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has the mechanic started trolling us?

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mechanic cant deliver your car onto a mountain top to help you.

but will spawn an army of cops out of nowhere to kill you on that same mountain top.

Edited by ijustcameheretobeeotch
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Crunch McThornbody

He sucks, you stand on a road and request a delivery yet it can often arrive on an adjacent road so you have to do some running to get to it, but if you're just a couple of meters away from the road he won't deliver.


I want the option for him to actually deliver it in person again, so I can beat the sh*t out of him every f*cking time he delivers it.


Ask Mechanic for my Cheetah, turn around and get hit by random pedestrian's SUV. Respawn and no car delivered, call for personal vehicle oh hey its my Vacca


Has anyone actually seen their car spawn?? I look left and right and the moment I stop moving it spawns behind me!!

What is this wizardry?

The whole point of this is that your car spawns when youre not watching because well... all fancy wizardy stuff

Try having your vehicle outside (the one you want) and use the Select menu to Request Personal Vehicle. Usually works for me even on top of Mt. Chilly-nads. If you still can't get it, walk into a mission circle and then quit. You'll be there with either your own car, a random car, or both.

The one thing that bothers me about the mechanic is that if you call him, pick one of your garages, back out, and then pick the other garage he goes, "It's coming atcha!" and then he says "Alright, I've got things to do."


Fires me up

He sucks, you stand on a road and request a delivery yet it can often arrive on an adjacent road so you have to do some running to get to it, but if you're just a couple of meters away from the road he won't deliver.


I want the option for him to actually deliver it in person again, so I can beat the sh*t out of him every f*cking time he delivers it.

why be so nice to him??

i used to put a bullet or two in him.

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