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How do you Troll Online


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Whats your technique for pi$$ing off the kids online?


Even though it doesnt happen anymore, back when the titans doors were openable and you'd get a bunch of kids putting their entities inside it and flying off, I'd purposely circle from far away till all the blips would merge into one and start moving, and then I would fly my luxor straight at them just as they were approaching takeoff, right into one of the engines blowing them all up to the sound of screeching and groans and f*ck's.

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Cool story bro. Use the Story Sharing thread next time.

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Cool story bro. Use the Story Sharing thread next time.

This isn't even a story...wat

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I've found that passive mode and the jerk-off gesture makes their little heads pop like zits.

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Cool story bro. Use the Story Sharing thread next time.


Lol wow youre a condescending self righteous know it all.



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Shoot someone.

go into passive mode immediately

watch idiot try to kill you


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I can't really be arsed but using the cargobob to picked up parked cars that players is in can be fun

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I change my voice and start sh*t on mic with lame comebacks and watch the anger ensue. They'll ask who I am and say someone with a high KD and watch them go after that person.

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I like to stare at random players with my tank, they sit there thinking I'm going to shoot them when I'm really not.



Pure evil, I know.

Edited by Xavierr
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Black Rabbit

I like to hover over them in a Buzzard. Just follow them around, not shooting or anything, just following them. It really bugs people sometimes as they just assume you're trying to kill them.

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when I REALLY want to piss off someone,I spawn kill that person... of course with a tank.


or use off the radar and passive mode to make people rage.


for ultimate rage, type them a message like "hahaha you're never gonna get to kill me" while doing any bitch tactic... trust me, most of them WILL try to kill you... :lol:




there we go.. haters gonna hate, this is just a hitman-prick-character, made 1 week ago :) this guy's only reason of existence is to ruin the fun for others while making me laugh my ass off. I mean... come on, sometimes you just gotta be a prick!


note: I killed maybe 10 people in a tank so far with this character, minus about 100 kills with the jet and we get the kills of a real douche who is just really hard to get on foot :evilgrin:

Edited by Bozzah
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Commander S

Want to have a go at this later - it's so obvious, but good for a giggle:

Tempted to grab a Buccaneer, spray-paint it yellow and black, and see if anyone is tempted by a fake 'gang car'...
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Cool story bro. Use the Story Sharing thread next time.


Lol wow youre a condescending self righteous know it all.



you've been a member for two days. That's plenty of time to see how things go on here.
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Wjen i had hacked cash i used to Mod up my cars and put a temote or ignition bomb insode and let other players drive inside and they blow up. Also when i had God mode i would let them drive me around and then activate the bomb and ill still survive becuase of my God mode. Good days. Once i picked up someone and did a ramp and jumped out and activated the bomb to my suprise my car hit his car and he payed for both ;)

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I like to hit the Kick button for whoever is most active on the mic, even if they aren't doing anything wrong. The reactions from them after getting the Players are voting to kick you message can be pretty entertaining.

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I like to hit the Kick button for whoever is most active on the mic, even if they aren't doing anything wrong. The reactions from them after getting the Players are voting to kick you message can be pretty entertaining.


People overly active on mics are goldmines. If I'm bored I either use a generic comment with a weird twist like telling them I kissed their mothers on the lips, or I send them a message about having a dark twisted past involving child molestation or wanting to murder my ex girlfriend. The morons then read it all out to the lobby in disbelief and go on for a few minutes about how im sick all the while I'd be pissing myself.

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Yeah, I like to wait till they get the HPV, then chase them and kill them for it, go to LSC quickly and put an ignition bomb on it, by then they are usually chasing me to get it back or if not I'll drive back by them to tempt them. Once they chasing me I'll duck in an alley and get out and run away. Sometimes if I'm feeling nice I let them shoot me out of the car to sell it more, but not often. It's funny how pissed they get that you would rather destroy the HPV than let them have it.

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I like to hover over them in a Buzzard. Just follow them around, not shooting or anything, just following them. It really bugs people sometimes as they just assume you're trying to kill them.

Haha, this was exactly what I was going to put. Buzzard-shadowing people is hilarious.
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@riclreim thats what i did but when i put a bomb inside the hpc it says simeon no longer wants the car

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The new unfair Team Deathmatches are good for ultimate rage aswell

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One time I shot my tank with an RPG enough times to make it smoke and beep, and attached three sticky bombs to it. I left it outside LSC for someone to come, while I hid on the roof. Someone came, got in, BOOM. They left after that.

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@riclreim thats what i did but when i put a bomb inside the hpc it says simeon no longer wants the car

Yeah, it always says that meaning you can't deliver it, but the car still shows up green on the map and other players don't know it has a bomb. trust me, it works 9 out of 10 times. You just gotta make sure there's someone in the lobby that cares to get the HPV. Sometimes I'll get to it first, put the bomb on, then take it back and park it where I found it perfectly within the parking spot lines. Get a good vantage point and watch, it's funny. Still working on that car bomber award but I might keep going after just for fun

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Kill them and then go into passive mode. Stay close to them and when a chance arises I jump in a car and shoot them and get back out, still in passive btw. That only works once or twice and they catch on, so I then call Lester and go off radar, turn off passive and kill them two or three times depending on the time for being off radar. Go back to PM. Follow around jerking and air thrusting. Call Lester again, but this time call Lamar and have them mugged. Go back to PM. Call Pegasus and get in tank (still in PM) and chill out in alley until they come around corner and BOOM!! I will get in the air in a plane or jet and fly circles around them, then jump out and float to safety. But you HAVE to be talking sh*t the whole time as well. I do this to the kiddies and sh*t talkers because this will piss almost anybody off.

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Shooting out the tires on the HPV is always good for a few laughs, too. If you're good with a sniper rifle, you can wait until they roll out of LSC and shoot out the tires again.

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Whats your technique for pi$$ing off the kids online?


Even though it doesnt happen anymore, back when the titans doors were openable and you'd get a bunch of kids putting their entities inside it and flying off, I'd purposely circle from far away till all the blips would merge into one and start moving, and then I would fly my luxor straight at them just as they were approaching takeoff, right into one of the engines blowing them all up to the sound of screeching and groans and f*ck's.

I think you mean something like this lol



Edited by codename_duchess
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Whats your technique for pi$$ing off the kids online?


Even though it doesnt happen anymore, back when the titans doors were openable and you'd get a bunch of kids putting their entities inside it and flying off, I'd purposely circle from far away till all the blips would merge into one and start moving, and then I would fly my luxor straight at them just as they were approaching takeoff, right into one of the engines blowing them all up to the sound of screeching and groans and f*ck's.

I think you mean something like this lol





Whats your technique for pi$$ing off the kids online?


Even though it doesnt happen anymore, back when the titans doors were openable and you'd get a bunch of kids putting their entities inside it and flying off, I'd purposely circle from far away till all the blips would merge into one and start moving, and then I would fly my luxor straight at them just as they were approaching takeoff, right into one of the engines blowing them all up to the sound of screeching and groans and f*ck's.

I think you mean something like this lol




I hate kids.



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Captain Mannering

I found hovering under the map right above a crew together or just a random player can really irritate them as they wonder where you are.


Then you hear "he's glitching under the map" after not finding me I'd respond with, "Nope."

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Random troll text messages are funny & not so popular.

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when I REALLY want to piss off someone,I spawn kill that person... of course with a tank.


or use off the radar and passive mode to make people rage.


for ultimate rage, type them a message like "hahaha you're never gonna get to kill me" while doing any bitch tactic... trust me, most of them WILL try to kill you... :lol:




there we go.. haters gonna hate, this is just a hitman-prick-character, made 1 week ago :) this guy's only reason of existence is to ruin the fun for others while making me laugh my ass off. I mean... come on, sometimes you just gotta be a prick!


note: I killed maybe 10 people in a tank so far with this character, minus about 100 kills with the jet and we get the kills of a real douche who is just really hard to get on foot :evilgrin:

Sure thing pal.

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