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[V] Script/Native Documentation and Research

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i would go about . im really a n00b when it comes to these things . but it seems i would need to type that through some sort of console. maybe the SH's console . somehow .

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,


I have done some research recently on the vehicle mods, and was able to figure out all but one:


Index 21 - Looks like it is a toggle mod (boolean), but I couldn't identify its purpose.

I see 18 is Turbo, 20 is Tire Smoke and 22 is Xenon.

Tried googling around to no avail.


Does anyone know what the index 21 is?




Hi Everyone,


I have done some research recently on the vehicle mods, and was able to figure out all but one:


Index 21 - Looks like it is a toggle mod (boolean), but I couldn't identify its purpose.

I see 18 is Turbo, 20 is Tire Smoke and 22 is Xenon.

Tried googling around to no avail.


Does anyone know what the index 21 is?




Here's a nice list of most of the vehicle mods. It says 21 is an unused mod. Edited by LetsPlayOrDy


Here's a list of most of the vehicle mod category names. This includes the mod categories which have been added in the lowrider updates. I'm not sure 21 is actuality used, though.

Edited by kagikn
  • Like 1

Here's a list of most of the vehicle mod category names. This includes the mod categories which have been added in the lowrider updates. I'm not sure 21 is actuality used, though.

In the pastebin link I posted it says it's not used.

Is it just me? Everything is reset again...




I thought it was a browser issue but when I expand all I cannot find common things like _PLAY_AMBIENT_SPEECH_WITH_VOICE. I was using the Native page last night and seemed ok

Edited by MoMadenU

I found a bunch of natives yesterday :p


Edited by Fireboyd78

Hi everyone,


I have found out that VEHICLE::_0xB45085B721EFD38C(veh.ID, true) returns a string which is the codename of the vehicle's currently selected primary color when inside LSC, which can then be converted to its textual form by using UI::_GET_LABEL_TEXT, however I don't know how to add this information to the natives.db (the correct parameter and return type).

Maybe someone can help me with this?


EDIT: _0x4967A516ED23A5A1(veh.ID) returns the codename of the vehicle's current secondary color when inside LSC (when respraying).




Edited by mockba.the.borg

I found the usage of VEHICLE::_0xB8FBC8B1330CA9B4(Any p0, BOOL p1)


VEHICLE::SET_VEHICLE_ENGINE_ON is not enough to start jet engines when not inside the vehicle.

But with this native set to true it works:

Certain planes got jet engines.


I named it _SET_VEHICLE_JET_ENGINE_CAN_ALWAYS_BE_ON(Vehicle vehicle, BOOL canAlwaysBeOn) in the db.

I found the usage of VEHICLE::_0x068F64F2470F9656(Vehicle vehicle, BOOL p1)

When set to true, money pickups are created around cars when they explodes. Only works when the vehicle model is a car.

A single pickup is between 1 and about 18 dollars in size. All car models seems to give the same amount of money.

I named it _SET_CAR_CREATES_MONEY_PICKUPS_WHEN_EXPLODES(Vehicle vehicle, createsPickups) in the db.

Maybe not related to the native:

After picking up a lot of money during a short period, like 1 minute, the UI stops showing the added money in the upper right corner

and I have to restart the game for it to show again. But I randomly get a red -1 instead when picking up money.

  • Like 2

I've named a couple natives in the database.

WATER::_B96B00E976BE977F is now known as "_SET_WAVE_HEIGHT"

It does exactly what the name implies :)

WATER::_2B2A2CC86778B619 has been renamed "_GET_WAVE_HEIGHT" and it gets the current value of what the above native sets.



Edited by CamxxCore
  • Like 5

I've named a couple natives in the database.


WATER::_B96B00E976BE977F is now known as "_SET_WAVE_HEIGHT"


It does exactly what the name implies :)


WATER::_2B2A2CC86778B619 has been renamed "_GET_WAVE_HEIGHT" and it gets the current value of what the above native sets.





Nice! Here's another one: _CLEAR_WAVES_HEIGHT (0x5E5E99285AE812DB)

  • Like 2

Just wanted to post this here because this native isn't in the DB:


Btw, if you want to do this on b372 or b393, you need to get the pointer of global id 0x141421 instead.

Edited by Unknown_Modder

@Alexander Blade

Why do you remove the scripts

  • mp_fm_registration
  • mp_prop_global_block
  • mp_prop_special_global_block
  • mp_registration
  • mp_save_game_global_block
  • profiler_registration
  • sc_lb_global_block
  • sp_dlc_registration
  • title_update_registration
  • tunables_registration
  • ugc_global_registration

from your archive every time before uploading?

I was wondering for a long time now
and I'm tired of checking those scripts using a low-level decompiler
but at least I was able to find some quite interesting and useful stuff.

Did I miss something?

That scripts have no code and listener's decompiler skips them .

Lol, I found some globals in them a while back that are very interesting.

How does that even make sense because other scripts that have absolutely no code are still in your archive?

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