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Need GTA Friends

Rocket Skates

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Rocket Skates

Hi I have 1 friends who plays GTA however she doesn't play regularly and am looking for some people, even just one person to play GTA with. Free roam, missions, races etc. doesn't matter. I'm on Xbox.

Edited by CosmoKramer0
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Not to be rude or anything, but making friends in GTAO isn't that hard. Just be friendly, helpful, etc. Just gotta watch out for the few bad eggs in the lobby.


How is your overall nature when playing? Friendly or just straight up killing everyone you see? If it's the first one, I'll be happy to be one of your friends. If it's the second, you're gonna be on my hit list.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Rocket Skates

Not to be rude or anything, but making friends in GTAO isn't that hard. Just be friendly, helpful, etc. Just gotta watch out for the few bad eggs in the lobby.


How is your overall nature when playing? Friendly or just straight up killing everyone you see? If it's the first one, I'll be happy to be one of your friends. If it's the second, you're gonna be on my hit list.

I have been popped so many times trying to be helpful and what not but you can't always be like that on this game. After all it is a game of violence and mayhem. I usually befriend people when doing like a string of missions together but most of the time end up on a friends list that has so many people on it you never end up hanging out with the person.

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PS3 or XBOX 360?



EDIT: oh 360. Never mind. I'm on PS3.

Edited by LightningLord411
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Add if you like, I usually drive around with other friends, attend car meets and the other day we did like a demolition derby so yeah! GT: iDaffy Lad...

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If you have a mic, just talk to people in the lobby. Most people are nice when you just talk to them and are usually down for hanging out. Some people aren't though and will call you names. Good luck.

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Eightsix Trueno

Shoot me an invite if youre ever bored. GT:Eightsix Trueno

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