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Fireman Sam

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Fireman Sam

The END of Internet Freedom???


"Net neutrality advocates and members of the public in recent days have pushed the agency to redefine broadband as a common carrier subject to a wide-ranging set of regulations, including interconnection rules and geographical service obligations, instead of adopting a proposal announced last week by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler."




What can you do about it?


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"The days are ticking away between now and the meeting where FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler will unveil his plan to kill Net Neutrality. The chairman needs to know that we will accept nothing less than real Net Neutrality. We need your support to make this point as loudly as possible."


Edited by Voodoo
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I'm confused, I thought we had mobilised and stopped this already?

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Fireman Sam

"Same goes for games. We have an indie revolution on our hands, and it wouldn't have been possible without a level playing field for everybody—giant publisher or itsy bitsy one-person "studio" working from a garage that reeks of month-old Toaster Strudels. The Internet needs to remain open, united, and neutral. Even if the FCC is as careful with its new rules as it claims it will be, people will likely find ways to abuse them. To take advantage of the new system."







It's the European Proposal/United Nation wanted to control the Internet



I'm confused, I thought we had mobilised and stopped this already?

But sadly, the gaming online WILL BE EFFECTED by the FCC regulations on May 15th 2014.

There are MANY FAMOUS GAME CREATORS opposing the FCC's hearings

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"Same goes for games. We have an indie revolution on our hands, and it wouldn't have been possible without a level playing field for everybody—giant publisher or itsy bitsy one-person "studio" working from a garage that reeks of month-old Toaster Strudels. The Internet needs to remain open, united, and neutral. Even if the FCC is as careful with its new rules as it claims it will be, people will likely find ways to abuse them. To take advantage of the new system."







It's the European Proposal/United Nation wanted to control the Internet



I don't think Anon, and other Hacktivists of the like will Allow them to control the Internet.

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Fireman Sam

"Same goes for games. We have an indie revolution on our hands, and it wouldn't have been possible without a level playing field for everybody—giant publisher or itsy bitsy one-person "studio" working from a garage that reeks of month-old Toaster Strudels. The Internet needs to remain open, united, and neutral. Even if the FCC is as careful with its new rules as it claims it will be, people will likely find ways to abuse them. To take advantage of the new system."







It's the European Proposal/United Nation wanted to control the Internet



I'm confused, I thought we had mobilised and stopped this already?

But sadly, the gaming online WILL BE EFFECTED by the FCC regulations on May 15th 2014.

There are MANY FAMOUS GAME CREATORS opposing the FCC's hearings

Brian Fargo, CEO of Wasteland 2 and Torment developer inXile, echoed those concerns, further noting that cloud gaming is becoming more important by the day, and a tiered Internet could easily force us to pay a lot more for it.


"These net neutrality discussions are a stark reminder that our distribution fates still lie in the control of others. I expect our industry’s bandwidth demands to increase as cloud based gaming becomes more mainstream, and at this point it’s only a matter of time before these distribution forces start to focus on our needs and ways to monetize us better. Then it becomes a discussion of who is going to pass down these fees and who is going to absorb them."

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Fear mongering and advertising questionable charities isn't going to help.



Edited by Voodoo
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