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Crazy Tailgater guy?


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We've all heard of crazy Sentinel guy, but last night, I encountered a crazy Tailgater guy. I was cruising along the Grand Senora Desert/Harmony in an invite only match.


There was a car, doing a three point turn in the middle of the street, and doing a sloppy job of it. When he drove past, it was a Tailgater!


I chased him for 5 seconds until he became wedged on top of a rock, like a see saw. I shot at him and he shot back. I killed him and was on flashing red health.


Of course, I took the car and now own it.


How many more crazy Sentinel guys are there that drive different cars?

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He's the Sentinel guy, just driving the Tailgater lol.

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Yeah, I caught him driving a Stinger GT once




and a few days ago, I saw him driving this.


Guy must be moving up in the world. Well, was...



The only Tailgater guy I know is Teammate Assist

Edited by EZza2647
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Biohazard Abyss

He appears when you have a Tailgater on Simeon's list. Actually since you can encounter multiple per session, they are the Tailgater Guys. The same happens if the F620 is on Simeon's list.

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Yeah, I caught him driving a Stinger GT once




and a few days ago, I saw him driving this.


Guy must be moving up in the world. Well, was...



The only Tailgater guy I know is Teammate Assist

Wow, fancy cars :O and lol :lol:


He appears when you have a Tailgater on Simeon's list. Actually since you can encounter multiple per session, they are the Tailgater Guys. The same happens if the F620 is on Simeon's list.

It was on my list, but I was more interested in a Penumbra :p


I just sat there and pmsl when I popped his tyre and he became wedged on a rock. I was in a Habanero trying to chase him down. No chance, as the Tailgater was way ahead of me, if it wasn't for that rock <3

Edited by ModderX
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He appears when you have a Tailgater on Simeon's list. Actually since you can encounter multiple per session, they are the Tailgater Guys. The same happens if the F620 is on Simeon's list.

yes definitely the F620 guy, that asshole shoots first and asks questions later.


*EDIT nice Broly avatar

Edited by return-to-innocence
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OP do you like Habaneros? I think this is the second time you have mentioned one and your avatar is one (right?)


I've seen him driving a F620 but never a Tailgater. I didn't know he was affected by Simeon's Wanted List. Interesting.

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I got my first tailgater from that guy really early on, but I've never seen him a second time.


sentinel guy loves me.

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OP do you like Habaneros? I think this is the second time you have mentioned one and your avatar is one (right?)


I've seen him driving a F620 but never a Tailgater. I didn't know he was affected by Simeon's Wanted List. Interesting.

lexus rx master race yo


And for me it's the other way round, I've never seen a F620 guy.


I got my first tailgater from that guy really early on, but I've never seen him a second time.

sentinel guy loves me.

I may have caught a glimpse of the Tailgater guy before as when I was playing chicken on the highway, I was slammed into by what seemed to be the front end of a Tailgater.

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I always see him in the sentinel. Sometime went i finish any gerals mission i see him driving a stinger or entity

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Never had him in a tailgater. Every time I join a new session of GTA online though I have him there in a sentinel XS.

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I never see him in a high end vehicle... Everyone sees Stinger GTs a d Entities, all I see are Sentinels and Ocelots...

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Cool story op,pics,evidence?You are one fine example of those a@#holes that need to be taught a lesson

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Yep, he drives other cars. Dude's crazy and crazy rich.

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Yep, he drives other cars. Dude's crazy and crazy rich.

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Yep, he drives other cars. Dude's crazy and crazy rich.

:lol: It's him in person!



I took good care of your Tailgater for you! It's sad I killed you. :(


Thanks for the car though, Mr NPC.

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Look, if you have problems with my driving or my taxi service, you can just yell at me like a New Yorker.

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Look, if you have problems with my driving or my taxi service, you can just yell at me like a New Yorker.

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Please. I can make a u-turn without doing a 3-point turn.

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Please. I can make a u-turn without doing a 3-point turn.

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Please. I can make a u-turn without doing a 3-point turn.

You must have been drunk last night :lol:

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Please. I can make a u-turn without doing a 3-point turn.

Are you on ps3? I want to race you in my Washington...



No seriously could you spawn one at the golf parking lot for me.


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I met sentinel guy for the first time yesterday, I feel blessed!

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Played like 43 days by and never met him damn:(


After completing RR, almost without fail - he drives down the road outside Martin Madrazo's girlfriend's house just as I return to free-roam, you hear the engine noise (and music if you have that turned up I have read) first, then he drives past the gates.


A quick snipe and you should get a free Senital XL (hard-top) :santa:

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The Tailgater guy isn't anything special. That's how the Tailgater spawns.



​GTA Online


  • Offered as a choice of starting car.
  • May be a High Priority Car for Simeon Yetarian's Import/Export Garage. It is rarely seen in traffic, and when it is, the driver drives recklessly, making you have to chase them.

Taken from http://gta.wikia.com/Tailgater

*claps* wow you can try to be a smart ass by c&p-ing i congratulate you

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The Tailgater guy isn't anything special. That's how the Tailgater spawns.



​GTA Online

  • Offered as a choice of starting car.
  • May be a High Priority Car for Simeon Yetarian's Import/Export Garage. It is rarely seen in traffic, and when it is, the driver drives recklessly, making you have to chase them.

Taken from http://gta.wikia.com/Tailgater

*claps* wow you can try to be a smart ass by c&p-ing i congratulate you


Good luck getting help with an attitude like that.

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