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What other vehicles should I fill up the 3 spaces with?


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So lots of cash and rp grinding is going on now thanks to the double rp/cash and we are all waiting for all the new stuff being released, especially the option to own a second garage, now I don't know what the new apartment options are going to provide but what Im sure of is I will at the end of it have 20-car garage space at my disposal. Now, I'm almost certain of the 1st 16 vehicles (but I am open to suggestion as long as you provide a replacement opinion for the same class of that vehicle) that will occupy my garage and the list is below:


1st Garage

Adder (because everyone got to have one lol)

Entity (mission super)

Turismo (race super)

Elegy (race sport)

Jester (mission sport)

Tornado (Cruiser Low-rider - sports classic)

Dominator (Muscle - gotta have it for the sound it makes)

Voltic (again I like the sound)

Infernus (some people find it ugly, I find it to be work of art and it is the only car in the game with the rocket exhaust and opening upward doors)

Cheetah (Awesome super and owned one in all games since GTA3)


2nd Garage

Zentorno (DLC super most likely will own this)

DLC sport (most likely will own this.....maybe lol)

Thrust/Bati (DLC bike or bati, I really don't like bikes but I got to own one I guess)

Monroe (Best sports classic in my opinion)

Feltzer (coz it looks boss and as you can see I'm addicted to sports and supers :S )

Carbonizzer (best hardtop convertible sports car)

A 4-door/seater sports car (best performance in speed and handling important)

One off-roader (best one)

A van maybe (only if there are decent vans in game

A 2nd muscle (only if there is another decent muscle in the game)


For the other 4, you can provide any suggestion that fits the category or even suggest a vehicle that you think I have to own in my garage and I've completely missed out (please don't suggest the dune buggy, bikes or quad bike as I don't want to own them, also no rat-loader thanks). I'm open to suggestions but please provide a list of 4 to 5 vehicles I should own and which vehicle in the list above it should occupy or replace??? thanks.

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I stopped reading at "Adder". You should feel ashamed of yourself.

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Edited by 2281
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I stopped reading at "Adder". You should feel ashamed of yourself.

oh wow funny, sarcastic unneeded one liner with zero constructive input you must be fun to be friends with................**heavy sarcasm intended** , and btw everyone who has played GTAO since october release has probably owned one, and only later realised the entity is better and now turismo is probably the best I might think of selling it in future but not till I find a better replacement.

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JC Hammer

OP 2 garages is a nice start but you should really be working on # 3 and 4 by now!


Lots of Super and Sports, even if you buy all of them in each class you'll have to buy something else sooner or latter.




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I don't own an Adder and I never have. What do you have to say about that?

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I don't own an Adder and I never have. What do you have to say about that?

i really don't care if you don't have an input you can just f-off or troll on the page I really sincerely don't give a f*ck...........

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I'd definitely find the dundreary Regina with all the goodies in the basket.

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I stopped reading at "Adder". You should feel ashamed of yourself.

Adder is a good car. People who hate it simply because of its price and status are as bad as those who love it for only those same reasons. Is it the most amazing thing ever? Probably not. However, that does not make it 'the worst thing ever' either.



-For off-Roader, I'd either get a Bodhi or a Bifta.

-For SUV, I'd definitely get a Dubsta.

-For a 4-door, little else beats the Sultan, although Buffalo2, Schafter, and Tailgater are good too. Exemplar is best performing, but looks ugly IMO.

-For muscle, the Ruiner is best performing one, and the Sabre is most fun to drive IMO, with amazing engine sound. Gauntlet just feels super boring as a muscle car.

-For vans, Paradise seems the best all-around one, but the Youga looks/feels the coolest when fully customized.

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stopped reading at:


Adder (because everyone got to have one lol)

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I stopped reading at "Adder". You should feel ashamed of yourself.

wow such opinion much contribution
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I stopped reading at "Adder". You should feel ashamed of yourself.

Adder is a good car. People who hate it simply because of its price and status are as bad as those who love it for only those same reasons. Is it the most amazing thing ever? Probably not. However, that does not make it 'the worst thing ever' either.



-For off-Roader, I'd either get a Bodhi or a Bifta.

-For SUV, I'd definitely get a Dubsta.

-For a 4-door, little else beats the Sultan, although Buffalo2, Schafter, and Tailgater are good too. Exemplar is best performing, but looks ugly IMO.

-For muscle, the Ruiner is best performing one, and the Sabre is most fun to drive IMO, with amazing engine sound. Gauntlet just feels super boring as a muscle car.

-For vans, Paradise seems the best all-around one, but the Youga looks/feels the coolest when fully customized.


we dont not like it because of price, we dont like it because it looks awful and has no personality.

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I stopped reading at "Adder". You should feel ashamed of yourself.

Adder is a good car. People who hate it simply because of its price and status are as bad as those who love it for only those same reasons. Is it the most amazing thing ever? Probably not. However, that does not make it 'the worst thing ever' either.



-For off-Roader, I'd either get a Bodhi or a Bifta.

-For SUV, I'd definitely get a Dubsta.

-For a 4-door, little else beats the Sultan, although Buffalo2, Schafter, and Tailgater are good too. Exemplar is best performing, but looks ugly IMO.

-For muscle, the Ruiner is best performing one, and the Sabre is most fun to drive IMO, with amazing engine sound. Gauntlet just feels super boring as a muscle car.

-For vans, Paradise seems the best all-around one, but the Youga looks/feels the coolest when fully customized.


we dont not like it because of price, we dont like it because it looks awful and has no personality. i like how u say "we", do u feel like ur part of something big now? Lool cybernerds feel stronger together apparently, nobody cares about ur opinion on the adder, it wasn't even asked... Fanboys....
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Hey, I like the adder for a couple of reasons...

Everyone else hates it.

Apparently, according to ace hood if you party hard enough...you wake up in one of these.

It's worth 735,000.

It's a pretty sick sounding car if you crank the headphones.

It's fun to drift and do doughnuts with.

I got mine free.

I've owned over 25 of them.

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I stopped reading at "Adder". You should feel ashamed of yourself.


Adder is a good car. People who hate it simply because of its price and status are as bad as those who love it for only those same reasons. Is it the most amazing thing ever? Probably not. However, that does not make it 'the worst thing ever' either.


we dont not like it because of price, we dont like it because it looks awful and has no personality.


Both points are extremely subjective. I don't think it looks awful, personally. Not nearly as bad as the [iMO ugly] Veyron IRL. To my eyes, Entity, Cheetah and Infernus have way uglier design elements. That said, its design is rather 'safe', with distinct lack of zing. So, I'll give you that.

As far as lack of personality goes, that was probably the number one reason why I sold mine (losing ~700k of ~1.4M total spent on it) a while ago. However, its 'feel' and performance is right in line with its IRL counterpart. It is a super expensive/powerful, albeit heavy (which is why it struggles in corners), car, which gets edged out on Nurburgring by cars like Nissan GTR which cost 1/10th of its price, and there are very few places in the world where it can reach its top speed.

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Its not really trolling. You should feel ashamed of yourself for buying an Adder just because everyone else had one. You're desperate to fit in so bad that you buy a hideous and completely outclassed car (except on a 100% straight road which even then makes little difference) and then you call me a troll for simply stating facts. That's funny and a tad bit ironic.

you should feel ashamed of yourself for not having any credible achievement in the game as you pretty much have glitched and hacked through your ranks and cash, oh and by the way I don't need to fit in anywhere, I have the adder because I actually bought it when I used to like it its only after the turismo came out there is a real challenge to that vehicle before turismo entity was definitely the 2nd best super in game, so you should probably stop being a f*cking hipster and start taking your own advice and drive what you like and stop enforcing your own opinions on others.

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There are few decent 4 doors out there.There are only two 4 door "sports" which is the Sultan and Buffalo.The Sultan is cheap and offroads pretty well but you most likely win any races in it.The Buffalo is so far cheap and quite slow,i have both the Buffaloes and i never won a race in them.There are a few other 4 doors that doesn't go into "sports" category,which is the Jackal or the Exemplar.The Jackal is quicker than the Buffalo IMO but the insurance costs are tad expensive to apply for the first time.The Exemplar is a 4 door Rapid Gt so it's a quick car and will win races,if you can pay the 200k.

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There are few decent 4 doors out there.There are only two 4 door "sports" which is the Sultan and Buffalo.The Sultan is cheap and offroads pretty well but you most likely win any races in it.The Buffalo is so far cheap and quite slow,i have both the Buffaloes and i never won a race in them.There are a few other 4 doors that doesn't go into "sports" category,which is the Jackal or the Exemplar.The Jackal is quicker than the Buffalo IMO but the insurance costs are tad expensive to apply for the first time.The Exemplar is a 4 door Rapid Gt so it's a quick car and will win races,if you can pay the 200k.

I find the Buffalo kind of bland unless its the franklin's buffalo (which I'd love to own), I'm sure from a previous thread I made Exemplar didn't come out at the top, but which is better between the rapid gt, sultan or jackal?

Edited by havingfunz
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I stopped reading at "Adder". You should feel ashamed of yourself.

Adder is a good car. People who hate it simply because of its price and status are as bad as those who love it for only those same reasons. Is it the most amazing thing ever? Probably not. However, that does not make it 'the worst thing ever' either.



-For off-Roader, I'd either get a Bodhi or a Bifta.

-For SUV, I'd definitely get a Dubsta.

-For a 4-door, little else beats the Sultan, although Buffalo2, Schafter, and Tailgater are good too. Exemplar is best performing, but looks ugly IMO.

-For muscle, the Ruiner is best performing one, and the Sabre is most fun to drive IMO, with amazing engine sound. Gauntlet just feels super boring as a muscle car.

-For vans, Paradise seems the best all-around one, but the Youga looks/feels the coolest when fully customized.


we dont not like it because of price, we dont like it because it looks awful and has no personality.
i like how u say "we", do u feel like ur part of something big now? Lool cybernerds feel stronger together apparently, nobody cares about ur opinion on the adder, it wasn't even asked... Fanboys....


yes, ok, i decided to not like it to feel part of something.


i said 'we' because gorskiegangsta mentioned 'people who don't like adders' and made false claims about them, and 'we' is much quicker than 'people who don't like adders including myself'


this thread was asking for opinions on cars within this game, if we had said get rid of one of the many other cars he has we wouldnt have been accused of hating it just because of price or to feel a part of something.


what exactly are we fanboys of? that makes no sense, and how exactly are we cybernerds? wth is a cybernerd? does being on this forum make me a cybernerd? or is it just because i disagree with you?


people like you say 'stop telling us what to like and not like' whilst at the same time telling us to stop not liking the adder. hypocrisy.


seriously, Fail_At_GTA's comment was very tongue in cheek, whereas you just became personal, discourteous and insulting, to strangers on the internet, i think you need to sort your priorities out.

Edited by adamsowilliams
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I don't wanna recommend any cars as I know they'll just be abused and destroyed with Chrome and hot pink rims like the rest of your cars

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JC Hammer

I don't wanna recommend any cars as I know they'll just be abused and destroyed with Chrome and hot pink rims like the rest of your cars


Good point, OP show us your garage so we can point you in the right direction

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