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fastman92 limit adjuster

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It's not a suggestion, it's a reminder about Ryosuke's mod :p

Name: ImVehFt ASI plugin.

Version: 2.1.1


Author: DK22


Patched by fastman92 to bring compatibility with ID limit adjuster. Will work with unsigned ID.


You need to install ImVehFt 2.1.1 first, then replace .asi plugin with the one from this archive.


Download: (i've seen errors, wait until tomorrow)

Edited by fastman92
  • Like 3





This question comes from your lack of understanding of what IDE files are.

What's the difference between one IDE file and another?


Does it ever matter what is name of IDE file?

That is not a sicret, that my knowledge about ide files is not big. All I know about that files is fro experiencing with some of them. So this is what I know about ide file, but it could be wrong:

1. in the ide files the models are defined

2. ide file tells in which dff file to find the model and in which txd file to find the textures

3. in vehicle.ide the vehicles are defined, in peds.ide the peds are defined and in default.ide weapons and some other stuf are defined.

So what I am interested is, can I add more vehicles, weapons and peds using your tool?


Patched ID DFF limit basically means that ID for file defined in .ide doesn't have to be neccessarily 0-19999.


Items defined in .ide have another store (CStore) for every kind of section.

By default 'peds' section may have defined 278 entries, 'cars' section may have defined 212 entries. 'weap' section may have defined 51 entries.


You'll need to adjust IDE section limits (mlimits.ini)



; IDE : cars section (212)Vehicle Models=500; IDE : peds section ( 278 )#Ped Models = 278# IDE : weap section ( 51 )#Weapon Models = 51
Thanks, so can I really increase now Vehicle Models to 500? If I set Weapon Models to 100 or more, will it worck?


Yes, then 'IDE: cars' section will have a limit of 500 vehicles.

For weapons it's harder, when you adjust a limit of 'IDE: weap', it only means you can have n number of entries in that 'weap' section.

But the list of weapon names from weapon.dat is hardcoded. So, you can't add new weapons yet. You need something more than just 'IDE: weap' limit hacked.


Yes I know there are more than 1 limit needed to be adjusted to add more weapons. If you want you tool also to make adjusting for weapons you can look into the sorces of weapon limit adjuster which are open.

What about peds? Can I have 300 ore more peds, or is there some other limits have to be hacked for this purpose?






This question comes from your lack of understanding of what IDE files are.

What's the difference between one IDE file and another?


Does it ever matter what is name of IDE file?

That is not a sicret, that my knowledge about ide files is not big. All I know about that files is fro experiencing with some of them. So this is what I know about ide file, but it could be wrong:

1. in the ide files the models are defined

2. ide file tells in which dff file to find the model and in which txd file to find the textures

3. in vehicle.ide the vehicles are defined, in peds.ide the peds are defined and in default.ide weapons and some other stuf are defined.

So what I am interested is, can I add more vehicles, weapons and peds using your tool?


Patched ID DFF limit basically means that ID for file defined in .ide doesn't have to be neccessarily 0-19999.


Items defined in .ide have another store (CStore) for every kind of section.

By default 'peds' section may have defined 278 entries, 'cars' section may have defined 212 entries. 'weap' section may have defined 51 entries.


You'll need to adjust IDE section limits (mlimits.ini)



; IDE : cars section (212)Vehicle Models=500; IDE : peds section ( 278 )#Ped Models = 278# IDE : weap section ( 51 )#Weapon Models = 51


Thanks, so can I really increase now Vehicle Models to 500? If I set Weapon Models to 100 or more, will it worck?


Yes, then 'IDE: cars' section will have a limit of 500 vehicles.

For weapons it's harder, when you adjust a limit of 'IDE: weap', it only means you can have n number of entries in that 'weap' section.

But the list of weapon names from weapon.dat is hardcoded. So, you can't add new weapons yet. You need something more than just 'IDE: weap' limit hacked.


Yes I know there are more than 1 limit needed to be adjusted to add more weapons. If you want you tool also to make adjusting for weapons you can look into the sorces of weapon limit adjuster which are open.

What about peds? Can I have 300 ore more peds, or is there some other limits have to be hacked for this purpose?


Peds are defined only in IDE. No other limit.

Edited by fastman92

Umm i need to test the ID limit adjuster . thanks

I wouldn't mind having a look at this if it's OK with you. I would like to try some map-related things with it. :)

PM to be sent later.



Starting Limit Adjuster 0.5 by fastman92New ID limits:0 - 54999 (55000) - DFF models defined within IDE files55000 - 60499 (5500) - TXD archives.60500 - 60999 (500) - COL collision archives.61000 - 61299 (300) - IPL Binary IPL files.61300 - 61363 (64) - DAT files limited to nodes*.dat61364 - 61563 (200) - IFP animation archives.61564 - 62063 (500) - RRR car recordings, carrec*.rrr files62064 - 62162 (99) - SCM scripts62163 - 62164 (2) - Loaded list62165 - 62166 (2) - Requested list62167 - count of all file IDsCount of IDs is over 32767 and requires unsigned ID. Applying unsigned ID patches.
We need to redefine the impossible. Edited by fastman92


Umm i need to test the ID limit adjuster . thanks

I wouldn't mind having a look at this if it's OK with you. I would like to try some map-related things with it. :)

PM to be sent later.



Starting Limit Adjuster 0.5 by fastman92New ID limits:0 - 54999 (55000) - DFF models defined within IDE files55000 - 60499 (5500) - TXD archives.60500 - 60999 (500) - COL collision archives.61000 - 61299 (300) - IPL Binary IPL files.61300 - 61363 (64) - DAT files limited to nodes*.dat61364 - 61563 (200) - IFP animation archives.61564 - 62063 (500) - RRR car recordings, carrec*.rrr files62064 - 62162 (99) - SCM scripts62163 - 62164 (2) - Loaded list62165 - 62166 (2) - Requested list62167 - count of all file IDsCount of IDs is over 32767 and requires unsigned ID. Applying unsigned ID patches.
We need to redefine the impossible.


But only the dff limit was changed, all other limits are stil the same as in the startpost.



Umm i need to test the ID limit adjuster . thanks

I wouldn't mind having a look at this if it's OK with you. I would like to try some map-related things with it. :)

PM to be sent later.



Starting Limit Adjuster 0.5 by fastman92New ID limits:0 - 54999 (55000) - DFF models defined within IDE files55000 - 60499 (5500) - TXD archives.60500 - 60999 (500) - COL collision archives.61000 - 61299 (300) - IPL Binary IPL files.61300 - 61363 (64) - DAT files limited to nodes*.dat61364 - 61563 (200) - IFP animation archives.61564 - 62063 (500) - RRR car recordings, carrec*.rrr files62064 - 62162 (99) - SCM scripts62163 - 62164 (2) - Loaded list62165 - 62166 (2) - Requested list62167 - count of all file IDsCount of IDs is over 32767 and requires unsigned ID. Applying unsigned ID patches.
We need to redefine the impossible.


But only the dff limit was changed, all other limits are stil the same as in the startpost.


See the old GTA SA ID limits: http://gtaforums.com/topic/504006-rel-carcolsdat-unlim/?p=1061221494

Starting Limit Adjuster 0.5 by fastman92New ID limits:0 - 54999 (55000) - DFF models defined within IDE files55000 - 60499 (5500) - TXD archives.60500 - 60999 (500) - COL collision archives.61000 - 61299 (300) - IPL Binary IPL files.61300 - 61363 (64) - DAT files limited to nodes*.dat61364 - 61563 (200) - IFP animation archives.61564 - 62063 (500) - RRR car recordings, carrec*.rrr files62064 - 62162 (99) - SCM scripts62163 - 62164 (2) - Loaded list62165 - 62166 (2) - Requested list62167 - count of all file IDsCount of IDs is over 32767 and requires unsigned ID. Applying unsigned ID patches.
We need to redefine the impossible.


Does it work properly and stable now? If this is so: Juhuuuu!



Starting Limit Adjuster 0.5 by fastman92New ID limits:0 - 54999 (55000) - DFF models defined within IDE files55000 - 60499 (5500) - TXD archives.60500 - 60999 (500) - COL collision archives.61000 - 61299 (300) - IPL Binary IPL files.61300 - 61363 (64) - DAT files limited to nodes*.dat61364 - 61563 (200) - IFP animation archives.61564 - 62063 (500) - RRR car recordings, carrec*.rrr files62064 - 62162 (99) - SCM scripts62163 - 62164 (2) - Loaded list62165 - 62166 (2) - Requested list62167 - count of all file IDsCount of IDs is over 32767 and requires unsigned ID. Applying unsigned ID patches.
We need to redefine the impossible.


Does it work properly and stable now? If this is so: Juhuuuu!


Unsigned ID works stable but there are still some instructions patched that are unrelated to ID limit.

They cause some physics problems.

Although they will be removed from list of patched addresses soon.




Umm i need to test the ID limit adjuster . thanks

I wouldn't mind having a look at this if it's OK with you. I would like to try some map-related things with it. :)

PM to be sent later.



Starting Limit Adjuster 0.5 by fastman92New ID limits:0 - 54999 (55000) - DFF models defined within IDE files55000 - 60499 (5500) - TXD archives.60500 - 60999 (500) - COL collision archives.61000 - 61299 (300) - IPL Binary IPL files.61300 - 61363 (64) - DAT files limited to nodes*.dat61364 - 61563 (200) - IFP animation archives.61564 - 62063 (500) - RRR car recordings, carrec*.rrr files62064 - 62162 (99) - SCM scripts62163 - 62164 (2) - Loaded list62165 - 62166 (2) - Requested list62167 - count of all file IDsCount of IDs is over 32767 and requires unsigned ID. Applying unsigned ID patches.
We need to redefine the impossible.


But only the dff limit was changed, all other limits are stil the same as in the startpost.


See the old GTA SA ID limits: http://gtaforums.com/topic/504006-rel-carcolsdat-unlim/?p=1061221494


OK now I see the changes, but it seams the DAT limit is the only one that can´t be hacked, or do I see it wrong again?





Umm i need to test the ID limit adjuster . thanks

I wouldn't mind having a look at this if it's OK with you. I would like to try some map-related things with it. :)

PM to be sent later.



Starting Limit Adjuster 0.5 by fastman92New ID limits:0 - 54999 (55000) - DFF models defined within IDE files55000 - 60499 (5500) - TXD archives.60500 - 60999 (500) - COL collision archives.61000 - 61299 (300) - IPL Binary IPL files.61300 - 61363 (64) - DAT files limited to nodes*.dat61364 - 61563 (200) - IFP animation archives.61564 - 62063 (500) - RRR car recordings, carrec*.rrr files62064 - 62162 (99) - SCM scripts62163 - 62164 (2) - Loaded list62165 - 62166 (2) - Requested list62167 - count of all file IDsCount of IDs is over 32767 and requires unsigned ID. Applying unsigned ID patches.
We need to redefine the impossible.


But only the dff limit was changed, all other limits are stil the same as in the startpost.


See the old GTA SA ID limits: http://gtaforums.com/topic/504006-rel-carcolsdat-unlim/?p=1061221494


OK now I see the changes, but it seams the DAT limit is the only one that can´t be hacked, or do I see it wrong again?


It wasn't hacked yet, because of how it works.


These are path files, 64 files, 8 files per map dimension (X or Y).


8 files per 6000.0.

6000.0 / 8 = 750.0


Every file contains paths for 750.0 x 750.0 map block.

It wasn't hacked yet, because of how it works.

These are path files, 64 files, 8 files per map dimension (X or Y).


8 files per 6000.0.

6000.0 / 8 = 750.0


Every file contains paths for 750.0 x 750.0 map block.


Didn't NTauthority hack it? If he did, then maybe this would be a good point to collaborate and merge the two works?


It wasn't hacked yet, because of how it works.


These are path files, 64 files, 8 files per map dimension (X or Y).


8 files per 6000.0.

6000.0 / 8 = 750.0


Every file contains paths for 750.0 x 750.0 map block.


Didn't NTauthority hack it? If he did, then maybe this would be a good point to collaborate and merge the two works?


Yes, he might have hacked it.

True, it would be good to merge the works, but it's also a learning experience for me when I hack these limits on my own.

Edited by fastman92

What is there to merge when both mods do pretty much the same thing?

What is there to merge when both mods do pretty much the same thing?

Pretty much the same thing, does not mean complete same thing. NTauthority seems to hack the dat limit, that is not hacked by this limitadjuster.


What is there to merge when both mods do pretty much the same thing?

Pretty much the same thing, does not mean complete same thing. NTauthority seems to hack the dat limit, that is not hacked by this limitadjuster.


It might be hacked later.


» Cars (9731)‏
Now it's possible to add them all! :lol:


(just no different handling for vehicles)


9731? how many space of hard disk this will take? one car model from ~250kb to ~10mb? All cars from 20GB up to 70GB?

Logic! :miranda:

I could need this for my upcomming samp mod.

I know i aint that long here but to give you a taste this topic might do the job.


^scroll to page 2 theres the more interesting stuff.


I really would like to test the adjuster out for custom samp object usage

Edited by Redreaper666

I could need this for my upcomming samp mod.

I know i aint that long here but to give you a taste this topic might do the job.


^scroll to page 2 theres the more interesting stuff.


I really would like to test the adjuster out for custom samp object usage

ID limit adjuster won't be compatible with SA:MP.


I could need this for my upcomming samp mod.

I know i aint that long here but to give you a taste this topic might do the job.


^scroll to page 2 theres the more interesting stuff.


I really would like to test the adjuster out for custom samp object usage

ID limit adjuster won't be compatible with SA:MP.



why so ?



I could need this for my upcomming samp mod.

I know i aint that long here but to give you a taste this topic might do the job.


^scroll to page 2 theres the more interesting stuff.


I really would like to test the adjuster out for custom samp object usage

ID limit adjuster won't be compatible with SA:MP.


why so ?


Moved arrays have different memory addresses.


Explanation: http://gtaforums.com/topic/733982-who-wants-to-test-id-limit-adjuster/?p=1066099922

Tho this still means it would be possible if the samp dev team would be cooperative enough to update the client ?


Neither that or ill have another question to you that i gonna ask you per pm.

Tho this still means it would be possible if the samp dev team would be cooperative enough to update the client ?


Neither that or ill have another question to you that i gonna ask you per pm.

Any plugin, trainer or program may be compatible with ID limit adjuster if written correctly and will load memory addresses to those arrays instead of using constant addresses.

Would SA:MP team make it compatible? I don't really think so.

So do i think aswell.

As ive tried to send you a mail (your mailbox seems to be full)

I just gonna post the pm here :/


I am actually only doing this cause of GTA united mp isnt letting me installing any mod since it has this dumb file checker which i now tried about 100 times to deactivate.
I dont know if you are any good in editing .dll or execute files.
Cause i know in which files the filechecker is located in but i cant find a way to deactivate it.
Thats why i hope you maybe could help me out on that.
if you do so please contact me on skype:redreaper444
Edited by Redreaper666

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