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Best time on coveted?


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Hey all,


I started playing online on xbox not too long ago, so I'm still a lowly level 64 atm, and so obviously don't have access to rooftop rumble. Even if I did, I think the fact that you can playlist coveted and perhaps even get it done quicker makes it a better grinding mission anyway. With the weekend double $$ and upcoming update I've been doing plenty of grinding.


Anyway, to get to the point. To make doing the mission hour after hour a little more enjoyable I've been timing it with my phone's stopwatch to see how much time I can shave off, which also has the added benefit of getting it done quicker and quicker.


First time was probably over 10 minutes, then got it down to 6, then 5, then 4, then 3.


My best time so far is 2:43.6. I've been timing from the moment I'm able to start running to the mission passed graphic, so not counting loading times or anything. I imagine if someone had a better strategy or did something I hadn't thought of they could get it down to somewhere around 2:30, and probably a well orchestrated team could best that as well. So I'm curious, since there's no leaderboard function for this, what sort of times other people have gotten.


Also, while I'm here posting, rather than make a new thread maybe someone can answer me this -- Is it normal that if I look under missions on social club there's absolutely nothing? I search "any publisher" and "mission" and it never finds a thing. Is this just the result of them disabling adding missions like RR onto playlists, or is my social club messed up? Seems odd to not have a single one..

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I have never timed myself when doing it but I would say it takes me around 4-5 minutes each time.

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2:30 with a tank, probably faster this weekend, grinded it for two solid days.

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JC Hammer

Extra players don't help as your waiting for the Cargobob to land anyways. Here's some ways you know your doing it close to perfect;


* you only have 8 kills - 7 sniper rounds and 1 shotgun

* you don't take a hit

* you get the Granger and move down the hill to spawn Bob without the 2 guys by the container alerting

* Swoop up Bob in 1 try


If your hitting most of these you'll do the 16x playlist in under and hour, $288,000

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Extra players don't help as your waiting for the Cargobob to land anyways. Here's some ways you know your doing it close to perfect;


* you only have 8 kills - 7 sniper rounds and 1 shotgun

* you don't take a hit

* you get the Granger and move down the hill to spawn Bob without the 2 guys by the container alerting

* Swoop up Bob in 1 try


If your hitting most of these you'll do the 16x playlist in under and hour, $288,000

^^ that.


IMO, to shave the seconds, first priority is to get to the granger and trigger the cargobob asap. Next step is to jack the bob before the blades spin down. Scooping the crate becomes very easy. I fly a bit left, up an opening in the trees, then right over the first ridge to a low in the second ridge, then along a road under the windmills. It's a very straight path, with minimal elevation increase required. Power over the drop point and let the crate fly across the street into the field, LOL.


I do the x16 in 62 minutes, loading screens and all. A stopwatch would be fun, but probably goof me up eventually.

Edited by Strikeslip
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Managed to get 2:42.9 but it's seeming very hard to get any better than that.


I agree it's good to get in the chopper before the blades stop, only issue I've had with that is that I've found the quickest way to do it is just get in as soon as the pilot gets out. It's worked a bunch but the past few times I tried it, the pilot just immediately pulls me out of the cargobob. If I take the time to kill or at least shoot the pilot, it adds a few seconds, although that is better than getting pulled out and shot to death.


I see the point about not being able to do it any faster doing it co-op, I was thinking somehow you could activate the cargobob quicker but as any spawned vehicles are far away there doesn't seem to be any way around running down to the first granger after shooting the guy. I guess maybe if one shoots while one runs, the first one can get to the granger a couple seconds quicker. Past that maybe there's nothing to be gained.


Anyone have an answer on whether or not they see any missions on social club?

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this one time someone shot a rocket at the crate a few seconds in the job, said objective was destroyed but we passed the mission and everyone made the max amount like we did it first time.


the loading screen took longer than the mission itself.

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Commander S

I average 5-10 minutes, but that's because I will insist on taking out EVERY professional in the area before even moving down the hill to trigger the Cargobob.

Then again, I'm less interested in speed-running it, and more about perfection - every kill a one-headshot deal, most without being detected, and not a single shot fired back at me (let alone actually taking any hits).

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I had my best time on coveted with some crew members. We all drank a couple beers and took some pics.

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