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I was in a lobby yesterday where some douchebag was inside a wall, mainly killing cops though.

I was doing that the other day lol. Who knows maybe it was me. I did it to get the award for losing 5 star wanted levels.

Edited by -Gnarly-

There was guy on the same server with me the other night who was shooting waves of fire out of his special carbine, he was only killing police so it wasn't a big deal or anything but that kind of stuff is somewhat gamebreaking



I saw that a few days ago but the modders were killing me as well as the police, I tried to take some photos while in passive mode, but they kept killing me with the fire before I could get any decent shots. This shot shows the fire from a 'safe' distance, it seemed as if they could control it, wherever I went the fire came out of the ground and killed me.




After they killed me a few times, another modder pulled up in this modified police car and they all drove off. It was a indestructible buffalo with police markings, a custom number plate & wheels and kept changing colour.


I've encountered hackers/modders a few times, but don't always remember to take out my camera. This is from a while back:




I wish I could have that monkey suit!


And then I encountered one again this weekend (with my second character), this one spawning asteroids and a ferris wheel..








For some reason I always encounter them in the area around Tinsel Towers and the central LS Customs. And they're almost always friendly. I guess when you have the power to change the world around you, killing other players isn't all that interesting anymore.

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