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Def the police system.

In V i was kind of afraid to do anything and had hordes of robocops swarming at me.

In IV i can do anything, and have some fun with the pigs.

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Gta 4 is most realistic game i have ever played


Now we all are brothers for life ; So i wont tell no lies


But once i started playing it ; I got so involved in Niko Bellic

Character that my style became like "Old Romantic"


I constantly played it for hours and still have on my PC


Never thought i would get so involved with a game


But u know what " it wasnt a game but was a life changing experience"


I see no reasons of people being so unsatisfied with IV and love V.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a fist fight/gun fight Niko would kill the GTA 5 characters so easily in my opinion!

If 4 was released with 5s features, like graphics, more guns, and customization. 4 would be game of the year again!

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If 4 was released with 5s features, like graphics, more guns, and customization. 4 would be game of the year again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Friend activities. And characters, IV had lots and I felt they were all fleshed out and breathing.

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The characters, story, and atmosphere is the best in any GTA. If you watched both endings in GTA 4, both of them are filled with emotions. In fact, the only other time I really felt bad for someone dying in GTA was when you get to kill Michael in GTA 5 (optional). In GTA 4, instead of "you killed once, you've killed them all" it was like "wow, I can't believe I killed that guy. I feel bad for his family, but I had no choice" That reason alone is why GTA 4 is better than GTA V, and any GTA game.


Another reason is that the city actually feels like it's real life counterpart; New York. When I see Liberty City, I see New York. When I see Alderney, I see New Jersey. Everything was just so detailed and it truly felt like a real world.


Also, GTA 4 had the best mission in GTA history; Three Leaf Clover.


That is all.

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I prefer IV to V. IMO, when i got V,as you do on day release, i wanted to look at the case, as that is something that tells you if a game is good or not IMO. I look at the back and at the blurb and picture and said to my cousin "hey, lets go bowling!

(i didn't say that but, i was with my cousin irl) "i don't think il like it" i said to him. He said" why" and i said " the box isn't that cool, just a picture of a chopper"'

Yeah, V was good, but IVs case with a police chase through star junction , Niko standing in the headlights of a car and him on a roof with a sniper rifle told me that this game is good. The blurb also sells the game, much like a book. A bad blurb is a bad sale, much like Vs blurb IMO( yeah it sold good but its GTA, what do you expect) then theres the story.


In IV you start off basically free to do whatever you want from the start. V, you have to do a mission in the past that you go to only once again in the entire game. IV builds you up to get your bearings, whilst V feels TO ME like it throws you i. The sh*t just like that.


Then game mechanics, background characters, main character etc...

My overall is that IV is better than V by a long shot, but IVs days are nearly over with GTA Online and the fun but never ending updates with crumby free DLC.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it's not just me.


I'm on PC and been playing IV since 2010. Even with no mods or etc it has lot of fun of it. I'm not the guy that having fun with RPG launcher, throwing your self building to other building, set everything on fire.. swingset glitch.. when i'm bored ingame i just obey the law following the rules, traffic light etc. but

it feels so alive no matter how bored you are.


i never played the V since it's released, but yesterday i saw someone played it on PlayStation Cafe. and it seems Fun. so i tried it, for the first time. first time i move Michael to walk, i feel.. hey it's different. it's not as smooth as niko walk and running. its feel unreal.. it feels like playing Call of Duty after 50 hours on CS GO.

so i killed the cops outside the bank.. and whoa. it's upgrading. the cops ain't that startropper anymore. so i died once and finally got myself on the escape car.


And here the most unrealistic feeling comes'

steering is so arcade.. i can't enjoy every second of it. but i think it's just because it's snow. but after Franklin mission. i found a ford gt roaming around circling the entire map but i feel it still same. driving it's not that enjoyable as IV.


i try a mission and here comes the jokes and stuff it feels okay, and if not because it's not my ps3, i would spend my time finishing the storyline. so the only mission i tried was that one franklin stealing the bikes and.. 'oh yeah the bike riding also not feel good.. it feels like the tire is floating above the aspalt when turning.


i spend one hour try to enjoy the game. but i can't.. i can't enjoy it.


V has lot of things added, it's good and superior

IV has lot of things i loved, but it's been changed in V


[iV] it's like you've been with your 'SO' loved ones not that beauty, not that rich but you've been spend lot of time together and you loved each other..

[V] then came a beautiful looking woman, rich, sexy and makes you think of them everytime to mastrubate. but it can't replace the moment with IV one.


and this is my opinion IV is better than V

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ripping through Chinatown and a subway system for a crew level cut was much more sqtisfying.

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Three Leaf Clover is still better than any of the heists in GTA V.

Hangman's NOOSE is still better than any of the multiplayer missions in GTA Online.

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Driving is better, story is better, vehicles are better, graphics are better.

Mate, the driving is sh*t, story is better, vehicles are not so much better, graphics on pc, maybe i'll agree.

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Three Leaf Clover is still better than any of the heists in GTA V.

Hangman's NOOSE is still better than any of the multiplayer missions in GTA Online.

'Now we must drink! And forget the bloodshed!' - Kenny Petrovic, great boss

Edited by B Dawg
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GTA V lacks realistic steak. That's why GTA IV is better.

It can't be decided on the realness of the food! Edited by HoneyBadger3
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  • 2 weeks later...

GTA IV is superior no doubt, it has one extra numeral in the title meaning more obviously.

Don't buy GTA V it's a step backward.

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Payne Killer

GTA IV is superior no doubt, it has one extra numeral in the title meaning more obviously.

Don't buy GTA V it's a step backward.

GTA V was actually two steps forward, four steps back. The sh*t car handling and the health regeneration crap kills this game.
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the only thing V could get better than IV is 'graphic'.


i still remember that ecstatic feeling when the first trailer of V just came out..

too much disappointment to me.

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GTA V was actually two steps forward, four steps back. The sh*t car handling and the health regeneration crap kills this game.

If they wanted to do something new and original, they should have gave us an inventory, with health packs/adrenaline pills.

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Payne Killer



GTA V was actually two steps forward, four steps back. The sh*t car handling and the health regeneration crap kills this game.

If they wanted to do something new and original, they should have gave us an inventory, with health packs/adrenaline pills.Hell yeah didn't rdr have pills to give your horse stamina. Just make health packs for sale or take it from the hospital and save it for when you really need it.
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I felt that the city itself was more detailed. Interactions with npcs were far more funny and the dialogue of the pedestrians was gold. The Driving was definitely better as well

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Driving is better, story is better, vehicles are better, graphics are better.

Mate, the driving is sh*t, story is better, vehicles are not so much better, graphics on pc, maybe i'll agree.


Driving is much better in iv than v, feels o much more realistic, both on car and motorbike.

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I like IV more than V. Cops are like real bastards in V and driving is more difficult. In IV you can just free roam like you want and wont die so easily. And a top of all that, in IV you can do all crazy things like below. Hope u like the video, i put a lot of effort for it.


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Above Pics clearly says the story.


Four Forever



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  • 2 weeks later...

I like GTA IV a little better because ive only played V a few times and im not used to it, however, i really like beating people up in V more! it looks funnier than in IV just because they fall harder and other things like that.

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For me three people in Gta V turned out to be "Crowd" rather than "Company"



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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't believe IV's better at all. V has more stuff to do, and it's a better open world game.


GTA V lacks realistic steak. That's why GTA IV is better.

So just because a game's more realistic it's better?

Driving is better, story is better, vehicles are better, graphics are better.

"vehicles are better, graphics are better."

This comment is full of sh*t.

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I don't believe IV's better at all. V has more stuff to do, and it's a better open world game.



So just because a game's more realistic it's better?


That's because you never play GTA game except V, f4gg0t.. oh and you sounds so underage, bring good reason next time you do sh*tpost..

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