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Do you find yourself struggling to win races?


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If you answered yes, then the solution is simple. Create a point to point GTA race off a cliff, motorcycles only. Make sure the last checkpoint is at the bottom of the cliff. When you go off the jump you parachute in for a win and everyone else dies.




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i thought that you needed a vehicle to be able to pass a checkpoint?

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I never used to own a super car for a very long time so I used to lose super races a fair bit. I was like 40 wins for 100 loses. Then I bought a Turismo and then upgraded to the Cheetah. Now I'm 100/133. Getting a decent car help alot. I don't lose very often now.

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i thought that you needed a vehicle to be able to pass a checkpoint?

Not in GTA races. Hence all the "#running" and "#marathon" foot races

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i thought that you needed a vehicle to be able to pass a checkpoint?


Not in GTA. You can actually exit the vehicle to in GTA.

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When I see a douchbag with a positive win record hosting his own race I usually just leave.

Sometimes I will race but always bet $100 on the creator and sometimes end up with more money than him.

Edited by homeskillet
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I'd say if I get rammed off 30 seconds before the end of the race, I won't be winning it.

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That actually looks fun. Now if only we could do this on a snow capped mountain with snowmobiles.

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nope, it's all about not trying to win. it's about defensive driving and seizing the chances ramming monkeys provide.


my average race win equals going third for most of the race and seize the inevitable moment the two fools in front will take each other out.


other times you win it right at the start just by hanging back and just watching the demolition derby on the first few meters.


i prefer starting last than up on pole.


i don't try to outrun or takeout anyone, i allow everyone the space they need to screw up on their own.

Edited by maybeanotherone
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GTA Master 007

I find it hard not losing. Sometimes I think I'm cheating the game in some way.

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During motorcycle races, I always find a way to hit that one obstacle in the way and wipe out...a telephone pole on a turn...a tree near an off-road jump landing...etc.


I hate, hate, hate airplane races, I rarely fly planes in the game and when I do, it's from the airstrips in the north back to the city...it doesn't matter if we all have the same plane and I fly the course just fine, I only gain on anyone if they crash...but also, my flying skills are far from maxed out, so that's probably it

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That actually looks fun. Now if only we could do this on a snow capped mountain with snowmobiles.


It is quite fun, especially with friends who know you need a parachute. That way it can be a true race.

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A Maned Wolf

Just run Sedan races with a fully modded Sedan.

99% of players don't even own a sedan that's not a Sultan.

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Sooo if you can't win, cheat? I'd rather make an actual decent race, practice it until I'm good at it with my car, then challenge others. It would still be unfair but at least they would still have a chance.


I played a race like this when the creator came out and will only download tracks I want to try from here on out. Going into randoms is like Russian roulette and I don't want to give crap tracks my time.

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I've just made a race with a parachute ending, the only problem is when I jump off my bike I don't have a parachute?

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It's hard to win the modded super car races since I don't have enough race wins to buy the top end mods.


Had some guy yesterday, hit me while he passed me and then when I caught up hit me again, stupid thing is his car was much more faster. I had to drive perfect to catch up

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Just run Sedan races with a fully modded Sedan.

99% of players don't even own a sedan that's not a Sultan.

Utility works even better since all the vehicles are ridiculously slow except the Sadler. Set the class to supers so people don't leave, then switch to utility at the last second. Then unleash your fully modded Sadler. :pp

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Something along these lines happened to me the very first night R* released the Race creator. Lesson learned: Leave any UGC lobby where the creator is the host.

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Just run Sedan races with a fully modded Sedan.

99% of players don't even own a sedan that's not a Sultan.

Utility works even better since all the vehicles are ridiculously slow except the Sadler. Set the class to supers so people don't leave, then switch to utility at the last second. Then unleash your fully modded Sadler. :pp



I thought utility was air tugs, tractor and golf cart. The sadler is a van.

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Just run Sedan races with a fully modded Sedan.

99% of players don't even own a sedan that's not a Sultan.

Utility works even better since all the vehicles are ridiculously slow except the Sadler. Set the class to supers so people don't leave, then switch to utility at the last second. Then unleash your fully modded Sadler. :pp



I thought utility was air tugs, tractor and golf cart. The sadler is a van.


Nope, the Sadler is a utility vehicle.

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not really I usually do rather well in races assuming i can prevent myself from looking at the minimap to see how/where everyone else is. an then i usually end up crashing <.< because i got distracted. or in some other way sabotage myself. other wise its only when someone decides to ram/spin me o.o

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