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How much cash cards you bought


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None, because I'm not a loser who willfully goes with Rockstars stupid scheme to make quick money. I will never support the way they've handled the economy in this game.

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None, because I'm not a loser who willfully goes with Rockstars stupid scheme to make quick money. I will never support the way they've handled the economy in this game.

Yes because rockstar was the first to get people to buy in game products, oh wait Zynga and most games on Facebook and on the marketplace and the App Store all do it years before rockstar.


On topic, I got three, spent about $50ish and thinking of getting another $1.5 million for my 2nd super car in the game. Yes, I only own two super cars.

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I say a lot that I'll buy a cash card, or that I've bought a cash card, but actually I haven't bought any.


You're crazy if you think I'm spending money on virtual money.

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I've bought a couple of cash cards but can't remember the amount they were for. Also I only own one super car which is only really used for races.

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Why spend cash for cash cards when you can glitch yourself unlimited money.

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AFP Phat Packs

Zero. Glitch my money. Anyone giving Greedstar money after their behavior should be smacked.

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I ain't buying sh*t. The logic is beyond stupid. You pay Rockstar so that you don't have to play the game. :sui:


I almost barfed when I saw the Megalodon card's price. I don't understand how anyone can claim to be "too busy" to earn cash but have time to play dress up and ride around in an chrome Adder through Vinewood on that Justin Beiber tip.

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I don't understand how anyone can claim to be "too busy" to earn cash but have time to play dress up and ride around

You answer your own question. Think about it...

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lol If you're thinking about buying a cash card you might as well glitch.


I mean, how many of you thought about buying a song and then thought, naw ill just use youtube to mp3 converter and get it for free.

You are being ripped off for buying one.

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None dont plan to, like to gradually buy things i want through in game measures to me its not as fun if i have it straight away low attention span get bored fast so if i buy stuff an have it instantly i would probably not be playing gta:online anymore. Equally the reason i dont glitch game would be dead to me while i sit there with everything doing nothing.

Edited by o0eVe0o
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Only losers can't afford them.

You're so successful, sinking all your money into a video game.


No, he just still lives with Mommy and Daddy.... and has those two buy everything for him. He has yet to mature to realize the value of a dollar earned.


I mean, no big deal.... he's still a kid.... and when I was a kid I had my parents buy me stuff too. He's just one of those annoying kids (like the ones on GTA V online) and calls people losers to make himself feel better :)

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Total 0. It's not worth it and I don't support it since prices and rewards in the game are unfair IMO.


I'd rather use my money for something good for life.


I also use Japanese PSN as my main so even though I buy it, it won't be compatible.

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Haha that's hilarious! Buy fake money for real money, ohhh that's a good one!

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How... much cash cards... you... buyed?


OP, are you asking how much money I've spent on cash cards, or are you asking how many I have bought?


Pro tip: "buyed" isn't a f*cking word.

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Commander S

Managed to get one for 'free':


Got £2.80 in XBL rewards points - that's money I can only use for Xbox games, or daft stuff like avatar items (which really are a stupid money-sink).


So figured "screw it!" - got myself a 'free' £1.99 card ($100k) - figured I'd get some use out of my credit, and didn't need to spend any actual money.

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Only losers can't afford them.


You're so successful, sinking all your money into a video game.


No, he just still lives with Mommy and Daddy.... and has those two buy everything for him. He has yet to mature to realize the value of a dollar earned.


I mean, no big deal.... he's still a kid.... and when I was a kid I had my parents buy me stuff too. He's just one of those annoying kids (like the ones on GTA V online) and calls people losers to make himself feel better :)

Wow! You managed to disern this from my 6 word , tongue in cheek answer.

I feel sorry for your wife, 'cause if your f*cking is anything like your detecting, you couldn't hit the g spot on a 12 pound pussy.

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Rockstar isn't getting another dime from me after how much they destroyed online

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i can't wait until you're able to give any amount of money then it'll be possible to launder money through GTA. omg rockstar dont read this!

Edited by sam1ches
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Zero. Glitch my money. Anyone giving Greedstar money after their behavior should be smacked.

And you should get your ass kicked for being an entitled little sh*t.

Rockstar isn't getting another dime from me after how much they destroyed online

explain how they ruined online without sounding like a little bitch, please ?
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Zero. Glitch my money. Anyone giving Greedstar money after their behavior should be smacked.

And you should get your ass kicked for being an entitled little sh*t.

Rockstar isn't getting another dime from me after how much they destroyed online

explain how they ruined online without sounding like a little bitch, please ?


Well, nerfing the payouts was one issue. The payouts were just fine before they had to change them. Not letting us store certain vehicles, like utilities and cop cars. And during the time where everyone was making billions from hackers instead of wiping everyones account they should have left everyone with 5 million cash. And now this metal state bs. Its supposed to show who constantly kills other players but it goes up when you kill NPC players. They just really take the fun out of this with every update.

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ZERO,Only failures buy them

Failures? I did not know that someone who works and can afford things are failures, as a matter of fact, I thought that people who were broke, and lived in their moms basement were failures.



That being said. I have gotten about 5

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Still not as stupid as these


Nope it's actually very much the same level of stupid.

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I've bought two, I've done my fair share of glitching and grinding as well, I wanted to give something back :lol:


It is a dumb purchase but we make a lot of dumb purchases here in the first world. Those of us with our own hard earned money to spend understand that. Supporting a video game developer is one of the lesser corporate evils behind renewing an iphone every few years, buying designer clothes or bags of weed or whatever else we collectively waste disposable incomes on every day.

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Zero. Glitch my money. Anyone giving Greedstar money after their behavior should be smacked.

And you should get your ass kicked for being an entitled little sh*t.

Rockstar isn't getting another dime from me after how much they destroyed online

explain how they ruined online without sounding like a little bitch, please ?


Well, nerfing the payouts was one issue. The payouts were just fine before they had to change them. Not letting us store certain vehicles, like utilities and cop cars. And during the time where everyone was making billions from hackers instead of wiping everyones account they should have left everyone with 5 million cash. And now this metal state bs. Its supposed to show who constantly kills other players but it goes up when you kill NPC players. They just really take the fun out of this with every update.lowering pay , taking away certain cars, recovering glitched money , and a new way of finding out who's trigger happy. yup they killed online...


Can someone post a face palm picture for me here ??

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