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Would You Have Rather Preferred Lazlow Offscreen?

Judicious 7

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Judicious 7

As the title asks, would you have rather preferred hearing Lazlow's voice or did you like seeing him in physical format?


I personally would've rather preferred listening to Lazlow. His audio personality was so much more interesting and funnier in the previous GTAs. This game makes him look VERY sad and desperate. Lazlow is a good character. But to see the way he is portrayed in this game is... cringe-worthy IMO.

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Cutter De Blanc

I would have preferred he not been in the game at all.

Edited by Cutter De Blanc
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Detective Phelps

I liked seeing him in person, since we get to tattoo him. :p



Edited by Los Santos Police Department
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Agreed OP.


My first humorous GTA experience was Chatterbox FM. I parked up my car on one of the wooden piers in the first section of the map and just listened to the whole thing. I had listened to everything Lazlow from then on but seeing him in V sorta killed it a bit for me. Just didn't feel right.

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Probably preferred to not see him. I liked him in previous games a lot more.

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Detective Phelps

This needs a poll.

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Honestly I always pictured Lazlow to look like some washed up 80s pornstar with a mullet and a bad moustache. He looks like the biggest douchcebag in GTA V.

Edited by SonOfLiberty
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I couldn't care about seeing him. I always imagined him to be some coward looking guy, with an unreasonable existence. He's just of no use in GTA V. The fact that Michael scares him adds to fun though. There was no need to have him on a mission.

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The Odyssey

Lazlow was always a douchey, washed up sex addict. Why are people surprised by his appearance in V? It's exactly how I pictured him, (funny how that's how he actually looks IRL) and he's still funny as ever. Rockstar needed to bring Lazlow to life IMO.

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Rather off screen. In fact, unless they change him to back to the voice of reason surrounded bu idiots (as opposed to being the idiot amoung idiots) I couldn't care less about him making any more HD era appearances.


Lazlow was without a doubt at his best on Chatterbox in III. I know the entire station line-for-line (even the ads) and still do get a laugh out of it when I boot up my copy of III. From then on he went downhill.

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Cutter De Blanc

I really liked him in Vice City and Vice City Stories. He was an awesome DJ (and intern :lol:) for V-Rock.

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Yeah, I liked the way I imagined him in my mind lol. It's like giving a character from a novel a physical appearance. It shatters your fabricated image.

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Yeah, I liked the way I imagined him in my mind lol. It's like giving a character from a novel a physical appearance. It shatters your fabricated image.

This. I had a better picture of him that the one they gave him ingame. Such a little pussy...

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I would have preferred he not been in the game at all.


I know I'm going to sound like a hater but I agree. I was a huge lazlow fan during the 3d era but I don't enjoy his work at all in the hd era. Their are no words for his performance in IV who wants to listen to that garbage I mean come on ! it really was the bad !



I Know his part on san andreas radio was small but it was hilarious his interview with og loc was incredible I was laughing from start to finish great stuff ! Id much rather him have a role like that next game come in be hilarious with a small part and give us our nostalgia hit. It would make his performance more memorable


His best work was on chatterbox of course but I did enjoy him on V rock in vice city as well.


I understand what their going for with this new lazlow he wasn't terrible or anything I just didn't enjoiy it or care really

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I liked it when Lazlow was a DJ on Vrock in GTA VC and VCS.I liked the music on that station,and he did a really good job as a DJ(intern in VCS)on in.It would be cool if he would be a rock radio station DJ again in some future GTA game.

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I would've preferred not seeing/hearing Lazlow at all. All he turned into was a washed-out DJ compared to his appearance in III.

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Yeah they ruined Lazlow in GTA V. For f*ck's sake I miss his remarks with Jorge in GTA IV/EFLC.

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What happened to Laslow? In III he was one of the most sane people in the f*ckin city and now in V he's no more than a perverted douchebag.

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Detective Phelps

What happened to Laslow? In III he was one of the most sane people in the f*ckin city and now in V he's no more than a perverted douchebag.

A lot can happen in 12 years...

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Officer Ronson

It's been the same Lazlow, nothing to see here..

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It's been the same Lazlow, nothing to see here..


I wouldn't say it's the same Lazlow. Are they the same person? Yes, unless Lazlow was replaced by a body double, but the chances of that happening are rare. But back to the point, look at Lazlow in GTA 3. You can tell the contrast between him and his callers, where his callers were the insane ones and Lazlow was the only sane man, which I think he mentions on his show in the game. Then, cut to IV. Lazlow is a washed up radio personality, who is constantly in denial with himself and his surroundings, turning himself into the insane one and everyone else around him the "sane ones".


Is it an accurate representation of radio hosts over the course of 12 years? Probably. I don't listen to much radio shows, so I wouldn't be able to give you a credible answer on that. Is it funny? Not in my opinion. But then again, it's just my opinion. Given GTA's wacky, quirky world, it'd make more sense to have a sane radio DJ interacting with insane people as opposed to it the other way around, wouldn't it?

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Maybe both Lazlow in the 3D and HD era are different


If that's the case, then they both have memories of events in the 3D era, like how Lazlow in IV mentioned chatterbox.

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Maybe both Lazlow in the 3D and HD era are different


If that's the case, then they both have memories of events in the 3D era, like how Lazlow in IV mentioned chatterbox.


Maybe it's a different Chatterbox, a HD era Chatterbox

Edited by AhmadJ
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I've liked Lazlow since GTA III. I wish he had more airtime on the radio. So yeah, it was pretty cool to see him in the "flesh." :D

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I'm glad we finally get to see him, but yeah, I'd rather enjoy his amazing commentary on the radio instead.

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I would have definitely preferred if Lazlow remained only as a radio character. I didnt like that they gave him a physical appearance in the game....Also, Lazlow has always been a desperate, pathetic guy

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i like lazlow but i would have not cared if he retuned in 5 all of 5 radio talk shows or at least the ons you only get in the city

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