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Turismo vs entity

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Entity is just the best car overall. The Turismo is almost just as good except it's too low and gets stuck on curbs which is annoying. I own both on separate characters, they are the 2 cars I end up using the most. Also it's worth mentioning that the Turismo's engine sounds amazing.

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Crunch McThornbody

Did they copy the back end of a Turismo from a squashed marshmallow? It looks quite ugly IMHO.


And if you happen to shoot out the back of your Turismo you risk missing the target because the bullets hit the Turismo, completely dumb, the Coil Voltic is just the same in that respect.


Entity all the way, I drive it because of it's speed, handling, weight and strength.

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GTA Forums User99521

I would say the entity for racing as it's slightly faster and has better grip.I love koenigseggs but the entity is too boxy.The turismo looks better,sounds better,is more fun and is nearly as fast as the entity.Plus you'll have saved 300k which you can use to mod it.But if your looking for the best performing car around a track the entity is definitely the best.

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Entity is possibly (based off of player experience) the most versatile car in the game; there isn't anything it doesnt really excel in excluding capacity and clearance. Not to say the Turismo isn't good, but that it isn't as good overall as the Entity.

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The tursimo offers a great car for the money,


if you are into racing the Entity is a better car when racing against other good racers using the Entity or Adder......

The Tursimo is good on shorter tracks where top speed does not come into play that much


My only fault to the Tursimo is when you are racing and someone rear ends you from behind and hits you totally from behind the Tursimo tends to lift in the front causing the car to go airborne

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Turismo makes you smile every time you drive it, Entity only makes you smile when you win a race. That's the difference. It's why 90% of everyone drives a Turismo in freeroam, because it's a fun machine and makes you happy.


Do you want to be happy or fast. I wanted both so I'm driving the Cheetah but it doesn't excite me quite like the Turismo.

Edited by elfoam
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Entity, because I play a lot of missions (RR for grinding and many others for fun), and never really race anymore (not since I unlocked all the racing mods), so I prefer the entity with the bullet proof back and almost identical performance to turismo, although I do feel turismo might edge out over entity in speed and handling, in a race. Entity is basically in the top rank of super cars (definitely top 2) and it has a bullet proof back and a very narrow section to allow for auto-aimed bullets to fly through (even from the sides) which probably makes it the all-around super in the game.

Edited by havingfunz
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My Turismo always gets stuck on a pebble.


I recommend learning to drive. It helps.


@OP: My Turismo has not once lost to an Entity in a super race. Nor have I seen an Entity beat a Turismo in any super race I've been in. Make of that what you will.

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The Entity is a better car overall, but the Turismo does only cost $500,000. I myself couldn't compete against crew members in a modded Turismo because they push my lines too hard and it just lacks that little bit of grip, but it's still a fine car.


That's the thing I love about the Turismo. Granted that grip tends to go out the window on inclines though mind you, so I can see where you are coming from.

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