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The Evolution of an average GTA O Player

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GTA Master 007

I think it goes like this:


Level 3-25: noob with shotgun and beach bum clothes driving a crap car (usually issi) going around killing everyone.. Or at least trying to. The type of player who would steal your pv. Runs away from trouble they caused. Have a sense of entitlement.


25-50: a little more experienced noob. Figured out what RR is (these are the grinding levels) usually drives a super car (especially adder). Has the weapons to now blow up your pv and would do so because there car is better. Still runs away if they can't handle the heat. Usually wears business clothes.


50-120: still doesn't know how to fully master this glitch infested game. Still finds online exciting but the hype for owning a super car lowers, usually prefers cars for their looks now and not for saying "Hey look I'm more superior than you" although might not always be true. Preferred cars that are "rare" like the tailgator or sultan. Still might run away when things get hot but now returns with a tank. Masks are very popular within these levels.


120+: the elites.(hacked ranks don't count). The chuck norris of online. They drive anything from Muscle cars to super cars and a lot of role-playing in-between. Anything goes. They Knows how to handle themselves in a gun fight and if they don't, they know how to avoid toxic players.


That's my perspective of gta o, how do you see gta o?

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6months later and around 30days in online alone told me...




you'd make more sense making a timeline detailing how play style evolves acording to which patch/month we are on.



October - Cloud Issues - RR, DTD, CR on repeat.


November - Everything in Garages era, first LSC glitch.


December - Billionaire Era, nobody played missions.


January - DNS Paradise, Coveted grinding.


and so on...

Edited by maybeanotherone

Ya thats all wrong.


Am rank 145 still don't own a tank because whats the point? The first Super I bought was a Cheetah at that was at rank 60 something. From the get go I have only bought cars based on their looks. Last I don't (and have never) bother other players in freemode because thats what deathmatches are for.


if anything lower levels are the more agressive ones, as they know no better.


i mean, i don't like preying on low levels, but unlike what OP says they seem to keep coming back.


now with higher levels you either get an asshole or someone just minding his business.


not to mention all the dns users whoose level does not reflect actual game experience.

Edited by maybeanotherone

if anything lower levels are the more agressive ones, as they know no better.


i mean, i don't like preying on low levels, but unlike what OP says they seem to keep coming back.


now with higher levels you either get an asshole or someone just minding his business.


not to mention all the dns users whoose level does not reflect actual game experience.

so true. im tank cruisin in a FM and the first person to attack me was some dumb low level who just unlocked sticky bombs (they obviously got blasted about 20 times)


OP when did you start playing GTA O? Because I think lukeskateboards said it correctly. Anybody who started day one have had it different. Imagine entire lobbies full of noobs. Yeah, scary. There were no experienced players yet. If you've been around from day one I doubt your main priority is to hang out in the open lobbies.


And winning001 had it correct, everybody gets killed.

Haha xD


I can tell you how it went for me.


Lv. 1-30


Avoiding all other players whilst wondering what the hell I'm doing.


Lv. 30-59


Constantly doing nothing but races and missions, wondering why one bullet takes away 3/4 of health bar even though I had body armor on.


Lv. 60-75

I don't even know.......


Lv. 76


I just found out I can host rooftop rumble.


Lv. 76-120


Hosting/ joining nothing but rooftop rumble , kinda grieving that races aren't as good as they used to be ( thanks a lot pitters! >:( )




Playing with friends/crew and going after that one guy killing everyone with their tank.





Second character




Showing noobs how to use a gun in The Los Santos Connection even though we all die and the mission fails anway.


/rooftop rumble , crew/friends

Edited by Xavierr

Nah this means f*** all. It seems like OP you've done this to make you feel superior for being a high rank. Rank means nothing. A rank 50 who plays only deathmatches and earns sh*t RP, but knows about how to get quick headshots and play with crap guns will kick the ass of a 120 rank who played RR to get where he is, and is used to killing people who aren't ready on free roam, killing AI's on RR or in general, just killing people with superior weapons.


How you get your rank is more important. What determines a good player is knowing when to take cover. Knowing how to get a fast headshot even from distance. Knowing how to use the weapons they have (e.g. how a pistol can sometimes be better than a shotgun as it will allow for quick headshots from better range.) and being able to think tactically on maps to outwit opponents and kill them. A lot of this will be of normal skill sets to anyone who played deathmatches on GTA 4 which took a lot of skill to win. On this edition using stealth too in an effective way is something that makes a player stand out.


These aren't all common knowledge for high ranks, I've been on teams where lower ranks stitch up the higher ranks as theyve earned their way up through team deathmatches I assume. Being 120 doesnt mean you automatically know them, and being rank 40/50 doesn't mean you know nothing.





120+: the elites.(hacked ranks don't count). The chuck norris of online. They drive anything from Muscle cars to super cars and a lot of role-playing in-between. Anything goes. They Knows how to handle themselves in a gun fight and if they don't, they know how to avoid toxic players.


So true, I very much fit this category I firmly believe, Level 185 totally legit, Still have my Sabre Turbo, Have a Tornado a Double T a Sentinel Convertable and Jester amongst other things, Can certainly handle myself I don't need a tank.

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