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Tank = Fastest thing ever


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I know I saw the topics of adder vs entity and all the other threads about the fastest thing in gta online.


However I would like to set the record straight right now by saying....You are all wrong. The Rhino Tank is the fastest thing known to man.


How do I know this? Gta told me so :V

The stats on social club say I went 252.36 MPH in a tank.....how did that happen?


Edited by DerpCat
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i think i exited the stratosphere with my tank lol


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252? Lol get on my level!



Edit: My real top speed is 162. something on the 801 :D

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My buddy's fastest speed is in a Fire Truck... about 25K mph. But this is mine... Kinda proud of it.



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Glitchers, trumping glitchers... Oh my do we need something new to talk about.

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Gate launch glitch?




Glitchers, trumping glitchers... Oh my do we need something new to talk about.

I didnt do anything to glitch.....it just was like that when I checked.


I have an idea though, if you hooked a tank with a cargo-bob and dropped it high in the air so it hit mnt chilly and slide down it....would that do it? Because I cant think of anything else to get this legit, and I did no tank glitches.

Edited by DerpCat
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Tanks don't move forward, the treads rotate the world around it similar to the Planet Express.

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Sugar Free Nos

Quit delaying hists!!!!!111!!121!11211!!oneoneone

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Just wait for Biohazard Abyss. She wins the thread with a top speed of more than 9.5 million miles per hour.

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My top speed is 25,000mph in a tank. Look on my SocialClub(Name is OmgLolOmgLol on SC), and you can see it. ;)


I had a top speed of 35 million mph in a tank for a few days, but it got reset for some reason. I was only able to get back up to 25,000mph after that. :\

Edited by fofofofofofofofo
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Izhevsk M44

Just wait for Biohazard Abyss. She wins the thread with a top speed of more than 9.5 million miles per hour.




I dont understand the speed tracking system in RSC. It says my fastest was 152 in a Coquette but I know I've done a full speed nose dive in a jet, driven a fully modded adder at top speed, among other things.

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Biohazard Abyss




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not mine. Just found it on the site. Even though its a Dump, it beats the Tank by some mere seconds.

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Okay, so how is any of this possible? I didnt do any glitch to get my stat like this, I just noticed it......how did you all even do this?

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Can't do it anymore, but you have to spray the firetruck hose backwards while driving forwards.

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lt was a tank with turbo nos.

No, again I didnt glitch nor cheat for this to happen.

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Did anyone consider these might have been photoshopped and hence trolled lol

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lt was a tank with turbo nos.


No, again I didnt glitch nor cheat for this to happen.If you didn't do anything then why did you black out your avatar, money, and rank? Your name isn't listed in the pic so that's not the reason.
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Did anyone consider these might have been photoshopped and hence trolled lol

Mine really says on the socialclub what I posted, so the socialclub ones I do trust.

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Did anyone consider these might have been photoshopped and hence trolled lol

I didnt photoshop this. Its on my social club stats and I have no idea how it got there....so thats why I'm asking.





lt was a tank with turbo nos.

No, again I didnt glitch nor cheat for this to happen.
If you didn't do anything then why did you black out your avatar, money, and rank? Your name isn't listed in the pic so that's not the reason.


So certain retards on this forum dont bother me ingame.

That and so we didnt get the trolls who post sh*t like "You have xxxxxxx amount of money? I glitched millions LOOOOOL" or something stupid like that.

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Did anyone consider these might have been photoshopped and hence trolled lol


I didnt photoshop this. Its on my social club stats and I have no idea how it got there....so thats wy I'm asking.





lt was a tank with turbo nos.


No, again I didnt glitch nor cheat for this to happen.
If you didn't do anything then why did you black out your avatar, money, and rank? Your name isn't listed in the pic so that's not the reason.


So certain retards on this forum dont bother me ingame.How are they going to find you based on a avatar? Your name isn't listed.
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step it up pls 3VCd8rU.png

At least mine was legit, I mean its max speed car wise. How did this happen? any idea? ._.

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At least mine was legit, I mean its max speed car wise. How did this happen? any idea? ._.


Honestly I don't think anyone really cares.

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