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there's no such thing as good in this game.


maybe you personally know what's best for everyone?

you can develop high Civil Rights, a robust Economy, but completely outlaw your Political Freedoms in favor of deciding things for your citizens unilaterally.

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you can develop high Civil Rights, a robust Economy, but completely outlaw your Political Freedoms in favor of deciding things for your citizens unilaterally.


Sounds like a plan, but people might start moaning about you on the regional message boards. Ask me how I know :panic:

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The Deadite

"The Dictatorship of Metallozkiva is a very large, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its aversion to nipples..."


Guise, halp pls, my country is not representing the ideals on which Metallozkiva was founded.

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I'm not in the GTAF region anymore but:




Top 0.006% in income of the poor (11th in the world, suckkit commies!)

Still got 100% economy too...

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11 billion people?

how long have you been playing that state Sivis?


I don't think I've ever played a state much over 4-5 billion.

you must have been at that one for years.

I think I initially set it up in 2007. Dipped in and out ever since.
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The Deadite

..."elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume"...



Finally my country does something to deserve the name Metallozkiva for crying out loud.

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I'm not in the GTAF region anymore but:




Leading causes of death: Disappearance 82.9%


Your government's like an evil demented magician.

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And yet, somehow I maintain very good civil rights and good political freedoms. Probably because everyone who's disagreed with either is now being used to fertilise the fields.

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yeah this game is not about ideals.

it's about extremes.


if you're playing for idealism, you're doing it wrong.

when you max out your levels of Civil Rights, Political Freedoms, and Economy you're essentially an Anarchy, not a Paradise.


Sivis' nation is a barren and almost inhospitable wasteland, but even his poorest citizens make nearly a half million dollars a year. so it's like, pick your tradeoffs :lol:

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My civil rights are at 25 ffs. I'm trying to get more evil and oppressive but that bloody blue bar just keeps rising. It just shot up nearly 10 points because I decided to allow hospitals to buy organs. It was only one of two options, the other option was to outlaw it because it would unfairly impact the poor. 5 years off and on I've been playing this, I've addressed hundreds of issues, and I still have no idea how this f*cking game works.

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Get on my level



EDIT: are you f*cking kidding me legalizing cannibalism brought my civil rights up to 26 is this a cruel joke by the demiurge or what jesus christ

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make total destroy

This roleplay stuff is really fun



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Heh. I started mine last week and it's p gr8.




A rogue nation;




And a Demo Repub with a corrupt dictatorship and a struggling economy, rip



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I think I just made pirates into legitimate businessmen.


this may or may not be the greatest day of my life.


Following new legislation in dudeville__794714t2.jpgDudeville, piracy is the nation's most popular pastime.

Following new legislation in dudeville__794714t2.jpgDudeville, skateparks can be found in every city.

Following new legislation in dudeville__794714t2.jpgDudeville, cyber-crime and tin-foil hat sales are both increasing at record rates.


"The Nicest Marmot Bath of Dudeville is a huge, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its rum-swilling pirates, museums and concert halls, and keen interest in outer space."



Edited by El Diablo
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The Deadite

"There's no need to be quite so dramatic," assures Jamil Han, your Minister of Silly Walks as he pinwheels past.

This cracked me up.

Edited by Midnight Hitman
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Following new legislation in The Columbian Commonality, nice person is one of the most popular forenames in The Columbian Commonality.



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I started playing in 2007 with a name from a generator. At the time, the people who had showed me the game, were all wanting to roleplay together. That didn't last long and so now I play off and on. Had another nation that I used to experiment and just be a nation that'd probably go to war with Jufonce if it ever came down to it but I forgot the password to it forever ago.



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Funny that I'm having the same problem running Bartaria as I did last time. I feel like my income tax is too high (70-75%) and I want to reduce it and my government size, but every time I decide on an issue my sympathy gets the best of me and I choose to have the nanny state take care of sh*t. Can't fight my nature, I s'pose.


Edit: Bahaha, Bartaria still takes pages eleven years on!

Edited by Bartleby
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