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Does R* view these "Super Fast XP" Capture missions as Exploit


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Lately I've been getting invites from randoms to capture missions with titles like "Super Fast XP" or "Level Up Fast RP" or stuff like that. I haven't accepted any of them...mostly because if R* views these as exploits, I don't want to have anything to do with them.


Anyone know?


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There's probably no glitch. Either the Capture will be very one-sided, boring or just a killing floor for the hosts and their friends to improve their K/D.

Edited by Staten
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I've accepted a few, all were BS.

Also, I think this is the reason we might never see a mission creator, it would be too easy to make high paying missions.

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Calculate the driving distance, amount of enemies, average speed it took the creator to finish the test and the amount of objectives/players. More objectives with less players = more cash.

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Lately I've been getting invites from randoms to capture missions with titles like "Super Fast XP" or "Level Up Fast RP" or stuff like that. I haven't accepted any of them...mostly because if R* views these as exploits, I don't want to have anything to do with them.


Anyone know?


Really? You haven't figured it out...and apparently many others...


The creator has NOTHING to do with the payouts


It's JUST the title, they put that in there so that people think that's what they're getting and play the job/mission...and it's one of two scenarios:

1. Some dumbsh*t who thinks his map is so great that everyone should play it and be amazed by it's awesomeness

2. A troll map

Edited by CrazyRay
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I just play regular rockstar created captures and still get a ton of RP

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There's some sort of method where maps have you spawn next to a pick up and a delivery point giving you a stream of delivery rp rewards, something like that anyway. I think there might be a YouTube video about it somewhere...

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There's probably no glitch. Either the Capture will be very one-sided, boring or just a killing floor for the hosts and their friends to improve their K/D.


Basically this. Same as that stupid deathmatch 100k RP or whatever it is called.

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