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What Are you Most Insecure About? And How Do you Work Round It?


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Welcome to the Mens Room Now very deep Topic right here what are you most Insecure about ? and how do you work round it? Looks? height? penis size? sexuality? Intelligence?


i myself am very insecure about my Height being a Very Meager 5 ft 6 i wear timberland Boots And Lifts to look 5 ft 9 so that's how i work round my little Insecurity What About you? Open Up to me its Good to Share.

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I f*cking panic if I'm the youngest person in a congregation of people. Like, if there's a bunch of 80 somethings and I'm the youngest, it f*cking scares me.

So far, this has no cure and I'm stuck with it.

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Mr. House

Dahmer was 6'1'' you god damned liar.

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My physical appearance and my lack of intelligence. i always worry that people will judge me for being ugly or stupid. But I am learning to not care so much about what other think about me.


@OP I would kill to me short. When you are in the 5s I feel that everything is much more in proprtion. Rather than being like me and 6'2" with long dangly skinny arms and a weird looking scrawny torso. Even when I work out and get a ton of mudcle I still look emaciated.

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Real-life: Maybe my strength. I'm a really weak guy.


Here: My English. It isn't bad, but it isn't really good either. I can't write many paragraphs here like other members do because it takes a lot of time for me. That's why my posts are usually short.

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I used to be really Insecure about my Weight, But over time I just grew out of it, Now I don't give a sh*t what people think of me.


So to answer the Question, Nothing really, I'm quite happy with myself.

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Mr. Scratch

I feel insecure when there isn't any alcohol around me.

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I feel insecure when there isn't any alcohol around me.


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I feel insecure when there isn't any alcohol around me.

That's something i'd expect out of BOSS 302.



Me personally, i'm afraid i'm not gonna make it like Jadakiss & or Styles P. That's my insecurity.

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I f*cking panic if I'm the youngest person in a congregation of people. Like, if there's a bunch of 80 somethings and I'm the youngest, it f*cking scares me.


Haha, I love being around older people. My grandma and her twenty or so girlfriends would all hang out after church on sundays, and whenever I was over on visits I'd always look forward to eating with them all at the diner for brunch. Older people are really good at keeping a bad conversation from going stale, so all I ever had to do was sit back and listen and not have to worry what they thought about me.


My biggest insecurity is the thought that people are reading my mind. I know it's not true, but there's no way to prove that it isn't, and it just really gets to me that someone could be listening in on my dirty thoughts, or the stupid things I say in my head, or even just the goofy songs that get stuck in there sometimes. A few years ago I lined an old wig with tinfoil, and that comforted me for a little while. Eventually I became afraid that someone would knock my wig off, discover a whole new set of hair, and then see the tinfoil and they'd accuse me of being a paranoid screwball. Nowadays I like to go overboard with the thoughts. Anyone gives me a look, and I look 'em straight back into the fire exit of their f*cking skull and I project "VIOLATE ME YOU SPOOKY SATURNIAN, USE THAT ELBOW FOR EXACTLY WHAT I WANT, I DARE YOU." Mostly they look away.


Most of that's a joke, it really is an insecurity for me though.

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Mr. Scratch

That's rough man, gotta have it like Lil Jon at least.

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Not sure why you guys have to feel insecure about your self. Like everybody was meant to look a certain way, their knowledge, personality, etc. This is what makes us distinguish from one another as if everyone looked the same, spoke the same way, etc, it'll be f*cking weird as f*ck. Just be happy on how you are and don't let your self down because somebody else is " better " than you.

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Nothing, just my phobia of making eye contact with strangers or being stared at for more than 5 seconds.

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I've always been insecure about my health since I was little.


I am excessively hypochondriac.

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Where the f*ck do I begin? I will start of with being 125 pounds, having sevear Chrons disease, having this uber rare genitc disease that causes cancer, having spina bifida as a kid caused a lot of issues

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Sometimes, I can't help but think that I'm a bit of a slut.


Also, I have an overbite like Nelson Muntz.

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im not really a sports guy so i get nervous when my friends start bringing stuff up about soccer, hockey, etc

i guess i just roll with it till theyre done

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I have a insane amount of spiders living in my walls and im afraid if i kill one they will all kill me

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I'm insecure about certain body parts of mine. My butt, my calves, and midsection.

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t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m

I've gained a few pounds since starting college, and I've grown a pot-belly. Now I wear baggy shirts to hide it.


I also have acne, though not nearly as bad as it used to be. I have oily-as-f*ck skin, and I have to take two showers a day and different medicines to keep it all in check.

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Mr. Scratch



I feel insecure when there isn't any alcohol around me.

And what are you insecure about? Or maybe you'd like me to take a guess?

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Schizophrenia and the stigma surrounding it.


I don't have any physical impairments I think I should feel insecure about.

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Finding myself in conversations at social gatherings with people I don't have anything in common with.


Solution: Never leave house.

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I have a sunken sternum and have always felt insecure about being shirtless in front of strangers. It's one reason I don't like swimming that much.

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When I have to wear my army fatigues to social gatherings, people always turn the conversation into a question and answer session. Some people ask reasonable questions such as what's training like or the best way to be accepted. Then there's that one tool who asks if you've killed anyone. The whole group falls silent and stares at you. I can't say no but at the same time I don't want to say yes. If I say I'd rather not answer or change the subject then most people will assume it's a yes and judge me. Luckily most of my close friends and fiancee if they hear someone ask me that will jump in and change the topic for me.


Seriously I'm amazed at how many people think this is a legitimate question to ask a soldier. You're asking us about a traumatic incident in our lives. What if we did that to random non-soldiers. Hey how was your abortion? Or How did your friend die?


My fiancee asks me it and I'm happy to answer her because I know she's not going to judge me. But if you're a random stranger dont f*cking approach me to ask.

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I'm a bit overweight (beer belly) but not much, just a bit but it bothers me. But as scratch said, when there's no alcohol around me.

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How big my dick is makes me really insecure.

I can't go swimming because it just hangs out the side of the shorts, I have to wear specially made boxers, and skinny jeans just make it look like I'm smuggling a baguette.


It also hinders my love life. Because it turns my sexual partners into shish kebabs, they just kind of hang there on the end of it.


Life is cruel you know :(

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make total destroy

I'm pretty insecure about the future, but there's not really anyway around that--short of substance abuse, anyway.

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