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Your thoughts on these color combinations?


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What are your thoughts on purple and green and/or purple and yellow on vehicles?


Whenever I see purple and green on a vehicle, I usually think the owner is a fan of Grave Digger or The Joker.


I haven't seen much purple and yellow, but I can imagine Lakers fans putting these colors on their cars.


What are your thoughts on these color combinations?

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Unless you want to look like a complete moron (which in your case, you do), don't put those colors on your vehicle, looks real horrible.

Edited by MitchMaljers
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GTA Forums User99521

Dude.... What the hell is wrong with you?Do you not have eyes?

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Lime green and purple is a VERY popluar color combination. As far as purple and yellow/gold? Yeah, the Lakers.... my high school's colors were actually purple and gold (some times gold would have yellow in its place) and they look really awesome together.


Purple and gold is actually a sign of royalty when it comes to colors and what they represent. It only takes a little big of brain power and education to learn about what certain colors stand for and the meaning behind them.


I also have my turismo as lime green (main color) and orange as the secondary color to look like Michelangelo (TMNT).... I could image someone doing that to make the car look like Donny

Edited by fish61324
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I'm pretty sure Giantsgiants makes his cars unbelievably disgusting just to see the reactions of the community.

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I'm pretty sure Giantsgiants makes his cars unbelievably disgusting just to see the reactions of the community.


And at which point I ask - why bother? It doesn't accomplish anything and isn't anything worth a memory. Just doesn't make any sense. But, it's at least refreshing knowing there are some players out there who make tasteful design and color choices.

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GTA Forums User99521

I'm pretty sure Giantsgiants makes his cars unbelievably disgusting just to see the reactions of the community.

I'm not so sure.I think he honestly thinks they're good.
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Didn't even look at the pics, just saw who OP is and went to immediately type:


Horrendous, ridiculous, and nauseating


Edit: OP, no pics? I assumed you would post pics and that my opinion would be valid without even looking. Disappointing. And I'm sure they would have been as disgusting as everyone thinks they would be.

Edited by rickreim
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I only ever use Matte Black, so my car doesn't stand out. Plus it looks nice on a Gauntlet, IMO.

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What are your thoughts on purple and green and/or purple and yellow on vehicles?


Whenever I see purple and green on a vehicle, I usually think the owner is a fan of Grave Digger or The Joker.


I haven't seen much purple and yellow, but I can imagine Lakers fans putting these colors on their cars.


What are your thoughts on these color combinations?

They're worse than chrome.

Your cars suck btw.

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LSU fans like purple and gold/yellow.


Me? I'm a UF guy, Geaux Gators!



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Purple and green looks okay on a Penumbra, just because of how over the top its mods are so its MEANT to look ridiculous, but that's it really. Maybe the Futo too.

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My Turismo R is Sea Green with Bright Purple pearl. Its pretty sweet



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