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police impound garage with green lights save cars?


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Ok the 2 spots where you pay to get them out = red ones. What about the green ones that open when you go by them automatic. The ones with green lights Do those save cars? Also strip club 4 blocks only the 2 in the middle save cars right? Hence the white middle one and left yellow when looking at the blocks. Does this work b4 trevor gets the club?

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Couldn't speak on the impound thing.


Not sure what you're talking about when referring to the "white and yellow" ones. I can tell you that all spots behind Trevor's strip club save cars, but you can only save 2 at a time. Also I don't know if they work before he acquires the club.

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theres 2 yellow blocks and 2 white blocks. I think its the 2 middle spots that save left yellow middle white. Hmm seems I seen somewhere of somebody usin the poilice impound garage for a 2 car garage. Not sure if it meant the impound garage or the ones that are green the right ones as in to the right you can walk in them anytime is all I have noticed. That would be kool if the right side police impound garage do save cars.

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