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Glitch I never knew about!

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Those who have expensive cars like I do WATCH OUT!!


There is a glitch involving the mini gun weapon, where a person who equips with mini gun can shoot your car engine till it lights on fire then they can run away.


When the fire quits, then you are notified your car is totaled and they aren't charged,.. yOU are!!

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I had this a few days ago in a mission. Drove the car a bit then it went on fire and blew up. Had to be an Entity didn't it(!)

It was my Roosevelt car :/ and it costs as much as that car you mentioned lol I learned something new today

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I had this a few days ago in a mission. Drove the car a bit then it went on fire and blew up. Had to be an Entity didn't it(!)

It was my Roosevelt car :/ and it costs as much as that car you mentioned lol I learned something new today



Just as well I'm rich. Still annoying though.

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I'm not saying this a new glitch but Jesus, I never thought someone could ignite your engine and basically destroy your car like the tank and NOT be charged ! Lol...


First time it had happened to me today :)



PS: now I do it to those who forget to hide there cars > : )

Edited by HotPepper
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I've had people trying to do this to everyone's car in rooftop rumble, I think he only ended up paying for my car, since the other two vehicles ended up blowing up later

Shouldn't be charged - cause the car doesn't blow up :/ it just shows engine is on fire and once fire quits burning, only the OwNER is charged, not the person who started fire ... It's what happened to me

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This is very old, people can ignite your engine using any weapon or gas can.

Did you read the thread title? There is always some kid like you..... you think you're awesome because you knew about it a long time ago. You're so cool..


The OP wrote the HE never knew about it. He didn't write anything like "A glitch I found" or "A new glitch in the game"

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Yeah it's been known for a while, it was used as a way for "griefers" to enjoy blowing up other's PV's without paying for it.. they also used jerrycans as well.

Jerry cans been patched I thought cause last time I did that I got charged lol....

This is something NEW to me I didn't know and now I can grief without being charged > ; )

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Those who have expensive cars like I do WATCH OUT!!


There is a glitch involving the mini gun weapon, where a person who equips with mini gun can shoot your car engine till it lights on fire then they can run away.


When the fire quits, then you are notified your car is totaled and they aren't charged,.. yOU are!!

shhh quiet op people will stop watching over their cars during rr now :(

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grand theft spaghetti

had one guy get run over on rr. it says out of team lives and he is supposed to be spectating. instead he is running around invisible trying to blow me up with sticky bombs. the cops killed him and friendly fire was still on. he couldnt kill anyone but he could destroy the documents.

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Soran Is On

Or you could dump it in the ocean with a cargobob, or park it beside a gas pump or propane tank and shoot the tank/pump.


There's quite a few was to avoid liability actually. Shooting a car till the engine catches fire is one of the harder ones make work. It's easier to avoid insurance if the owner still drives it after you damage it to near death.

Edited by stonedpimpso
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this is kinda old mate...


this is the method i use to destroy PV without paying insurance or getting bad sport warning


"autoshutgun to the engine" method FTW!!!

Or you could dump it in the ocean with a cargobob, or park it beside a gas pump or propane tank and shoot the tank/pump.

There's quite a few was to avoid liability actually. Shooting a car till the engine catches fire is one of the harder ones make work. It's easier to avoid insurance if the owner still drives it after you damage it to near death.


i tried the cagobob dump and the gas pump thing and i always get charged...


ill stick to the autoshutgun to the engine!

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