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Is there anyone out there that plays anything other than Rooftop Rumbl

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Okay, so as a casual GTA Online player and not having as much time to play as others do as a result of my upcoming exams, when I go on GTA I expect to enjoy myself. Yet as of late, all I get invites too is Rooftop Rumble and all anyone ever joins is Rooftop Rumble.


Even when the Capture Creator was introduced and had double RP an $ I still struggled to get players to join.


I think for me, i'm starting to see it as a problem as it is all people seem to do and as a result I find myself doing it more often than I would like to just so i'm endlessly starting up other missions, captures, deathmatches, etc trying to get people to join.


So, as the topic title suggests, I am asking you all on the GTA Forums, is there anyone out there that plays anything other than Rooftop Rumble? And if there is, please let me know, we might become friends.


I play any and all Contact Missions. I just attempted the one Lester mission where you have to steal a semi truck and trailer from the cement works, but the first time was foiled by a teammate who kept driving too close to the truck and accidentally flipped me when I was trying to turn, the second time failed due to all of us being killed during the bum rush at the drop off point (seriously, freaking AI shooting through cover pisses me off), and the third time failed when the trailer came off 10ft from the drop off because I bumped a tree, and time ran out while was trying to hook back up... so I gave up.


If anyone wants to work with me on completing some of the harder Contact Missions... MichiganMuscle77 on PSN.


I think for me, i'm starting to see it as a problem as it is all people seem to do and as a result I find myself doing it more often than I would like to just so i'm endlessly starting up other missions, captures, deathmatches, etc trying to get people to join.


I've been assured by the target audience here on the forums that people who are sick of GTAO:RR Edition are simply whiney bitches who support cash cards, abortion, and grandmother rape because we're fed up with the same boring-ass mission endlessly.


If there is a divine, heavenly power that controls man's fate, I hope he crushes RR in 1.13 into the dust. Its a $2500 mission, if that.


What we need to do is predict the replacement for RR once it gets swapped back with High Priority Case. Will the new grind me trash talk or mixed up with coke? I'm leaning to TT.

Personally, I LOVE The Los Santos Connection. Its a fun, multi leveled mission getting you to do a bunch of things (hacking, shooting, flying). Id imagine heists will be similar to this. Just wish that the payout was a bit higher for all the time it takes.

Rooftop rumble is boring, I enjoy every mission and can be so fun like LS Connection, Stocks & Scares and a lot more since I like to help people with missions because I don't need the RP nor the cash.

Lets hope people will play something else besides RR after the 2x madness.

Edited by Daimondl


I think for me, i'm starting to see it as a problem as it is all people seem to do and as a result I find myself doing it more often than I would like to just so i'm endlessly starting up other missions, captures, deathmatches, etc trying to get people to join.


I've been assured by the target audience here on the forums that people who are sick of GTAO:RR Edition are simply whiney bitches who support cash cards, abortion, and grandmother rape because we're fed up with the same boring-ass mission endlessly.


If there is a divine, heavenly power that controls man's fate, I hope he crushes RR in 1.13 into the dust. Its a $2500 mission, if that.


What we need to do is predict the replacement for RR once it gets swapped back with High Priority Case. Will the new grind me trash talk or mixed up with coke? I'm leaning to TT.


I think you might have just made my day. I really cannot comprehend what joy comes out of playing the same mission over and over. I mean if it was actually difficult I could understand more, but there's not one thing entertaining about it.


Rooftop rumble is boring, I enjoy every mission and can be so fun like LS Connection, Stocks & Scares and a lot more since I like to help people with missions because I don't need the RP nor the cash.

Lets hope people will play something else besides RR after the 2x madness.

Stocks & Scares can be a bit more entertaining. I used to enjoy Base Invaders, it was a bit more of a challenge, especially when doing it on your own. I also enjoyed a Lester mission but I can't remember it's name, it's the one where you have to destroy all the police vehicles in different locations. I think the time limit made that one more entertaining.


I wouldn't count on people playing something else beside RR, ive been online 5 minutes and already got 3 invites.


Snip: I also enjoyed a Lester mission but I can't remember it's name, it's the one where you have to destroy all the police vehicles in different locations. I think the time limit made that one more entertaining.







Cop's Capacity, which is quicker and easier with a Buzzard solo (as quite a lot of the missions are).


Except for Stocks & Scares, unless you have it for the getaway (the train tracks are also good for this) :santa:

Edited by hercules1975

Landing Gear. <3


Too bad people take forever with landing the planes. :/


I'll play any high-ranking or high-paying mission though.


I'm afraid to say I would be one of those people. Flying and landing planes certainly isn't my strong point.

People complain about how boring RR is


So what? It's a 2 minute mission that nets you 18k.


If you are tired of getting invites to RR why not just host your own mission?


If you read the original post you would have noted that I said no one ever seems to join anything other than Rooftop Rumble. Thanks for your input though.


I like to vary missions too - RR, Coveted, Stocks and Scares, Satellite Communications, Base Invaders, Trash Talk, Mixed Up With Coke - the high paying ones. Feel free to add me and do missions (PM me)


I love The Los Santos Connection! The only problem is when i invite people they dont join. But if i go on RR ill get 4 people to join instantly. About 1-30 searches do i see a diffrent mission that isnt RR. Its very annoying it should be nerfed to pay 10k if that.


If anyone wants to play missions that isnt RR then add me: Xxxjsrocks22xxX

Edited by Jak2bossbf3

This is by far the worst collection of gta players on the net



nagging, complaining, nagging complaining



Wahhhhh why won't you join my missions


Wahhhh why are you driving a car that I don't like


Wahhhhh why are you using the auto shotgun



Shut up and just enjoy the game

  • Like 2

This is by far the worst collection of gta players on the net



nagging, complaining, nagging complaining



Wahhhhh why won't you join my missions


Wahhhh why are you driving a car that I don't like


Wahhhhh why are you using the auto shotgun



Shut up and just enjoy the game


I've never once complained about someone using the 'auto shotgun'. Nor have I complained about someone driving a car I don't like, everyone has a different taste in cars as they do in food. However, yes I have complained about the lack of people joining my missions as it hinders my ability to 'shut up and just enjoy the game' as you put it. Surely you understand that the game isn't as enjoyable if people want to play the same mission over and over and wont join anything else.

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