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How to create models in Blender?


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Hey! I've got blender 2.7, I tried two script for exporting DFFs. The first one doesn't show up in export window, the second one (Both from GTAForums) doesn't work with GTAIII and GTAVC option (Gives me "Unknown location1" error), and if I try to export with GTA SA option , the script doesn't export the model correctly! And how do I create TXDs? I know you have to use TXD Workshop etc, but how do I map the Textures?

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Hi. I think that you should better use 3DS Max and Kam's max scripts.


If you want to learn how to use 3DS Max follow these tutorials from the first one to the last one.


First: http://gtaforums.com/topic/691396-3dsmax-1-basic-modelling-tutorial/

Second: http://gtaforums.com/topic/693469-3dsmax-2-vu-mapping-and-texturing-tutorial/

Last: http://gtaforums.com/topic/695622-3dsmax-5-getting-your-objects-in-game/

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Can I import blender file into 3DS?

What is the format of this file?

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3DS Max can't import .BLEND files. But Blender can i/e .3DS, OBJ, FBX and other files.

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3DS Max can't import .BLEND files. But Blender can i/e .3DS, OBJ, FBX and other files.

Try importing the file in Blender then export it as .3DS for example and import it in 3DS Max,

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