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Need help Grinding


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I am on xbox 360 And i need some help grinding Roof top Rumble. I am a 68 and not a high enough level to unlock it for my self. So i need someone that is able to play it with me and we can make a lot of money together. I would ask someone on my frieinds list but no one is online right now.


1 must have a mic

2 dont be a dick lets work together to make quick money.

3 No kids



Message me you Gamertag are leave it on the comments below. Thanks

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No worries, I'll help you get to 69. ;)

thanks whats your gamer tag.

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No worries, I'll help you get to 69. ;)

thanks whats your gamer tag.



I'm on PS3 but I can use my Microsony3609000 to reach you on Xbox.

It might have broken down though! Pretty faulty hardware.

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Click link above for dedicated RR thread. There's pretty much always somebody hosting there.

Those post were old thats why i made a new thread to get some help.

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I'm always willing to help out, my GamerTag is :JaiCameronLive


I'm always willing to help out, my GamerTag is :JaiCameronLive

Thanks man will add u in a second booting up gta

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Fidel Cashflow

I also need help grinding RR. But I'm looking for someone who's able to call the merrryweather helicopter. It'd make it a lot faster for me lol.

Gamertag is iiSwearShes18

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Click link above for dedicated RR thread. There's pretty much always somebody hosting there.


What he said.

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