Higher weapon placement limit!
  • Minimum amount of players setting!!
  • Make Capture vehicles respawn back to the location they were placed instead of somewhere to the closest road!
  • An option to toggle vehicle respawn on/off (when delivered or destroyed)
  • Have NPC's available to test the creation within the creator (similar to Deathmatch Creator).
  • Ammo lock on pick-ups + forced weapons!! (f.e the bazooka with only one rocket)
  • A trigger to turn bulletproof helmets (BPH) on/off!
  • More disabling options: HUD disabled, phones disabled (including 'reveal players' option, kill yourself option, etc.), no bull shark testosterone, no kill/death streak screen, etc.
  • Ability to restrict the capture similar to the LTS creator. And have the ability to create Irregular shapes for restricting areas (not just circle)! (=out of bounds barrier)
  • More weapon choices for actors!
  • Ability to add 'lives' to teams as in all R* missions. When one team gets out of lives, they loose.
  • Respawn areas for actors!
  • More teams! With the 30 player max, 4 teams is not enough? 30/4 = ? Rather have 6 teams max? 30/6 = 5 !
  • A trigger to make actors not step out of their car. When they chase you and you crash, they step out of their car and waste time for the pursuit. (f.e. when an actor is placed in a Lazer in fort zancudo, you go there and instead of the actor flying off he just steps out of the Lazer and starts shooting you)
  • Ability to place more than 5 different vehicle types
  • Actor suggestions: Sheriff (got removed?), zombies, astronauts, aliens, cows, dogs (different colors & types), all animals?, more unique gang members (Ballas have all?), Michael?, Trevor?, Franklin?,...
  • There should be an option where you can place an actor on a spot and he always respawns there and does not move. Like to protect a bunker or something.
  • Enable props, actors and capture objects to be placed on the back of vehicles (flatbed, rebel, sandking, etc)
  • Objective text: higher letter cap on PS4 (it used to be 8 letters higher on PS3)
  • Team specific objective text!
  • Ability to set the color/livery of the respawn vehicle!
  • Ability to lock vehicles (close) and make the locks team-specific?
  • Make actors able to operate the cannon in the Valkyrie
  • Ability to see time limit set before the job starts
  • More model choices + clothes swap options?
  • More idle actions: Take cover, lean wall,...
  • Being able to set up drive paths for actors
  • Higher amount of placeable actors
  • Different blip color for different capture vehicles.
  • Multiple bases within a contend capture for the same team. e.g. for race style captures. Collect bag and deliver to base 1 and then the next bag you deliver needs to be delivered to base 2
  • Ability to force no killing / contact for race style captures e.g. triathlon style maps
  • Ability to place capture objects in the back of vans (so you have to explode them, similar to attacking a Security Van)
  • Classic Capture the Flag: Each base (2) has one package. Only way you can score is if you have your own package. If you kill the enemy carrying your flag and you pick it up you don't have to carry it back but it teleports back to your base. If you die with an enemy flag the flag stays there until your team picks it up again. If the enemy picks up their flag it teleports back.
  • King of the Hill (Capture the Hill): The time you are on the hill gets counted. Have as much time on the hill as possible. The hill can also be a bunker or rooftop or whatever.
  • Make it easier to make asymmetric captures. Attack/ defence captures currently require setting a case in a hard to reach location for the defending team – this is confusing to those who rarely play captures who mistake this as a flawed design. Adding a setting so 1 team can have no cases to collect as long as they start with a lead in a capture – so they are forced to defend the lead they have
  • Dynamic score option – ability to set the target score to the no. of players x (option) rather than one fixed number. e.g. if you wanted to create a map where each player should have a case to start with (with no cases left over).
  • Extra actor behavior option: Camp. The NPC takes cover and attacks when enemies come close.
  • Ceckpoints in captures to have a route set out before you start 'capturing' (maybe have usage to gps)
  • Neutral setting needs variation: To attack as soon as they get attacked or the capture object is in danger?Police, NOOSE, Bodyguards, Security guards, IAA and Marines should act like normal officers when set to neutral
  • Ability to set the respawn vehicle color.
  • New Capture Type suggestion: Escort: 1 Team must deliver a package/vehicle while the other team must stop them from doing so until the timer runs out. (Zorvaine)
  • ...


  • Ammo lock on pick-ups + forced weapons!! (f.e the bazooka with only one rocket)
  • Irregular shapes for restricting areas (not just circle)
  • More disabling options: HUD (+map) disabled, phones disabled (including 'reveal players' option, kill yourself option, etc.), no bull shark testosterone, no kill/death streak screen, etc.
  • A trigger to turn bulletproof helmets (BPH) on/off!
  • Ability to make the restricted area smaller
  • Last Man Standing variation
  • Ability to change the time limit.
  • Ability to see time limit set before the job starts
  • Ability to place more than 5 different vehicle types
  • ...


  • Mission Creator, Survival Creator, Parachute Creator, Cops & Crooks Creator, Vehicle DM Creator,
  • Player Made Content Pool: http://support.rockstargames.com/hc/communities/public/questions/200685716-Player-Made-Content-Pool (DrAtomic1)
  • A point system for hosting your own created content. Everytime you join another person's created content or host another person's created content you gain a point and everytime you host your own created content you “spend” a point. (ajm_agrajag)
  • Ability to play jobs cross-platform: https://support.rockstargames.com/hc/communities/public/questions/203105548-Cross-platform-jobs-transferring
  • Ability to add video's (from R* Editor?) as cutscenes for jobs!
  • Add a 'premium' version of the creator, where people can pay to use a full development creator, with all the tools and everything fixed.
  • Higher payouts for playing created content (e.g. +10% bonus) as a way of encouraging more players to play custom content
  • Improve free-aim matchmaking
  • Ability to make playlists on socialclub, and not only in-game
  • Instead of the new “Random Job” after each job, a “Random Created Content” from someone who played the last job (ajm_agrajag)
  • Golf matches to be made in the city or on the countryside.
  • ...


  • Vertical controls for props (similar to the stunt jump camera controls)
  • Higher prop limit (only on next-gen consoles)
  • Natural props (f.e. mud ramps, trees, rocks, etc.)
  • Support for floating props/checkpoints
  • Extend player limit to 16/30 in air races
  • (Capture Creator) Being able to make actors respawn in a vehicle
  • The Antique Cavalry Dagger does not work underwater (maybe even make all one-handed melee weapons work underwater?)
  • LSIA and Fort Zancudo are now unlocked (exept for the small area on Fort Zancudo)
  • ...?
Edited by stronktank
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They need to add the Vehicle Deathmatch Creator already. Considering the version we have had access to using the Dev Glitch since god only knows when, it is definitely complete enough to warrant a release. It's not right that only a select few people, such as myself, have access to it simply because we discovered a glitch's utility before anyone else.

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I think you might consider this covered by a few of your existing points but I believe that checkpoints and props should have the same vertical controls provided to the stunt jump camera. Press left stick to go up and right stick to go down. Should be able to legit place them anywhere and at any hieght as long as they do not clip something.

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Make it so the right analog stick moves only the camera and not the object I'm trying to place. So irritating having to constantly readjust something just because I'm trying to get a different vantage.

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Kudos on the summation, stronk.




In relation to the stacked props,


I think lots of people would like to see support for floating props, i.e. not relying on (time consuming) glitches.


Halo's creator has been cited as a great example.


Not only does Halo allow people to set the height of a prop - it allows them to change it's size, and rotate it on any axis.


This is all done with a few adjustable numbers / sliders.




I believe this is what the community would like.




+1 for public access to dev's creator.

Edited by BridgeHat
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  • 3 weeks later...

When placing a prop, i would like to be able to hold another button to place it level instead of at the angle of the ground it's on. (this is purely an option)


The new system takes the ground height at highest corner under the prop. If the ground is not level then a (concrete) pad/wedge appears under the prop which has the same footprint as the prop's model.


I think there are some cabins in the Stronghold verified map that have pads under them like this, not sure though.


Fed up not being able to place objects because the ground isn't level / having barriers and themed props at ridiculous angles.

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Hi guys, sorry if this has been posted before, or if I'm in the wrong place, but I just had a wacky idea while racing with a friend.


Mirrored walls.


Imagine an Enter the Dragon style Deathmatch, or a race in a tunnel of mirrors? Well trippy!


Just a thought, obviously it would mean needing more objects.



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  • Ability to force being drunk/stoned!

Just wondering this, why would anyone want to lock a race/capture/deathmatch to drunk mode?

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Richard Power Colt


  • Ability to force being drunk/stoned!

Just wondering this, why would anyone want to lock a race/capture/deathmatch to drunk mode?


Just for laughs?

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Richard Power Colt

"Trigger to turn off randomly spawning parked vehicles and pedestrians."


I think there already is something like this in the capture creator.


Also not sure if they fixed this yet, but in the capture creator, when you test your capture, you can't turn off invincibility. It would be easier to get a more realistic view of, for example the difficulty of the AI you've placed if they gave you the option to turn it off like they do in the deathmatch creator.


Also when placing props on foot, I'd like to be able to aim down sights with a gun. This might sound weird, but the reason for this is that moving to the right position is much easier when aiming, because your character doesn't have to turn to move sideways and when jogging your character takes a while to stop. Maybe they don't have to add a gun to aim with to it necessarily, but just a way to move similarly to when you're aiming. Or just don't make the prop's position dependent on your character's position.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Rockstar must give us the opportunity to place more than 50 props in races

That you cannot place more props when modelmemory is full

Edited by ingmar12345
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  • 2 weeks later...

I found an issue with the content creator description. It won't let me use the word 'night', stating that the word is forbidden content. This is a recent issue, and my brain cannot compute without the word.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ability to triger or set dynamic race/TDM elements. For instance you should be able to set when the train comes through, rock slides, explosions ect. This can be accomplished by placing a triger which would then cue the event to take place.

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Richard Power Colt

Ability to triger or set dynamic race/TDM elements. For instance you should be able to set when the train comes through, rock slides, explosions ect. This can be accomplished by placing a triger which would then cue the event to take place.

Great idea. Could probably even be doable on new-gen.

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- Spike Strip Props. The spike line that pops vehicle tires.

- Player Blip Options. Setting which team can view who and how/when they can see them on the map/minimap.

- Weapon Placement: Ammo Slider. Upon placing the weapon, setting how much ammo it contains.

- Setting on how much ammo players have when they respawn.

- Vehicle Type Option for vehicle placement in captures/death matches. Placing a vehicle such as the Rubble (Industrial Category) and choosing whether you want it to have it's bed empty or filled with trash. Right now it's random each match.

- Respawn Vehicle color.

- Setting Wanted levels for specific teams.

- Being able to place Capture Objects underwater.

- Return the Jumbo Jet back into the Creator.

- Police Bike does not appear in the Capture Creator.

- Forced Weapon option for GTA races.

- Being able to place vehicles in the Race Creator. Having the ability to lock their doors and decide which cars players can & cannot enter.

- Unrestrict all interiors including the Airport & Fort Zancudo.

- Respawnable (non-capture) Vehicles. Such as the ones in Strip Tease.

- Forced Uniform Option for capture modes. Make teams dressed as prisoners, cops, swat etc.

- Escort. New Capture Type. 1 Team must deliver a package/vehicle while the other team must stop them from doing so until the timer runs out.

- Remove the Sanchez from the Off-Road class. People are using their custom Sanchezez to claim easy cheatful wins in Off-Road races. It's too overpowered to belong in that class.

- Make Actors operable and compatible to properly pilot vehicles.

- Custom Time of Day setting. A slider to determine at what in-game time the game takes place. For example, Night Time in the north of San Andreas isn't night time at all. The sky is very bright and there's barely any darkness.

- The ability to turn off the Radar HUD. A host option to disable the view of the minimap or map. Players would have to rely on their sight and know the streets with the inability to know where anyone is.



- Fixing the glitch in the capture creator where if you're holding an already placed prop and you switch to the Dynamic category, the prop you were holding disappears and causes a random prop you already placed to change into a blue fence. In short, make it so that if you're holding a regular category prop that you can't change it to the Dynamic category. Causes damage.



New Capture Type:

- When someone steals your team's bag, you kill the carrier and click the bag. The bag teleports back to your base. If you're holding the enemy team's bag and you want to capture it to score, you can't unless your team's bag is in your base as well. So imagine, 2 teams, 2 bags, in order to score, you need to control both.

Edited by Zorvaine
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Rockstar should play some far cry,if rockstar took a look at their creator they would know it has some key things people would want.Flowing water falls,actuall guns not floating sh*t!,building with interiors already made.Dont get me wrong the creator has been the one thing keepin me Playing,thanks for putting them little bunkers from fort zancudo great props keep adding, but give us a nice bit of props and some more dlc cars and and.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Capture Creator needs semi trailers and boats as capturable vehicles.


DLC weapons need Homing Missiles and NPCs should be able to change and pickup weapons.


For example, actor sees a helicopter target. He can't reach it with Assault Rifle he's equipped with, so he searches for a better weapon, like a Homing Missile in a open crate.

He grabs, equips and fires it at the helicopter.

When he sees a human target, he switch back to Assault Rifle.


As much as i would like it, i would love to add own props done in 3D package or submit them to Rockstar to implementation.

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Does anyone know if there is a way around making tire and hay barriers movable when hit by vehicles? For racing, it would be nice if they would not act like a brick wall when hit!



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Trucks and trailers were mentioned - trailer races would be RIDICULOUSLY fun. Being the last vehicle to have a trailer attached... it would just be awesome.


To add to the list... BUS RACES! I think it would be a lot of fun to race City buses.


In fact, make ALL vehicles available to race with. Why not? Give us the option, let us decide what we like to race with.

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Richard Power Colt

Some of these may be on the list already(it's a long-ass list to read and remember):

-Being able to individually decide what owned weapons can be used and what not.
-lts didn't need its own creator if you ask me. I'd prefer being able to set an amount of lives on all the other creators, even race creators(GTA-race).
-A vs mission creator where you can set a different objective for each team.
-Team specific respawns for deathmatches
-Being able to set up drive paths for actors

-Being able to set an amount of ammo that a weapon placed on the ground gives you

-Being able to make actors respawn in a vehicle

-Being able to place customized vehicles(customizations could be chosen withing the editor)

-if a contact mission creator ever becomes a thing, I hope they have forced weapons for that too, because I want to create controlled situations where you could be outgunned by the NPCs for example

Edited by GTAandStuff
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"Edited by stronktank, 26 November 2014 - 06:07 PM."

That means the creator has been in this state for over a month. Meh.



- Addition to the forced team suits: Ability to set the team names (for example team 1 name = Robbers, team 2 name = Merryweather security)

- Allow busses and all other missing vehicles!

- Being able to set up drive paths for actors

- Being able to make actors respawn in a vehicle

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More options for Actors like:


  • Having more model choices, or even being able to swap different parts of models around.
  • More weapon choices for them, I hate having to give all my Marines SMGs because they look retarded with the Assault and Advanced Rifles.
  • Re-add the Sheriff NPCs and their Patrol cars. Why R* removed them is a mystery.
  • Set respawn areas for them so they don't just appear in random places nowhere near their previous place.
  • Have all the Families sets as options, at the moment there's only 3 generic member models despite there being around 10 unique models. If the Ballas can have all their sets as options, why not their rivals?
  • Let them get in friendly vehicles (Player or NPCS) as passengers, if one is nearby.
  • Set "Defend here" areas for them rather then the weird defensive ai-type in the game just now.
  • Allow us to use characters from SP as actor model choices. Wouldn't it be funny to watch 5 Lester clones gun you with Miniguns? Also for the playable characters from SP, give us 2 generic clothing looks (Franklin in his Blue shirt, Michael in his grey shirt, etc) and the one that the player previously had them in.
  • Increase the amount of actors allowed to 26, if possible 30.
  • Patrol routes for them to follow when not attacking an enemy.
  • More idle animations for them like "Taking cover" or "Leaning on a wall" that make them interact with their surroundings.
  • Let us change their base animations, like having a Police officer hold his pistol like a gang member or making female NPCs walk around tough guys.
  • Zombie models if possible, also make it a type of attack mode for an actor where they mindlessly charge at their nearest foe.
  • Add an option to make them attack opposing actors (Ones that hostile to their team) on sight rather then waiting for players to fight them first.

I wrote this while trying to stay awake so if there's mistakes then I'm sorry... *falls asleep*

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Man, I love this OP. This is all the stuff I've been saying for months, and seeing it all rounded up in one place is really satisfying! Good work as always, Stronk.


The previous post made me think of a big beef I have with actor behavior: we only get the choice between hostile/neutral/friendly and aggressive/defensive.


First of all, we should be able to set actors to have the default behavior that all enemy NPCs have in Contact Missions, which is that they will verbally warn you "get out of here," but if you take cover or point a gun at them will start attacking. This is way better than the "Neutral" description because if you have a package being guarded by actors that you don't want to just shoot the player on site, your only option is to set the AI to "neutral." And then the player can simply waltz in and out as long as they don't fire a shot! Or if someone on the other team fires a single shot, every "Neutral" actor on the map is instantly shooting anything that moves.


As for aggressive/passive, there should be at least a third option: "Camp." Sometimes I want to set actors to make an area completely off limits, like an impossible to pass roadblock with high accuracy machine-gun wielding troops that infinitely respawn. But even if I set them to "Defensive" they'll respawn elsewhere and then run around in various ways, letting any decent player slip by them.


Having decent A.I. is going to be crucial if we ever have a single player mission creator, so I hope they get a head start on this by implementing it in the other Creator modes.

Edited by DAMND
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Richard Power Colt

Man, I love this OP. This is all the stuff I've been saying for months, and seeing it all rounded up in one place is really satisfying! Good work as always, Stronk.


The previous post made me think of a big beef I have with actor behavior: we only get the choice between hostile/neutral/friendly and aggressive/defensive.


First of all, we should be able to set actors to have the default behavior that all enemy NPCs have in Contact Missions, which is that they will verbally warn you "get out of here," but if you take cover or point a gun at them will start attacking. This is way better than the "Neutral" description because if you have a package being guarded by actors that you don't want to just shoot the player on site, your only option is to set the AI to "neutral." And then the player can simply waltz in and out as long as they don't fire a shot! Or if someone on the other team fires a single shot, every "Neutral" actor on the map is instantly shooting anything that moves.


As for aggressive/passive, there should be at least a third option: "Camp." Sometimes I want to set actors to make an area completely off limits, like an impossible to pass roadblock with high accuracy machine-gun wielding troops that infinitely respawn. But even if I set them to "Defensive" they'll respawn elsewhere and then run around in various ways, letting any decent player slip by them.


Having decent A.I. is going to be crucial if we ever have a single player mission creator, so I hope they get a head start on this by implementing it in the other Creator modes.

Hopefully after they finally get the heists and the PC release over with they can start improving the content creator.


Not really a suggestion for the content creator directly and I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I find it really dumb that you can't search for jobs on social club by the job's name. You can only search by tags and criterias like game mode and what weapons/vehicles are in place.

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Bugs not mentioned


-While in aerial view the camera angle will get stuck looking straight down and you have to move left/right to unlock it. (this also happens in various game menus)

-MAJOR BUG THAT HAS BEEN DESTROYING MY SOUL FOR ALMOST A YEAR: Upon switching between camera modes the view will also change. This means for those of us who prefer the camera angle furthest away we have to press "select" 4 times every time we switch from aerial view. The update they released which messed the ramps up way back when is when this glitch appeared. Ugh

Edited by Stringking
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For all of them, there should be an option to place zones which give a wanted level (and to specific teams) at a chosen star, and the ability to place invisible walls.

Police, NOOSE, Bodyguards, Security guards, IAA and Marines should act like normal officers when set to neutral, at the moment in vehicles they tend to drive away from a shootout, like civilians.

And also, FIB agents are missing.

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