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[V] Script/Native Documentation and Research

Alexander Blade

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Ahh non-english folder names!!!!



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Hash: 0x3AFF9E58

void PLAYSTATS_CLOTH_CHANGE(Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4) // 0x3AFF9E58


Anyone know what are the parameters?

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Hash: 0x3AFF9E58

void PLAYSTATS_CLOTH_CHANGE(Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4) // 0x3AFF9E58


Anyone know what are the parameters?

You will look assembly and decompile script.rpf! Gta v Useing crypt lib and decrypt lib(win32) when GTA open the rpf. Soo USE DEBUGGER!!! x64dbg

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Alexander Blade

Are you from Fukushima ?


Hash: 0x3AFF9E58
void PLAYSTATS_CLOTH_CHANGE(Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4) // 0x3AFF9E58

Anyone know what are the parameters?

You will look assembly and decompile script.rpf! Gta v Useing crypt lib and decrypt lib(win32) when GTA open the rpf. Soo USE DEBUGGER!!! x64dbg


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Are you from Fukushima ?



Hash: 0x3AFF9E58

void PLAYSTATS_CLOTH_CHANGE(Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3, Any p4) // 0x3AFF9E58


Anyone know what are the parameters?

You will look assembly and decompile script.rpf! Gta v Useing crypt lib and decrypt lib(win32) when GTA open the rpf. Soo USE DEBUGGER!!! x64dbg



Difference you. I live in the kagawa of japan!!


NOT Just like that... :cry:


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How's x64dbg? Is it like ollydbg or IDA or much different? I'll check it out when I have time :)


Also, how did you find out for example how to decrypt the rpf? Most of us don't know these and others are very secretive sometimes.

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How's x64dbg? Is it like ollydbg or IDA or much different? I'll check it out when I have time :)


Also, how did you find out for example how to decrypt the rpf? Most of us don't know these and others are very secretive sometimes.


I going to try to find out decrypt and crypt key!!!

GTA is decrypt other file when load the game in virtual memory.

That's why found out (eaxmple:weapons.meta handling.dat value(float) when search Memory. Edited by Bucho
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Great :D Also it would be helpful to know how to do it ourselves as well :) I'm guessing you can try to find out which part of the code actually reads the .rpf ( maybe by placing a breakpoint on file open function? ) and see what happens afterwards in the assembly?

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Is there a way to hook into specific events?


For example, once a player enters a vehicle or changes the radio station?


I could really get a use of those :/

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If you want events, you got to implement that yourself. By now, we are using each-frame to check if something is happening.


You can use: PED::IS_PED_GETTING_INTO_A_VEHICLE to check if a Player is getting into a vehicle



About the changing radio station, no Idea...

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Hmm alright, thanks @kallas.


Other question then:


static void SET_VEH_RADIO_STATION(Any p0, Any *p1) { invoke<Void>(0x1B9C0099CB942AC6, p0, p1); } // 1B9C0099CB942AC6 E391F55F


What is the 2nd argument there?

Using Integers doesn't work...


Also, is there a method like

static Any GET_VEH_RADIO_STATION(Any p0)
to get the current vehicle radio station selected?
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Look at the decompiled scripts,










Or you can use AUDIO::GET_RADIO_STATION_NAME(int id)

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Hmm alright, thanks @kallas.


Other question then:

static void SET_VEH_RADIO_STATION(Any p0, Any *p1) { invoke<Void>(0x1B9C0099CB942AC6, p0, p1); } // 1B9C0099CB942AC6 E391F55F

What is the 2nd argument there?

Using Integers doesn't work...


Also, is there a method like

static Any GET_VEH_RADIO_STATION(Any p0)
to get the current vehicle radio station selected?


Could do something like this:



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I should definitely check the decompiled scripts out! :D

Didn't think it would be a String with the radio-station, but alright, thanks guys :)


Only thing open now is a way to check which Radio-station is currently selected.

I'm sure it is in the code, but there is nothing in the natives, unfortunately.



It's not working at all, it throws me this error:



Error: The argument from type "const char*" is incompatible with the parameter from type "Any *".


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Download this one, http://dev-c.com/nativedb/natives.h




edit : Nope, don't use it, it still use the old hashes for consoles.


Change the prototype to take a char* instead of Any

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or change the definition of the native yourself :) I use a scripting override header file where I put all the natives in that I have changed.

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We should centralize researches by using Alexander Blade's website, so no need to override the header :p

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Oh also, is it possible to write to the asiloader.log or would I have to write my own methods to write to a custom log file? :p

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im trying to spawn clones of my playermodel to protect me, so far I have the CLONE_PED native working, however I don't know what to put beneath it to add them to my group.

PED::CLONE_PED(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), -852.4f, 160.0f, 65.6f);
is working and spawns clones wherever I am in the world. (I gave it Michael's house coordinates just in case but it ignores them anyway)

also, for some reason, it spawns 5 or so clones instead of just 1, any fix for that? (this isn't important)
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Does anyone know what encryption system R* use to cypher .ysc ? From what I'm reading it AES but GoodNTS told me they don't use it.

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So apparently


either always returns false or it's completely broken.



This code doesn't work at all.

It should pause the currently playing song once the pause menu is opened, and unpause it again once it's closed.

isActive is the boolean I use to check if the script / song is actually being played / mod-functionality being active:

void updatePauseMenu() {  if (UI::IS_PAUSE_MENU_ACTIVE()) {    if (isActive && !currentSong->getIsPaused())      currentSong->setIsPaused(true);  }  else {    if (isActive && currentSong->getIsPaused())      currentSong->setIsPaused(false);  }}
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Alexander Blade

I would really like you to make your changes in the nativedb (when it will be adopted for PC) instead of separate header

or change the definition of the native yourself :) I use a scripting override header file where I put all the natives in that I have changed.

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I think that one is related to pause menu in mission.

You should do something like this:



Or try with different combinations of them.

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Alright, I'll check that out tomorrow, thanks @kallas :)

There is no real documentation on those yet, so ye... Kinda hard to figure out what works properly :p


Also, it's really annoying having to restart GTA V everytime I change some code in my .asi file.

Isn't there a way to let them reload mid-game?

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Anyone know parameters for this? I reckon it wants a group but nothing I've tried has worked so far.

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Function is used with multiplayer tho.

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