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Double Payout Weekend Results


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So how much did you make out with during the Double RP/GTA$ weekend Friday & Saturday?


Me, I couldn't do much because of rather conveniently simultaneous server hanging issues, but I did manage to eek out a "milli" to total over 4 Million and level up from 110 to 113. If that's not enough to get into The High Life, I'll just buy a card.


What's your final tally?

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I went from 21 mil to 25 mil...rank 331 to 343

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17K to 2.7 mil

Damn...that's a big jump right there. Welcome to the Millionaire's Club, just don't spend it all in one place. LOL

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only from 1 mil to 2.2mil, grinding is so boring..

Edited by elidc
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Not another thread....I thought it was over

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Not another thread....I thought it was over

I'm sorry...didn't actually see a thread like this on page 2.


Or page 3. Or page 4. So apparently the "forum police" bitch about threads that don't even actually exist now? Hmmm...some folks need to do more with their lives, I tell ya.

Edited by Thr33X
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I went from a million to 1.5 million with a bit of car tuning expenditure, and from 65 to 70 in level. Unfortunately I had a very busy weekend so GTA had to be fitted into the gaps!

Now. I'm level 70 should I get a tank? Lol!

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I leveled up from 181 to 184 and made around 700,000 GTA$

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Not another thread....I thought it was over


I'm sorry...didn't actually see a thread like this on page 2.


Or page 3. Or page 4. So apparently the "forum police" bitch about threads that don't even actually exist now? Hmmm...some folks need to do more with their lives, I tell ya.

there are literally 20 threads created about this exact same subject over the past 3 days. It's annoying. Just search it and add a reply. Edited by Winning001
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I no-lifed GTA Online.

Had $1.3 million

Now I have $5.6 million


I don't plan on spending much on the high life update.

Not unless they have some crazy new must-have items. Like 20 car garages...

Then I'd have to give up my current apartment and get two of those.


Or the ability to purchase a fighter jet(forgot the name somehow... UGH), which I firmly believe will happen, if not in the High Life update, then in some future DLC, probably involving military items.

Edited by CReaper210
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Not another thread....I thought it was over

I'm sorry...didn't actually see a thread like this on page 2.


Or page 3. Or page 4. So apparently the "forum police" bitch about threads that don't even actually exist now? Hmmm...some folks need to do more with their lives, I tell ya.



You didn't look hard enough.






There's a great feature called the search bar. Winning001 mentioned it.

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Terrazi Terrajin

11mil to 12.something mil.
I already had enough money to go into the update with, so now i shall leave the game until the update comes yet again.

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I think I did pretty good, Considering I played for about maybe 5+ hours on Friday and then only 3 hours on Saturday because I went to Six Flags for the day, I went from 1 million to about 4 million. I got 3 million in 8 hours. The amount of time I could of spent sleeping, haha.

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So I'm supposed to look through to page God Knows How Far Back so as to satisfy the thread snobs? I'll pass. Instead of coming in to cry about "another (insert topic here) thread", how about you do the same, since chances are if I did bump an older thread, chances are you'd probably bitch about that too.


Anyway...I hope they do this again sometime.

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Maybe 750k? I don't really know as I didn't pay any attention to it. I played my normal way and just got more for it along the way. Have not spent any money outside of ammo in weeks anyway.

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It was not only double RP and cash, but double the freezing.


I did manage to squeeze 200k and 2 levels out of it, though.

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