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How to insure trevor's ATV?


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A friend of mine duped me trevor's blazer fully modded, could anyone help me as to how to insure it so i dont lose it

thank you


PSN: LazyAssedLover


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DO the store any car in your garage glitch using an INSURED car - very important. I did it with a cheetah and the car I used wasnt insured, and my friends and I were f*cking around it got blown up and it was gone from mors, even though it says insure in your garage. Buy a rebel or something...

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Do the insurance glitch. It is easy and there are a lot of videos. It involves LSC and a friend.

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A friend just did this with the dupe bike method as well, he flipped it and it duped, replaced an insured car with the dupe.

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