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Prank Calling Online


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Prank call? Call a noob and ask if they want a care package. Throw airstrike flare down and tell them to stand by it so it lands by them. Boom.

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A guy who was f*cking me and another guy up in my crew called me the other day after our battle ended. I thought f*ck it I'll answer. We had a pretty cool discussion. Basically I said good sh*t my man. U pretty good much respect. He was good. I don't get mad playing this game. Keyword GAME.


But that was the first time anybody outside my crew called me and I've been playing since day one

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First of all, it costs $10 to call another player, which I think is silly.


Second, most times, people won't pick up.


Lastly, I recommend using it in tandem with going Off Radar or when you call in a mugger, simply to distract the other player from what's coming.


I often will send a ridiculous text, too, like, "YO BRO GOT U BISCUIT?" 9 out of 10 times the player responds with "wtf?" or "what?" followed by Lamar calling me.



for this will be my new "thing"



I did that the other day to really low level guy. He robbed a store and got in a truck and ran out into the desert. I hit him up and the mugger got him, stole his truck and left him in the desert with nothing from his robbery and no ride out of the desert.

Edited by vipprimo
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