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If somebody has 1,000,000 and he gets mugged will the mugger take all his money or just a percentage?

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It's only cash, not money in the bank. They also take off with your ride and anyone can kill the mugger and get the money that they stole from you.

A word from the wise, bank dat cash yo.

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It's only cash, not money in the bank. They also take off with your ride and anyone can kill the mugger and get the money that they stole from you.

A word from the wise, bank dat cash yo.

i know that but is it all the cash you have or just some?

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Just up to $2k

Damn thank you :



it takes a max of 2k, if you kill the mugger you would get only 1k, which makes you a profit of ZERO!

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Just up to $2k

Damn thank you :


it takes a max of 2k, if you kill the mugger you would get only 1k, which makes you a profit of ZERO!


Yeah but the point n fun of it is to just straight fux with people haha

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It's much more fun to catch someone in their car or about to take off in a plane and have the mugger pull them out. Best is when they pull someone out of a tank and the mugger takes off with the tank. Sometimes I'll just watch on my apartment tv for people afk sitting in their car in the middle of nowhere. When they get back, they wonder wtf happened to their car.

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Yeah mugger is most useful against tanks, it's also very useful when your against a camper that sits in cover and won't move, just wait around the corner and wait until hes mugged, then rush out and kill him while he's on the floor.

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Red Lynx 23

Earlier this week, I saw the random npc in a mask that'll mug players. It was a guy who I had just called a mugger on, and about to get into a buzzard at the Merryweather dock. First the npc in the mask pulled him from the helicopter, but wasn't able to take off fast enough. Then immediately after that the mugger I sent jacked the (now destroyed) tank troll for a thousand and change and just tried to run away.

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