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GTA III Remake on SA Engine

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Hi, I want you show 2001 LC using SA Engine. Why SA Engine? Because feature many things that original GTA III don't have:

-Player Customization

-Player stats

-Weapon stats

-Swimming and diving

-Bikes and Motorbikes

-Flyable Helicopters and Planes

-Gang Wars

-Eating and Drinking

-and more

This will feature GTA III map with original missions, Gang Wars with all Gangs, more collectables, new apartments to sleep, fast food restaurants, dating with girls and some things from LCS(Vehicles, Radio del Mundo, some weapons, animations)


What I can do for GTA?

Vehicle Conversion, Texture Conversion, Audio Conversion(Radio and SFX) and Weapon Conversion


I need someone who could convert map to SA(I tried and get errors in 3ds max), also scripters and programmers.


PS: I know there is SALC but map isn't 100% pure from GTA III, and also HazzardX mod that feature story after GTA III(like Frosted Winter mod to GTA III)

Edited by zmudziak32
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Any progress whatsoever?


What I can do for GTA?

Vehicle Conversion, Texture Conversion, Audio Conversion(Radio and SFX) and Weapon Conversion


I need someone who could convert map to SA(I tried and get errors in 3ds max), also scripters and programmers.

I've highlighted the things in red that are too simple for you just to do. Weapons are import -> SA Export, Textures are easy to rebuild from scratch, and vehicles are fairly easy to convert from III. Might wanna show some real progress before jumping into this.

Edited by theNGclan

PS: I know there is SALC but map isn't 100% pure from GTA III, and also HazzardX mod that feature story after GTA III(like Frosted Winter mod to GTA III)


Even after stating that, I've got a feeling this concept has been done before.


A lot of mods dead before their beta release because of grand plans of converting map,i have read all of this,and hope,that it will not dad,bad can you use Sa liberty city map,ithink that this map is one of better maps ever released.I think,that much hard is to convert missions

You're on those boards for long enough to know a mod needs to have some progress before being shown here. I'm gonna move it to III Maps if nothing's shown soon.

Converting Map Models is the main thing, if you want to port GTA III Map to San Andreas. Not sure why you find problem with 3dsmax, because using KAMS script just makes it much easier to work with. The tricky thing is to assemble the map objects. It's not a one-man job.

Converting Map Models is the main thing, if you want to port GTA III Map to San Andreas. Not sure why you find problem with 3dsmax, because using KAMS script just makes it much easier to work with. The tricky thing is to assemble the map objects. It's not a one-man job.

I agree with you. Anyway I think that this mod will die soon since the idea of the mod is achieved before (GTA SA LC). I don't know what do you mean by this:


PS: I know there is SALC but map isn't 100% pure from GTA III, and also HazzardX mod that feature story after GTA III(like Frosted Winter mod to GTA III)

I've played SA LC and I see that the map is good, if you want to convert the map by yourself be aware that it will take long time and huge effort from you. If you want your mod to succeed don't take the idea which is achieved before and try to make a mod with a new idea. :)

Edited by FlameAS

Converting Map Models is the main thing, if you want to port GTA III Map to San Andreas. Not sure why you find problem with 3dsmax, because using KAMS script just makes it much easier to work with. The tricky thing is to assemble the map objects. It's not a one-man job.

Converting with Kams is the worst way to go as Kam's does not convert dff's with alpha bitmaps currently leaving your models looking pretty bad.



I agree with you. Anyway I think that this mod will die soon since the idea of the mod is achieved before (GTA SA LC). I don't know what do you mean by this:

Putting a mod down before it's even started. I've been there with GT-1 telling me oh no not another conversion mod.


So zmudziak32; if you plan on making a mod it really helps to do the leg work first and look at some tutorials plus having something image wise to post before you just say your doing a GTAIII to SA TC. Btw this has been done to death, if you do a google search your see that LC has been ported to SA about 7 times by various teams starting with GTA-Wo and I know that was for VC.



PS: I know there is SALC but map isn't 100% pure from GTA III, and also HazzardX mod that feature story after GTA III(like Frosted Winter mod to GTA III)

The only true GTAIII to SA in a port of GTA:LC where they managed to fix a ton of the models that took many years of work, With SOL I had to remodel most of the old GTAIII model so you can apply 32bit textures.



I've played SA LC and I see that the map is good, if you want to convert the map by yourself be aware that it will take long time and huge effort from you. If you want your mod to succeed don't take the idea which is achieved before and try to make a mod with a new idea. :)

It took LC about 7 years to get the map right, 5 years for me remodeling. without the necessary skill it could take you even longer.

Edited by X-Seti

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