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No more Merriweather Mesa?

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So it's been a while since I have been on GTA V, and before I left I got rid of my Merri Mesa, and so today I went and found one from the Gang attack outside the fort, took it home, and apparently you can no longer store this vehicle... What was wrong with being able to store this vehicle?!

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Why haven't people gotten the memo that you can't store vehicles from missions or gang attacks anymore?


Because they don't live and breath GTA like you do. Most people just play and they turn on their game and something bad happens and then and only then do they come to a forum to ask what happened.


Simply put, which I think it's stupid, you can't store cars from missions anymore and the Gang Attack Merryweather Mesa can't be stored anymore either, which is where I got mine. All you got left is to have someone call the Mercenarys on you.

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As above, only available from mercenaries now.


Already topic for this http://gtaforums.com/topic/705460-get-the-canis-messa-merryweather-edition-4-free-tutorial/


It's a vehicle only Merryweather should have so R* disabled the routes we've had to acquire it

previously. You are best to probably get this now as next update will probably patch being able to

get it from the mercenaries.

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Why haven't people gotten the memo that you can't store vehicles from missions or gang attacks anymore?


Because they don't live and breath GTA like you do. Most people just play and they turn on their game and something bad happens and then and only then do they come to a forum to ask what happened.


Simply put, which I think it's stupid, you can't store cars from missions anymore and the Gang Attack Merryweather Mesa can't be stored anymore either, which is where I got mine. All you got left is to have someone call the Mercenarys on you.


That's a cruel thing to say. Not to mention untrue. But if that's the case there is a pinned question and answer thread I believe.

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Why haven't people gotten the memo that you can't store vehicles from missions or gang attacks anymore?


Because they don't live and breath GTA like you do. Most people just play and they turn on their game and something bad happens and then and only then do they come to a forum to ask what happened.


Simply put, which I think it's stupid, you can't store cars from missions anymore and the Gang Attack Merryweather Mesa can't be stored anymore either, which is where I got mine. All you got left is to have someone call the Mercenarys on you.


That's a cruel thing to say. Not to mention untrue. But if that's the case there is a pinned question and answer thread I believe.



lol, how is that cruel. Think of it as we're just "more" informed. ha ha.


So you've been here forever and you "believe" there's a question and answer thread? Then why didn't you link it in your original post asking why he wasn't informed? Or do the research prior to posting! Sheesh! Get informed!


Just pointing out the duplicity of most of the finger pointing posts. lol

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Actually there is a way to store this from the gang attack at the fort... Found it in another thread, seemingly I am now better informed than you!


And this is why we have forums. So people can say, "I did it, you didn't and I'm not telling you how."



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A Maned Wolf


Vot mine from stocks and scares. Better grab one from the mercs while you still can.

That's the military crusader, not MW Mesa.


No, there's like 6 or 7 of them in the mission,including the ones that are scripted to spawn at certain points during the mission.

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I'm glad I got mine before the patching. I don't even drive it anymore. It is a trophy.


Once you get it, it is yours forever for better or worse since you can't sell them to LSC.

Nope next patch if itz removed it will be removed from garages too. Its a fun vehicle and fun is a no no just like police cars
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As above, only available from mercenaries now.


Already topic for this http://gtaforums.com/topic/705460-get-the-canis-messa-merryweather-edition-4-free-tutorial/


It's a vehicle only Merryweather should have so R* disabled the routes we've had to acquire it

previously. You are best to probably get this now as next update will probably patch being able to

get it from the mercenaries.

I have heard that unless you are a mortitian you shouldn't own a hearse....so they are patching that too.
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Commander S

I'd like to think that R* keeps it storable from the merc attack, at least - that way, it's a rare trophy vehicle that you have to earn under specific circumstances. Hell, the game gives you an achievement for turning the tables on a mugger - it's not unreasonable to apply the same thinking, and use the Merryweather Mesa as a 'reward' for fending off the goon squad...

(full disclosure: I've had two - an open-top from the mercs, that I ended up ditching, and a closed-cab one from the Gang Attack, which I've still got. Wouldn't be best pleased if all non-merc-attack Mesas got patched out, but it's not the end of the world to get another...)

On a related note, I'm more worried about the future of the clean Rebel - still hasn't got a proper 'manufacturer icon' when you highlight vehicle stats in the garage, and the (admittedly crappy) iFruit app doesn't have it listed, and thus defaults to the Dundreary Regina instead. All of which make me suspect it's still not 'supposed' to be garage-worthy, and thus will probably be a casualty of a future patch.

...which means, if both the above are true, I lose both my off-roaders. F*** me sideways (with a hammer). :(

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Black Rabbit

On a related note, I'm more worried about the future of the clean Rebel - still hasn't got a proper 'manufacturer icon' when you highlight vehicle stats in the garage, and the (admittedly crappy) iFruit app doesn't have it listed, and thus defaults to the Dundreary Regina instead. All of which make me suspect it's still not 'supposed' to be garage-worthy, and thus will probably be a casualty of a future patch.


Don't start stupid rumors. Clean Rebel is fine and will remain storable.

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Izhevsk M44




Vot mine from stocks and scares. Better grab one from the mercs while you still can.

That's the military crusader, not MW Mesa.


No, there's like 6 or 7 of them in the mission,including the ones that are scripted to spawn at certain points during the mission.


Omg I'm a retard. Thought you meant the "war stock cache" website lol.

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Commander S


On a related note, I'm more worried about the future of the clean Rebel - still hasn't got a proper 'manufacturer icon' when you highlight vehicle stats in the garage, and the (admittedly crappy) iFruit app doesn't have it listed, and thus defaults to the Dundreary Regina instead. All of which make me suspect it's still not 'supposed' to be garage-worthy, and thus will probably be a casualty of a future patch.


Don't start stupid rumors. Clean Rebel is fine and will remain storable.

Not trying to start a 'stupid rumour' - simply pointing out that it's clearly not properly-integrated as a PV option, and has been made 'not-storable' before.


Logical conjecture, more like.

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