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How do i get to reveal other players in team death match i am now lvl 53 and everwhere i read says it unlocks at lvl 43? Or something nd i have went at meet lester and wen i go to the option on the phone in deathmatch it says wait for lester to call me i didnt go meet lester till i was lvl 50 is that a prob? I cant figure it out nd evergtime i go deathmatch ppls b using it alot what do i need to do to get lester to call me? Or to b abke to use tbis plz help me out im desperate

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How do you use lester to reveal other players in deathmatch i am lvl 54 and i have the option to use my cell phone to call lester nd get players revealed on the radar in a deathmatch nd it will now let me use it beside it it had the lock symbol and when i have that option highlighted it says wait for lester to call wat do i need to do in order to use it?

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Well it's unlocked at level 40, go in freemode and do some missions etc until lester calls about offering that service.

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Will it help if i just do only missions offered by lester?

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I didn't have the option to reveal hidden players during a deathmatch for some reason. Perhaps it is only possible to stay hidden for a minute? I'm bugged.

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Call lester during deathmatches, pay 500 I think, to reveal everyone on the map for 1 minute.

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I dont think u understand.... i cant call lester for it because even though im high lvl enough dat it should b unlocked its not i have to wait fir him to call me... also whovever said just do mission or w/e till he calls dat seems to help... sliwly its been unlocking different things dat should have been unlocked awhile ago i habe no idea why its being like that

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You must erase your GTA character profile and restart from level 1. This time go meet lester when he tells you too!

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