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NPC's driving Entity/Adder


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So since I started playing the game, I've seen both in GTA V and GTA Online (specially in online) NPC's driving Adders and Entity XF.



Usually this happens from time to time, and the cars are either driven by random NPC's, mechanic character or they drive by theirselves.



Those were full stock cars and they where unlocked and uninsured.



I have visual witnesses that were with me the last time I saw an Entity in Sandy Shores, driving by itself, fully stock, black color.


The other times I've seen Adders driven by NPC's were while driving near Vinewood Hills/LSC area.




Has anybody else seen one of these or other "locked" supers like Cheetah/Z-Type driving by theirselves or by NPC's or it's just my game?

Edited by Luismy_MMD
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Biohazard Abyss

I've seen Entitys and Stinger GTs, but never an Adder.

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When i first started playing november last yeah i went online and there were 3 entity's and a stinger just driving around the docks.

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I saw a guy driving a stinger GT once . Car has a nice feel, might get it.

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The only time I see an Adder online is when its parked next to the Ponsonbys shop. Never seen an NPC drive it but ive seen the entity XF a couple of times (usually black and dirty)

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Happy to see you posting again! :santa:


On topic, I have only seen an Entity being driven by an NPC right after a RR game. Never have seen an Adder.


Haven't seen a Stinger either.

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The only time I see an Adder online is when its parked next to the Ponsonbys shop. Never seen an NPC drive it but ive seen the entity XF a couple of times (usually black and dirty)


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Happy to see you posting again! :santa:


On topic, I have only seen an Entity being driven by an NPC right after a RR game. Never have seen an Adder.


Haven't seen a Stinger either.


After a job by the beach sentinel guy was Stinger-ing it up



And After RR



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So since I started playing the game, I've seen both in GTA V and GTA Online (specially in online) NPC's driving Adders and Entity XF.



Usually this happens from time to time, and the cars are either driven by random NPC's, mechanic character or they drive by theirselves.



Those were full stock cars and they where unlocked and uninsured.



I have visual witnesses that were with me the last time I saw an Entity in Sandy Shores, driving by itself, fully stock, black color.


The other times I've seen Adders driven by NPC's were while driving near Vinewood Hills/LSC area.




Has anybody else seen one of these or other "locked" supers like Cheetah/Z-Type driving by theirselves or by NPC's or it's just my game?

when you say unlocked an uninsured, how did you figure that uninsured part? did you just blow it up and didn't get charged for the entity's PV insurance cost, or were you able to take it into LS Customs to check it out?

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online I see the sentinel guy driving a stinger or an entity ALL THE TIME its ridiculous

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At the beginning of the release I saw one driving a banshee lol... I was like OMG best car in game and I already have it..


Then realized it's not even close to the best.


Damn I miss the good ol' gta days

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I've only ever seen the Entity online once in my time on GTA V Online and that was when a NPC

sped past me going up the road just as I was turning out from my Martin's in the early days

before Rooftop Rumble made that street a war zone. :)


Now I'm sure it was my first experience with Sentinel guy driving a different car but its never

happened again and I'd like it to so I could get a picture.

Edited by tails_prower_2040
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Quite often see Banshee,never an Entity or Adder I usually play invite only if that matters.

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The only time I see an Adder online is when its parked next to the Ponsonbys shop. Never seen an NPC drive it but ive seen the entity XF a couple of times (usually black and dirty)



+AquaticWonder missed you guys too But I wont be posting much though and Im still unable to play GTA O for at least another couple of months.......!


Just to be Ontopic since the online section has changed..... I've yet to see a Stinger GT online

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after months of running me over i finaly popped him while driving a sentinel :)



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That looks exactly like the one I found. Black, dirty and stock by the Sandy Shores area.


I think I just finished Potshot when that happened.

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Yup, as i was walking away from Trevor's garage i heard the music playing and someone with poor driving skills that really stood out.

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