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How accurate is GTA5Stats?


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So I had a look at my stats and it hasn't been updated since I was rank 115 (I am 123 now) and it says the car I own with the fastest top speed is the Elegy. I've had an Adder and Turismo since I was about rank 100 so is this actually accurate? Does the Elegy actually have a faster top speed than the Adder or Turismo or is it a glitch? This is all 3 fully modified.

Edited by leonsilavant
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Not sure about the Elegy, but the Bati 801/Bati 801RR zoom past any supercar on its rear wheel.

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You've went fastest in the Elegy due to a variety of variables.

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Yeah I can see that making sense. I had one but rarely used it but might get acquinted with the old friend when we get a second garage :)

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Shake 'N Bake

It's fairly accurate. They take the stats from the Rockstar website so its coming from them as well. The car issue is you were probably hit from behind while in a police chase, the police cars speed up super fast and try to ram you off the road and if you were already going max speed they push you over the limit.


This is a perfect question for the Q and A section, This didn't need its own thread.



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They pull the stats straight off of Social Club and the top speed stat is notoriously glitched.


You'll see people with Mach 3 speeds in a Tank or a Limo.


Top speed can be affected by slipstream, cops ramming you, the gate glitch and other "launching" glitches and probably other stuff too.

Edited by senormidget
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It's fairly accurate. They take the stats from the Rockstar website so its coming from them as well. The car issue is you were probably hit from behind while in a police chase, the police cars speed up super fast and try to ram you off the road and if you were already going max speed they push you over the limit.


This is a perfect question for the Q and A section, This didn't need its own thread.





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