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What is the Best Aspect of GTA Online To You & Why?


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Mines is Deathmatches because it allows you own people in a open warfare environment and let everyone know who's the boss/bosses. Also the DM creator cause it allows me to select certain areas and certain guns and put forward my ideas of fun or make a wee challenge though variety or do some crazy stuff that R* wouldn't be able to even dream of releasing cause it's too close together or too crazy.

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Free mode, the ability to play races solo and still make cash, and of course, the co-op missions (yes, Rooftop Rumble.)

Not much of a PvP guy, so the other modes aren't my thing.

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The Byzantine Empire

Playing a GTA with your friends. Free roam joyride and trolling with your friends

Personal modified cars

Personal characters and clothes

Survival Mode is quite exciting


Making missions with friends(but missions are not as good as SP missions are.)

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Free roam with crew and friends.

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FreeAim, because it actually takes effort for the middle schooler to try and kill me, whereas in AutoAim the middle schooler can *effortlessly* kill me as I drive by him @ 150mph.



Seriously though, the best aspect of the game to me is I get to play GTA with my brother who lives on the otherside of the country from me.


Edit: *effortlessly inserted*

Edited by who-dat
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Racing, owning cars, and being able to modify them to varying degrees.

Customization in general I guess.

Edited by I3AZZAI2
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Free roam cause you can be creative with murder and kill someone soo many different ways

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Free mode wars because they get pretty chaotic

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Free roam. I wish R* would add more to it. I like making my own fun but having the lobby compete for things is also great to me. One armored truck every half hour, a crappy hpv once an hour, and a crate once a month doesn't cut it lol

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I know this is going to sound stupid but the psychology of it has been amazing for me. It's like a mini-world where you can see all the different aspects of human nature.


Some people say game play and I've even said story, but the human interaction, the friends you make are really what you are going to take with you and they'll far out last the game and the story.


Thanks to things like Social Club those Crews can stay tight as well and every time a new game comes out it'll be like old times. I wish we had it back when I started playing Midnight Club: Street Racing.

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its just fun to grief and spawnkill people!!!

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I love the GTAV / GTA0 virtual world design, and the car designs. The GTA0 virtual world is so beautiful, detailed and full of lighting and physical objects, an absolute masterpice.



its just fun to grief and spawnkill people!!!

Free roam cause you can be creative with murder and kill someone soo many different ways


You guys represent 99% of the GTA0 community. Unfortunately. :p



I know this is going to sound stupid but the psychology of it has been amazing for me. It's like a mini-world where you can see all the different aspects of human nature.


Some people say game play and I've even said story, but the human interaction, the friends you make are really what you are going to take with you and they'll far out last the game and the story.


Thanks to things like Social Club those Crews can stay tight as well and every time a new game comes out it'll be like old times. I wish we had it back when I started playing Midnight Club: Street Racing.

The only social interaction I have seen in GTA0 is represented by the quotes above. :bored:

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I love the GTAV / GTA0 virtual world design, and the car designs. The GTA0 virtual world is so beautiful, detailed and full of lighting and physical objects, an absolute masterpice.








its just fun to grief and spawnkill people!!!


Free roam cause you can be creative with murder and kill someone soo many different ways

You guys represent 99% of the GTA0 community. Unfortunately. :p



I know this is going to sound stupid but the psychology of it has been amazing for me. It's like a mini-world where you can see all the different aspects of human nature.


Some people say game play and I've even said story, but the human interaction, the friends you make are really what you are going to take with you and they'll far out last the game and the story.


Thanks to things like Social Club those Crews can stay tight as well and every time a new game comes out it'll be like old times. I wish we had it back when I started playing Midnight Club: Street Racing.


The only social interaction I have seen in GTA0 is represented by the quotes above. :bored:

Lmao, we would be happy to have you stop by a lobby some time.

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Mine is being able to turn it off. Haven't played it since March 22nd

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I'm struggling to think of anything these days. That might change when new DLC is released but I'm not going to get my hopes up if there is nothing for me to work towards to unlock/achieve that I am interested in.

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Yeah, suppose freemode is also pretty unique in it's self. The fact that you can smoke cigs and drink beers while weilding broken bottles and golf clubs after parking on top of some mouthy wiseass who ran out of RPGs at the wrong time. Most racing/shooter games don't let you do that type of shizzle.

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Trolling. There are so many creative ways to go about it and many of them still make me laugh my ass off. Still like driving around in free roam. Capture has turned oddly fun after being something I couldn't care less about at first.

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The cars. There's so much variability and amount of cars it's awesome seeing different customizations and newer cars coming out for DLC.

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Compared to IV, just owning guns and cars

Hated in IV that you had to keep finding your favourite car whenever yours was wrecked

Same with guns. When you died, no more Gunz fo u

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The missions,survival are great,lots of cars to customize & most importantly the tank which causesso much mayhem,best ever :lol:

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Compared to IV, just owning guns and cars

Hated in IV that you had to keep finding your favourite car whenever yours was wrecked

Same with guns. When you died, no more Gunz fo u

Agree 100%.


Also, the Creator is fun to mess around with.

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Collecting cars, cruising in free mode, and occasionally bounty hunting with my buzzard.

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*Post deleted.

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