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The Glock & Other Pistols


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How the hell did a glock thread comeback....? Well, on topic no, a Glock pistol would not bring anything new to the game. It would be another boring DLC pistol like the SNS, vintage, and that other one from the business update. Enough of pistols and rifles already, give us either a new SMG or a new shotgun damn it.

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I'd rather see a revolver, though.

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Just bring me my .44 magnum and i will be satisfied as a baby on a titty.

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I think this game has almost enough handguns already,the only one I want and think they should give is a revolver.After that they should give us some other types of weapons(sawed-off double barrel shotgun,semi-auto sniper rifle,brass knuckles,flamethrower,crossbow...).

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Hell, why don't they just give us a full-sized Uzi? We've been getting micro uzis all the time.

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There are so many pistols already that to switch to either the uzi or the AP Pistol in a car already takes about ten hours of cycling through the bloody things. Plus they're all pretty useless, I don't recall ever using a pistol again after the first few missions

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Hell, why don't they just give us a full-sized Uzi? We've been getting micro uzis all the time.

At first I thought the Uzi from V was the full model M 2 uzi, but then realised it was the Micro one. Well, it does have a stock wich is stupid in my opinion. A Micro Uzi can be fired with or without a stock.

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Why can't we have deployable MGs? Imagine planting one before a mission and then using it during said mission.

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Payne Killer

Hell, why don't they just give us a full-sized Uzi? We've been getting micro uzis all the time.

The Uzi from vc was a beast I would love an Uzi in V
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They should have made proper firearm models in the first place instead of this sh*tty-hybrid-fiction guns

Would have been too nice to have a proper and good-looking 92FS, Px4 Storm, Glock 18 etc...

But naah, Rockstar decided to fictionalize firearms and firearm manufacturers just like they do with vehicles (in wich case it's pretty cool with me as they do a good Job at it and it's also an important concept of the GTA world...) but that ugly a** guns annoy me to hell and back :I

So yeah, even though we have enough pistols, I'd still like to have a proper Glock in-game

Edited by Drug Tino
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Payne Killer

@Drug Tino they should've used the look and sounds of guns from max payne 3

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The AP pistol is based off of the Glock 18

Nope, that's the OTs-33 Pernach.



How does it look like the AP? Just as the Glock, it doesn't resemble it.


Its looks like a more modern Colt Scamp:





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@maxpaynefan yeah, I agree with you on that part. Before the game came out, I was actually hoping they would do that.

@ the discussion regarding the AP pistol: Apart from the grip and trigger guard being based on the M1911, I belive the gun isn't based on any specific real gun. I'm sure it's a purely fictional design, supposed to be one of these "totally cool, easy to use and pretty effective" all-around fictional guns you can encounter in various video games . Because the AP pistol is in fact, I'm sure not many will disagree, a good all-around weapon (especially for being a pistol- which sadly, for most casual players in the GTA series, traditionally served as a starting weapon that becomes practically useless after the first couple of missions). However, I personally don't use the AP pistol- simply because to me it's an ugly piece of fictional c*ap. It's a thing of principles :p

Edited by Drug Tino
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Payne Killer

@maxpaynefan yeah, I agree with you on that part. Before the game came out, I was actually hoping they would do that.


@ the discussion regarding the AP pistol: Apart from the grip and trigger guard being based on the M1911, I belive the gun isn't based on any specific real gun. I'm sure it's a purely fictional design, supposed to be one of these "totally cool, easy to use and pretty effective" all-around fictional guns you can encounter in various video games . Because the AP pistol is in fact, I'm sure not many will disagree, a good all-around weapon (especially for being a pistol- which sadly, for most casual players in the GTA series, traditionally served as a starting weapon that becomes practically useless after the first couple of missions). However, I personally don't use the AP pistol- simply because to me it's an ugly piece of fictional c*ap. It's a thing of principles :p

The ap pistol is over powered. His is it stronger than the mg and combat mg.
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@maxpaynefan yeah, I agree with you on that part. Before the game came out, I was actually hoping they would do that.


@ the discussion regarding the AP pistol: Apart from the grip and trigger guard being based on the M1911, I belive the gun isn't based on any specific real gun. I'm sure it's a purely fictional design, supposed to be one of these "totally cool, easy to use and pretty effective" all-around fictional guns you can encounter in various video games . Because the AP pistol is in fact, I'm sure not many will disagree, a good all-around weapon (especially for being a pistol- which sadly, for most casual players in the GTA series, traditionally served as a starting weapon that becomes practically useless after the first couple of missions). However, I personally don't use the AP pistol- simply because to me it's an ugly piece of fictional c*ap. It's a thing of principles :p

Agreed. I can't think of any gun that it's supposed to be based off. Don't beileve GTA Wikia, they always jump to a stupid conclusion at times.




Personally, I would love an S&W model revolver in GTA V, or of course the colt M1911 that I love

Edited by Phoenix_Shit
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Officer Ronson

Well they can't really use real weapons due to copyright, nor are they're going to exactly copy them from eirlier games. I mean VC had accurate looking weapons then they had to change them to look like some 5 year old did the concepts.

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Payne Killer

Well they can't really use real weapons due to copyright, nor are they're going to exactly copy them from eirlier games. I mean VC had accurate looking weapons then they had to change them to look like some 5 year old did the concepts.

Aren't they allowed to use the actual look of weapons but not the actual name. Examples are the ak47 in GTA 4 it looks like the actual ak buts called assault rifle.
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Officer Ronson

Nope. The assault rifle was based after the AK, but it's not the AK due to some details being far different from the original weapon.

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Payne Killer

Yeah your right just googled ak47 and it looks a bit different from the one in gta 4.

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Revenge of the Donut

If they add any more pistols then I want a .44 S&W, it's silly that we have all these pistols yet none of them are revolvers.

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  • 6 months later...

There really should of been a Glock in the game. Most officers in Los Angeles use Glock 22's or 17's. The PT92 went out of use for the LAPD maybe sometime in 2002.

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Official General

M1911, Glock and a revolver. that's all


Pretty much this :^:


This game needs a Glock pistol badly. And a Sig Sauer pistol too, they showed both these pistols in the in-game adverts and artwork.There is already a M1911 in V but it looks like a f*cking toy with that stupid red thing.


Macs and Tec-9s are very much needed too.

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Only thing I want from Max Payne 3 is the two side-arm, and one primary weapon system. As an option of course. Having a huge arsenal, with every tier of weapon in each slot isn't that appealing to me. Hopefully someone mods it on the PC.

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