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GTA 5 AI vs GTA 4 AI: Better or worse?

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189 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the AI better in Grand Theft Auto 5, or Grand theft Auto 4?

    • Grand Theft Auto 5 has a better AI than 4.
    • Grand Theft Auto 4 has a better AI than 5.
    • Both are good to me.
    • I don't really care about it.

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The AI in GTA 5 is horrible, watch the NPC's drive for a while.....


Left turn from right lane, drive off road right into poles, etc.... stop in the middle of turns, its so unrealistic. ( and I've driven in Manila )


and then there's the POPO with the super cars.....


absolutely the worse video AI I've ever played.

Edited by jcph3

I don't like the precise aiming in V, but I like the AI's attitude an dialogue better in V


The best improvement from IV to V is npcs won't try to pass me at a stoplight, bunch of assholes in LC

The AI in GTA IV annoy me alot less if that says anything. I find myself raging and killing AI (especially drivers) much more often than in previous GTA's.

Edited by mr toasterbutt
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They police and enemy npcs dont have improved ai. They are just more aggressive like hornets. They Somehow can tell where you are even if you are hiding. and they have higher accuracy. im talking about being able to blind fire you from 100m away.

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In GTA V, if you stand still for too long near a pedestrian they call the cops. That's absolutely retarded. Also in IV if you pissed someone off you could get them to hang off the side of your door, and traffic certainly screws me over more in V.

In GTA V, if you stand still for too long near a pedestrian they call the cops. That's absolutely retarded. Also in IV if you pissed someone off you could get them to hang off the side of your door, and traffic certainly screws me over more in V.

Yes. I think traffic is purposly designed just to get in your way. It's especially annoying when you hit them and they keep ramming into you for some reason. My favorite part is when the game takes control over an AI's car and starts to drag it along the road as the driver slams on the breaks.

Edited by mr toasterbutt

I liked it better in IV. This game has dumber and more aggressive AI.. which makes the game for frustrating. I saw a video a while ago explaining some issues in GTA V's system. I'll put it below:




Skip to 17:05. That's when he begins talking about the police AI. But you're welcome to watch the whole video if you'd like.

Gotta say, some things with the AI was better in IV, but other things are better in V.


The NPCs in V make the weirdest comments on their phones it's hilarious sometimes. Lol


I liked it better in IV. This game has dumber and more aggressive AI.. which makes the game for frustrating. I saw a video a while ago explaining some issues in GTA V's system. I'll put it below:




Skip to 17:05. That's when he begins talking about the police AI. But you're welcome to watch the whole video if you'd like.

Was waiting for this to be posted.


Quick notes from the video:

— traffic is hitting you purposely

— drivers in NPC cars are changing their appearance as soon as you look other way

— cars are disappearing

— No police on patrol

— cops are not pitting you, they're pulling some magic that makes your wheels turn


Conclusion: AI= sh*t. Especially with that blind fire accuracy from cover, NSA-informed police, not working stealth.

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Turkish Turketarian

The AI drivers are terrible in V. Why is it that if you're speeding, every driver immediately switches lanes in an attempt to cut you off? It's like that one bridge in IV but throughout the entire city.


Also when you speed in the correct lane, oncoming traffic in the other lane will swerve into your lane (which is the wrong lane for them) to get into a head on collision with you. WTF

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The AI drivers are terrible in V. Why is it that if you're speeding, every driver immediately switches lanes in an attempt to cut you off? It's like that one bridge in IV but throughout the entire city.


Also when you speed in the correct lane, oncoming traffic in the other lane will swerve into your lane (which is the wrong lane for them) to get into a head on collision with you. WTF

Check out this:


Police is unable to do something with him, they're just circling.


Some another example of LSPD supremacy: I spent 2-3 minutes climbing mt. Chiliad with my Akuma (and that is very fast bike if somebody is unaware) and shot 2 peds on the top. Cops are dispatched with nobody in sight (no witnesses whatsoever) and arriving in less than 15 seconds later. How?! I was driving one the fastest bikes in game for couple of mins to reach here. And they're just skipped to the top in seconds. With 2 or 3 cars!


Another example: I shot 3 people in desert with non-supressed weapon. Police knows. I exploded grenade when climbing mt. Gordo (very narrow road, nobody in sight), they know.

And sometimes when I'm sitting in cover, they're magically know where I am. They're not searching area, they're going for me. Directly. And when I was hiding, nobody saw it.

Edited by hei3enberg
Biohazard Abyss

Lol @ people who voted for V being better.


In IV, if a police car smashes into you, you don't get a wanted level, because the AI knows it was their fault.


The AI drivers in V are also incredibly stupid. It's like every single driver doesn't use their mirrors, as they drive like they're the only ones on the road.

Lol @ people who voted for V being better.


In IV, if a police car smashes into you, you don't get a wanted level, because the AI knows it was their fault.


The AI drivers in V are also incredibly stupid. It's like every single driver doesn't use their mirrors, as they drive like they're the only ones on the road.


Thats cause you were most likely doing illegal driving, 9/10 thats the case


and sometime police have hit me and nothing happened... I was driving correctly

Biohazard Abyss

Thats cause you were most likely doing illegal driving, 9/10 thats the case


and sometime police have hit me and nothing happened... I was driving correctly





Excuse me for driving illegally in Grand Theft Auto

  • Like 4

Both are fine. I have no problems with them...unless we scratch the bottom of the barrel, then i'd say that V's AI has Robocop aim while IV's AI couldn't shoot in the correct general direction.


Could you imagine if GTA 5 had Watchdog's police's AI? You would have a hard time trying to get away from the cops

Edited by AlexSniperBullet



Both are fine. I have no problems with them...unless we scratch the bottom of the barrel, then i'd say that V's AI has Robocop aim while IV's AI couldn't shoot in the correct general direction.

Could you imagine if GTA 5 had WATCHDOGE's police's AI? You would have a hard time trying to get away from the cops

Please, at least in GTA the police know what a damn boat is Edited by AwesomeJokeGTA
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Overall, I liked IV's better. V had a few improvements, but at the same time certain components of the AI were downgraded. Can't stand when car's would try to go past me at a light in IV. In GTA V, if you're in an emergency vehicle with the siren on, traffic will sometimes cross into your lane of travel...


Both are fine. I have no problems with them...unless we scratch the bottom of the barrel, then i'd say that V's AI has Robocop aim while IV's AI couldn't shoot in the correct general direction.


Could you imagine if GTA 5 had Watchdog's police's AI? You would have a hard time trying to get away from the cops


Really? Hopping on a taxi boat = chase closed.

Even GTA III had predators searching.


And WD's police force blow.


There's only one thing about the AI I like more in GTA 5 and its how the pedestrians don't ram your car if you stop at a red light. Everything else about the AI is just terrible. I don't know why they're called artificial intelligence if none can be found.

Biohazard Abyss

Really? Hopping on a taxi boat = chase closed.



Just popping in to say nobody does this, lol unless you're a complete square. I guess if you're a baby you'd retreat to the water :p


And WD's police force blow.



Land police chases are incredibly fun since you can either take an aggressive, or stealth approach to evading the police. And since stealth actually WORKS in Watch Dogs, unlike GTAV since Watch Dog's police don't have spider senses like Los Santos's police force, hiding in alleyways and such is actually effective and strategical.


GTAIV police > Watch Dogs police > Flaming dog sh*t > GTAV police


OT: I also get annoyed by the fact that during missions, it seems AI pedestrians in V are designed to stop you. Can't count the amount of times playing Rooftop Rumble and every emperor in Los Santos is trying to stop me, by cutting me off/pulling out of driveways without looking, etc.



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I liked it when I could get into fights with NPCs that could take more than one hit before dying.



Sooo agree with you. I'd like there to be some challenge when going up against three dock workers... unfortunately the only way I can ever die is if I let them do it :(

Edited by RAS_ZeroZ
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