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Going ghost


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To all the off radar users


When do u usually use this?

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General Scrotum

When I (very rarely) have a bounty on my head and people are closing dangerously nearby.

Edited by Canadian Scrotum
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Before running into a group of 3-4+ people who won't STFU on the mic to go for the big win...or for sneaking up to get that airstrike flare by some idiots

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All. The. Time.

I use it when I simply want to approach someone else, specifically a player who killed me in a cheap way, like coming out of a mission or out of LSC.

I've got no problem waiting 10-20 minutes for that player to forget my existence, when i exact my silent revenge.

The other time I use it is when there's a lot of tanking going on. I go to the tank spawn location and wait until I see a player heading my way.

When they do, I got off-radar, steal the tank they call in for, and thusly shoot the eggs out of their basket with their own tank when they arrive.

Players usually get a big kick out of it when you steal their tank and then kill them with it. LOL! ;)

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all the time, i use it to do drive bys, troll on people or even better to take that bounty thats been idling in his car for the past 5minutes and no one is chasing him!

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When I've rigged a Janky looking van with explosives.


Then stalk my prey.


Go off radar.


Drive like an NPC


Right up to his face and blow the rig.


sh*t's pretty funny.

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U guys ever get any hate using it? I also use it if someone cheaply kills me, Like u il disappear for a while then track there movements, get close, call Lester then beat them with my nightstick :) it's my signature move and I have maxxed out strength so 2 hits usually does it :) however if the first hit floors them il switch to fists and just casually kick them to death xD iv had so much hatemail applying this method ! Great against pesky tankers :) makes u feel morally superior

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Breaking Windows

got a great one yesterday,4 guys in a car killing everyone in the session,i steal a car,slap 5 sticky bombs on it,start driving towards them,go invisible,pull up beside them and take us all out!,funny as f*ck!

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I forgot to give NPC style driving a shout out ! the thrill of chasing ur unsuspecting victim for 35 seconds (sometimes) through the streets is awesome

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...or for sneaking up to get that airstrike flare by some idiots

That'd be pretty funny to see, if airstrikes actually did anything....

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...oh, it's also fun to put on at the docks when someone is getting real close with the H.P.V., surprises the sh*t out of them

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...or for sneaking up to get that airstrike flare by some idiots

That'd be pretty funny to see, if airstrikes actually did anything....


If you know how to use them, they can be deadly.


Next time there's a firefight and you're on top of a building, throw that flare down and watch the show.


Pretty devastating if you're standing next to a car when it pops like an overheated can of Pepsi. ;)

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I use it mostly in two situations. First if I'm bounty hunting and I want to sneak up on them and get the quick kill. Secondly, I use them when I'm in a standoff with someone. When both of you are in cover and nobody wants to act first or retreat. I'll go off radar then go all the way around a building and come up behind them. IMO most useful contact option in the game. And only $500.

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I use it mostly in two situations. First if I'm bounty hunting and I want to sneak up on them and get the quick kill. Secondly, I use them when I'm in a standoff with someone. When both of you are in cover and nobody wants to act first or retreat. I'll go off radar then go all the way around a building and come up behind them. IMO most useful contact option in the game. And only $500.


Yes it's very handy for stalemate situations & correct it's deffo the most useful ability available :)

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Whenever some dude is terrorizing everyone in the lobby with a tank. I just give Lester a call, grab my bike, and stealthily place sticky bombs on him. Peacekeeping, nothing personal.

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I use it just to sneak up on ppl... its really a dumb idea trying to kill some one when the person can see you on radar..

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I used it once to immense success.

It was three of them versus me, I was minding my own biz when they shot at me. Got killed a few times but when the dust settled, they knew they had pulled out the welcome mat to the inferno.

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I usually only use it when someone has earned the up close and personal treatment of my knife

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Tabula Rasa

I use it whenever its available, but circumstantially I like to use it when I am sniping; to lose heat, change nests, or line up a shot without being that suspicious white blip aiming right at you on your mini-map. A minute is a long time, its way too useful, but I go without it a lot too.

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I use it when I dont want a player knowing I am coming for them.

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When I'm creeping up on someone or I'm just trying to get away really quick

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Mostly to kill a group of griefers, but It's very useful.

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I use it quite often, it's a great tool.


I used it the other day.... I saw two people in a vehicle at the airport, so I started heading that way, went off the radar jumped the fence and pulled around the corner just in time to see one them lifting off in a cargobob..... The rpg is also a great tool lol

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when im getting a jet and someone else is in the sky already so that way i dont get blown up before i even get one or when im approaching a tank who's killing everyone i go off radar and get em with my jet

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Great for sneeking up for a revenge kill or to secure your escape for the person around the corner

Edited by Supheris
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I use it went a low level kill. Is funny hear that you are a cheater,hacker etc

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two cases :

~ 1 = pursuited while going to subway tunnel in alta street , so i use lester's invisibility to lose the trail and make my way to my apt in del perro ( across del perro apt , there is underground subway infront of maze bank )

~ 2 = while using vehicles commonly found in street & no customization ( except bulletproof tires & armor ) , i would park my car nearby player and prepare sticky bomb & tag it nearby players then boom

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If i'm all alone in a full public session and see a huge crowd of white dots in one area, i go ''Off Radar'' and then smoothly cruise through the place to scout it out :)

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When I sneak up on a bounty dressed like an npc and beat them to death with a baseball bat

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When attacking another tank with a tank, or when owning groups of people with tank who asked for it after shooting at me.

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