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Farming missions helps you, but ruins the game


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I get it, you farm missions to get a lot of money. But, while you do that, there are people sitting in other lobbies waiting for even one person to join. If you farm missions, you just ruin all the other gamemodes for people who want to play them. All I see on the invite screen is RR, and it's sad how all of these guys just do that insanity over and over every time. Missions need to be patched so the payouts are affected by how long the mission is.

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I get it, you farm missions to get a lot of money. But, while you do that, there are people sitting in other lobbies waiting for even one person to join. If you farm missions, you just ruin all the other gamemodes for people who want to play them. All I see on the invite screen is RR, and it's sad how all of these guys just do that insanity over and over every time. Missions need to be patched so the payouts are affected by how long the mission is.

you should pick the document instead being lazily shoot the pursuer & let your teamates deliver it

and who's the guy trolled u ?

Edited by Sky_Light12
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People like money, RR is popular. It comes down to individual preference really

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I always join Random jobs and always get placed in RR

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What's sad is that we have to frikkin farm to make a decent amount of cash in a timely fashion to begin with. I have a life, I don't have time for farming, why they can't make free roam more lucrative or something, I'll prolly never know *cough* cash cards *cough*

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What's sad is that we have to frikkin farm to make a decent amount of cash in a timely fashion to begin with. I have a life, I don't have time for farming, why they can't make free roam more lucrative or something.


"Naww man stop being so entitled! It's to ensure the game lives on derpy derp, work for it."


I agree with what you've said.

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If it wasn't for RR, I wouldn't even play missions anymore cause I've done them all, so I still wouldn't be in those lobbies. I don't get your point OP. Are you saying it ruins the game cause people would rather join RR than some random mission you're hosting? One thing anyone learns in this game is you can't rely on randoms for sh*t, you're better off making friends or joining a crew if you really need to do these missions not solo


Edit: and I solo RR when i grind, so I'm technically not ruining anyone's game by sending invites to all the precious randoms that you want in your empty lobby

Edited by rickreim
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What's sad is that we have to frikkin farm to make a decent amount of cash in a timely fashion to begin with. I have a life, I don't have time for farming, why they can't make free roam more lucrative or something.

"Naww man stop being so entitled! It's to ensure the game lives on derpy derp, work for it."


I agree with what you've said.

I mean I understand their business model too, cash cards = more longtime profit = more free content. I mena I'd support this model eholly if the free content didn't absolutely suck nuts. Most of the new clothes are palette swaps, same weapon types (oh look more ARs and Handguns). If the sh*t they gave us was more meaningful and if not large, came more frequently at least, maybe people wouldn't complain as much. Whatever. Damn shame I neglecred a PS4 to play this dull rubbish. And im going on record to say it hasnt always been dull but it doesnt have staying power. This game already does nothing for me.

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The key word in your post, to me, is "need," as in, "they need to patch missions."

Some folks would disagree with you, suggesting the recent 2x payouts were long, long overdue by Rockstar, whose cheap tactics for extorting in-game money from players borders on obscene.

$10 to make a call to another player. $1 to look through the viewers atop the mountains. $15,000 for a paint job on a car only worth $2400.

I understand your point of view and as always, I respect your opinion, but I'm confident there are many people playing the game who revel in the opportunities to "farm" for money that they're just going to spend in the game anyway.

There's no rule, thus far, how to make it (beyond glitching, which is another story), yet there's plenty of rules on how to lose it.

And for this player, I say put on your overalls and farm, farm, farm til you can't farm no more.

Just my 2¢

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You need friends....go to the meet up section.

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Simple solution is to show a few jobs to choose from when asking for a random mission because RR coming up 9 out of ten times sucks for those that want variety.

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Sadly saying, RR may be the only mission that's overpaid for the effort. However, the rest of the missions are very very underpaid for the effort and time we have to spend on it. Now who doesn't want money for less work? You think people who do RR don't feel bored at all? At least I do and I have no other choice.

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Most people I know just use Join Random Job, rather than accepting assorted invites. And, really, if you're inviting people to stuff like Top Fun which is known for not paying much but being fun, don't expect a whole lot of people till after the update - people are trying to save up, after all. Make all dat doe.

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TBH it is becoming a joke that almost 99% of the time you join a random contact mission you get put in RR.


R* need to sort this out maybe give us a list of contact missions that are being hosted with the matchmaking set to open? that way we get to choose the mission we want to join instead of forced to join the same mission over and over again.

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For me, the best way is to divide my time online in half. The first half is spent with crew members farming missions. When everyone has reached their daily goals for RP and money,then it's time to do more relaxed things. I try not to set foot in open free roams without having earned at least $250k. This is fun to me because it involves setting and fulfilling goals and then when I go to goof off I don't worry so much. If my PV gets blown up by a tank, I laugh and think to myself: That idiot could blow up my vehicle 20 times and would not even make a dent in my savings! It's the whole ant and the grasshopper fable.

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Biohazard Abyss

it's sad how all of these guys just do that insanity over and over every time.


Yes, yes it is. Haven't agreed with you in a long time, lol.

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I will pwn you newbs

I wish I could just block RR when joining a quick job. I probably wouldn't be able to find a game though. At least when coveted was around I was a bit more entertained sniping people.

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Actually it's helping out the community, I'm pretty sure half of those people playing wouldn't have this game if it weren't for the recent exposure to Rooftop Rumble.

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Sir Michael

The worse thing about farming/grinding is that it's the only way to get anything in this game. Lots of us don't have the time to ferociously farm/grind missions just to get the money for our dream cars, and that money is the only incentive this game has to offer. If it doesn't involve loads of money, nobody's going to join.


Back in the early days of Online, racing gave us massive $ and RP payouts for the winners ($12-$18k). Ever since Beach Bum, unless you have a moderate/massive lobby of racers, good luck getting a massive payout. I actually miss racing Route 66 and Through the Grapevine while getting five-figure payouts. :(

Edited by SirMichaelRocks23
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I agree, Quick Join either needs some optional filters or many other jobs need buffing. I wish missions like Extradition were equally lucrative dollars-per-hour-wise. That's a really fun one.

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It's the only mission via quickjob, I try to host anything else and I am lucky If anyone joins and stays.

I know people want easy money and RP but this is insane, we need more variety, I haven't seen Base Invaders, Landing Gear nor LS Connections via quickjob in months, those missions are fun and can be awfully hard and that's an awesome challange, nerf RR a little and increase payouts on all the other longer missions.


I don't need the money but other people do and I am sure they could enjoy doing another mission, a fun mission that requieres teamwork, and everyone can do something.

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I've made many points about this but wtf is R* thinking? If realism is the goal, FAIL.


Take a mission like Bust out. So you are asked to break a guy out of a prison bus/convoy, evade the cops, and deliver him for $5000. f*ck you Lester, do it yourself. One example.

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I farm jobs to get money. Then, when I join public lobbies they are always full, or near full (at least for me). I don't think any public lobby I've been in in the last 4 months has had less than 6 other people in it. I would say 80 percent of the time the lobbies I go into are full. The times that there are only 6 or so is usually late at night if I can't sleep and hop on to mess around for an hour or so. A lot of it has to do with server location, and which server you get logged into. I guess I just get lucky.

I've made many points about this but wtf is R* thinking? If realism is the goal, FAIL.


Take a mission like Bust out. So you are asked to break a guy out of a prison bus/convoy, evade the cops, and deliver him for $5000. f*ck you Lester, do it yourself. One example.

Bust out gives you 15 grand on hard. I do that job all the time using my Turismo R or Cheetah, I ram the bus and it flips, letting the inmates out. Then off to the train tunnel to out wait the stars.

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Yeah, rockstar kinda messed up with RR because it is actually a pretty convoluted mission if taken to it's conclusion. You shoot the professionals, one of them grabs the document where he hightails it out to some farm out in the middle of nowhere and you try to kill all the remaining professionals once you get there, then the FIB guys in their black SUVs start showing up, and you're pretty much out in the open. If you manage to survive all of that, then you can race all the way to Madrazos with the remaining black SUVs gunning for you.


The only problem is that 99% of the time, it's a simple case of killing everybody in the parking lot and driving or flying it up to madrazos.

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Yeah, rockstar kinda messed up with RR because it is actually a pretty convoluted mission if taken to it's conclusion. You shoot the professionals, one of them grabs the document where he hightails it out to some farm out in the middle of nowhere and you try to kill all the remaining professionals once you get there, then the FIB guys in their black SUVs start showing up, and you're pretty much out in the open. If you manage to survive all of that, then you can race all the way to Madrazos with the remaining black SUVs gunning for you.


The only problem is that 99% of the time, it's a simple case of killing everybody in the parking lot and driving or flying it up to madrazos.


Holy... what? I've never experienced that. Is that what happens if the driver escapes? God damn, and here I thought he just drove around the map endlessly.

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grinding RR is the way i wanna play the game, il go online for an hour here or there, just to make money to mod cars, as someone else said i grind it alone

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Holy... what? I've never experienced that. Is that what happens if the driver escapes? God damn, and here I thought he just drove around the map endlessly.


Sounds pretty cool :lol:

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Why is it when some random makes threads like this it gets locked and a mod posts a link to the moan topic but this guy can post this whining sh*t here and the mods do nothing?

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$15,000 for a paint job on a car only worth $2400.

This little statement is particularly, wryly funny because it is so true.




More generally, people farm and grind certain things because the game is all out of balance. RR done right is dead simple with no risk and no complexity, so it should not pay very much, but it pays a bunch. Some complex, difficult jobs pay much less, when they should pay much more, so they never get played.


But since I like money, I like RR. I didn't actually try it until this 2X weekend, and I immediately thought, "WTF, even on 1X payout, this job has the best reward-to-risk value in the game. No wonder people farm it." It's 5 to 6 times better than selling two Ballers per hour on my two characters.

Edited by saintsrow
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JC Hammer

The real problem is you cant play with randoms anymore.


Farming RR with randoms doesn't work cause your gonna get trolled about 1 in 5. You have to play solo or with friends and crew.


The sad part is the missions that require more than 1 player never get played. No Landing Gear or Sinking Feeling ever! Sad :(

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