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The Queendom of Cloudina just erected brought in new legislation to allow circumcisions. Failure would be proud.



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A new regional poll has been posted.


In this instance the matter at hand concerns the construction of embassies. We have been approached by the nation Europet2.pngThe Kingdom of BeastMaster and they have invited us to consider opening embassies with the region he represents: PUPPETONE

It is an interesting proposal because they consider themselves a mercenary region and engage in rescue missions to free invaded regions from raiders. They are currently a thirteen nation region. There are obviously some security issues from associating with regions of this type so please consider the proposal carefully.


I have spoken to their leader and he has this to say:

"My old region was taken over by DEN and I had a friends region that was taken over by Black Hawks. I started my region, so I can stop those regions. I then joined a army called UNE, that shares the same views."



More information on this particular voting process:


I have constructed a simple poll and will carry out the wishes reflected in the result of the vote. If the majority votes APPROVE we will move forwards and open diplomatic relations. If we vote DISMISS, I will reject the offer and the matter will be dropped. I would like to encourage discussion here and on the on the RMB before casting our votes.

Voting format - The voting format is a SIMPLE MAJORITY system. Yea or Nay. In this instance a tied vote will be considered a "lost motion" and will result in the matter at hand being dismissed.
Close of polling - The poll is open for 72 hours, this will give us over the weekend until Sunday March 27th to reach a decision. Construction of embassies will begin next week if approved by majority.

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Made myself a snazzy flag.





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Nick (Alchemist) told me I should post my long ass factbooks here, which I thought was a good idea so here I am.






The first one is my Wikipedia style page, and the second is my alternate history divided into different segments depending on situation. If you want a long read then you're sure in for one.

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There has been another good turn-out so far for the regional poll.

Voting will be closed in about 90 minutes at approx 7:10 PM (CET). If you haven't voted and wish to do so, now is the time.





edit: 19:15


The poll is now closed. 13 nations cast a vote. Final result is FOR (5) - AGAINST (8)

The application from region PUPPETONE has been rejected.


Thank you to all the nations that took part.

Edited by Zyo
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I'd expect nothing less for my nation.


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while searching for something about NationStates, I came across this article about nation-states.

and it happened to be really interesting. the premise is whether or not we're likely to see any brand new nation states arise in the 21st century.


In 2011, South Sudan became the 193rd United Nations member state. Its secession from Sudan was unique in modern history in that a newly drawn border divided an existing nation-state – something the international order resists. Can the example set by South Sudan ever be replicated? Yes, and perhaps soon: wars in the Middle East are creating conditions under which new nations might emerge. The global powers that usually conspire to stymie independence movements might be ready to radically redraw the map. And the map must be redrawn. In most of the Third World, former colonial borders drawn by Europeans divide ethnic and religious groups into separate states, or force others into uneasy power-sharing, stoking civil conflict. The world’s independence movements confront the unfinished business of colonialism.


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If anyone is interested, me and Alchemist have a Skype group about NationStates specifically where we talk about NationStates and also shoot the sh*t.


So if you want to be involved, just let me know in some way. PM me on the forums or Skype, or however you want. :^:

Edited by Pyroshox
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New American Century is Android, I thought.


in other news, Dudeville has officially been classified as a Lovefest and I couldn't be happier. we also managed to raise our economic profile a little while keeping income equality and political/civil liberties intact. also while protecting the environment and developing a space program, lol. f/ck yeah.



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The Deadite

Guys, how i raise my nudity level?


Is important.

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Who's nations are 'new american century' and 'the ecologists union'? What's with the shuffling?


First one you mentioned is me. My bad, I was helping my friend test something. I'm back in the GTAF region, now. No idea who owns that second nation, though.

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Guys, how i raise my nudity level?


Is important.

Make a regulation that legalize nudity.


Or wait for a issues that can affect the nudity parameter. Something that can affect your civil rights, of course.

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Jolly Swagman

Besides the ecologists Union there are a few other recent arrivals that I don't know. I reckon we need an updated version of this

Listed the current nations, updated the OP with this list as well. If your nation isn't in there or you want to move your nation to the GTA Forums region, let us know.













The Republic of The 500




"500 - The People's Choice"




The United Kingdom of Santos Castillos




"Speak loudly, and swing your big stick"




The Aquatic Weasels of The Otter Archipelago




"When in Doubt, Swim"




The Most Serene Empire of Katy-Perry




"do NOT jerk off in public"




The Dominion of Corannis



"Burn the Heretic. Kill the Mutant. Purge the Unclean."




The United Provinces of Tulija


@El Zilcho


"Dignis Nostris Mundus"




The Oppressed Peoples of North Tunmenstnekliaosis



"Sit down and shut up!"




The Community of Corkhatastan


@Jolly Swagman


"Cork hats for all"




The Borderlands of Crayfish atoll


@Jolly Swagman






The Holy Empire of Abbottsvania


@Jolly Swagman





The Geniocracy of Zyonia




"Wisdom outweighs any wealth"




The Queendom of Cloudina




"Peace and Prosperity"




The Free Land of Damn Fine Coffee


@Sugar Free Nos


"You know, this is -excuse me- a damn fine cup of coffee"




The Republic of Catolini Islands








The Most Serene Republic of Raavistya




"United in Excellence"



Democracy of Pine Hills




"Nukes and Space Lasers"






















































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Would be nice but BBCode is pretty much f*cked at the moment, it'd take some effort to redo the whole list

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so my military enlistment is rapidly declining.

gee I wonder why :beerhat:


the options range from bribing recruits, lying to recruits, exploiting the uneducated, and hiring mercenaries.

likely I'm going to dismiss because we in Dudeville don't really feel the need to use force, man. like, just talk it out, bro.


but... there's a 4th option, and I can think of a few people here who would love to go this route.




I can't wait to see this issue on my dictator state.

the results are probably pretty awesome. like huge economic advancements into cyborg technology or something, I bet.

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Updating the list would be very useful. I would like to see it being made the responsibility of one person to maintain an updated list and communicating with people between here and the NS site to keep the list as current as possible. It would probably fall under the remit of an elected senate position. There's some discussion to do yet. In the meantime I have an accurate list of the people who have come to me for the password and can account for the majority of the new members.

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The Deadite

"Spies caught in Metallozkiva are never heard of again"

I threw that drunk scottish in a pool full of sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads, let this be a lesson for everyone people.


*pets cat*

Edited by Midnight Hitman
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there's gonna' be so much god damn winning that you people are gonna' get tired of winning




I also gained the ability to reclassify my own state. not sure what exactly unlocks it in the settings.

but henceforth, we shall now be known as



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I've encountered an issue involving pirates, and this is what I saw in "Dismiss Issue" box:




and that, kids, is how to create proper issue.






because "YAAAAAR! Booty!", that's why!



so god damn #winning



Been there, done that.


Anyway, wanna host some diplomacy meeting in my nation's skate park?

Edited by unbid
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top kek


at this point, i'm just being experimental ;)

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And skyrocketed to top 0.8% for highest income of the poor.


All the while maintaining 100/100 Economy.


Never change, NationStates.

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I always wonder if it's better to have a good political freedom or not. My political freedom rating recently plummeted after I choose to cancel all elections, and I dunno if it's good or not.

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