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I am indian and let me tell you


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i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick op suck my dick.

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Brother!? :')


EDIT - No need to tell, everyone can see that in your Topic and yes at least do not write slangs.

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Mr. Scratch

This isn't bodybuilding.com. Now f*ck right off back to your little misc hole.

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This is an obvious copy/paste from a website..


I called the GTAFPD already to take care of this guy.

Edited by Rewas514
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